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  • Текст песни The Beatels - Let It Be

    Исполнитель: The Beatels
    Название песни: Let It Be
    Дата добавления: 19.06.2017 | 06:15:08
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    Здесь расположен текст песни The Beatels - Let It Be, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?


    Когда всё трещит по швам, являться
    Мать Мария стала мне,
    С мудрыми словами: "Не жалей."
    И в час, когда отчаюсь,
    Стоя рядом, тихо шепчет мне,
    Мудро повторяя: "Не жалей."

    Не жалей, не жалей, не жалей, не жалей,
    Мудро повторяя: "Не жалей."

    Кому с разбитым сердцем если
    С миром ладить всё трудней,
    Есть простой ответ здесь: "Не жалей."
    Кто всё ж решил забыть о прошлом,
    Новый путь найти сумей,
    Есть простой ответ здесь: "Не жалей."

    Не жалей, не жалей, не жалей, не жалей.
    Мудрые слова есть: "Не жалей."
    Не жалей, не жалей, не жалей, не жалей.
    Мудрые слова есть: "Не жалей."


    И в чёрных тучах ночью даже
    Будет свет сиять во мне,
    Завтра жизнь покажет - не жалей.
    Со звуком музыки проснусь я,
    Мать Мария cнова мне
    Мудро повторяет: "Не жалей."

    Не жалей, не жалей, не жалей, не жалей,
    Мудрые слова есть: "Не жалей."

    The Beatles LET IT BE (Lennon/McCartney)
    LET IT BE выпуск 8.05.1970г.

    When I find myself in times of trouble
    Mother Mary comes to me
    Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
    And in my hour of darkness
    She is standing right in front of me
    Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

    Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
    Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

    And when the broken-hearted people
    Living in the world agree
    There will be an answer, let it be.
    For though they may be
    There is still a chance that they will see.
    There will be an answer,
    let it be.

    Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
    Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
    Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
    Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.


    And when the night is cloudy
    There is still a light that shines on me.
    Shine until tomorrow,
    let it be.
    I wake up to the sound of music,
    Mother Mary comes to me
    Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

    Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
    Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

    Записана 31 января, 30 апреля 1969г., 4 января 1970г.
    Последний сингл "Битлз" и наиболее сильная композиция, записанная во время
    сессий альбома, "Let It Be" - прекрасный образец духовного творчества Пола
    Маккартни. "Mother Mary" это, очевидно, покойная мать Пола Мэри Маккартни, а
    примирительные интонации песни как бы адресованы остальным музыкантам "Битлз".
    "Let It Be" первоначально была исполнена во время съемок в январе 1969 г.,
    затем, в апреле, на запись наложили гитарное соло. Другой вариант соло был
    записан в январе 1970 г., тогда же были записаны партии медных инструментов в
    аранжировке Джорджа Мартина. Первое гитарное соло оказалось на сингле, для
    альбома же Фил Спектор выбрал второй вариант, при этом усилив звучание ударной
    группы Ринго и Пола до уровня, на котором ритм ударных уже грозил стать

    When everything is bursting at the seams, to appear
    Mother Mary became to me,
    With wise words: "Do not be sorry."
    And at the hour when I will give up,
    Standing beside me, quietly whispers to me,
    Wisely repeating: "Do not regret."

    Do not pity, do not be sorry, do not be sorry, do not be sorry,
    Wisely repeating: "Do not regret."

    To those with a broken heart if
    It is more difficult to get along with the world,
    There is a simple answer here: "Do not be sorry."
    Who all decided to forget about the past,
    A new way to find a sum,
    There is a simple answer here: "Do not be sorry."

    Do not be sorry, do not be sorry, do not be sorry, do not be sorry.
    Wise words are: "Do not be sorry."
    Do not be sorry, do not be sorry, do not be sorry, do not be sorry.
    Wise words are: "Do not be sorry."


    And in black clouds at night, even
    There will be light shining in me,
    Tomorrow life will show - do not regret.
    With the sound of music, I wake up,
    Mother Maria is again with me
    Wisely repeats: "Do not be sorry."

    Do not pity, do not be sorry, do not be sorry, do not be sorry,
    Wise words are: "Do not be sorry."

    -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
    The Beatles LET IT BE (Lennon / McCartney)
    LET IT BE issue 8.05.1970.

    When I find myself in times of trouble
    Mother Mary comes to me
    Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
    And in my hour of darkness
    She is standing right in front of me
    Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

    Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
    Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

    And when the broken-hearted people
    Living in the world agree
    There will be an answer, let it be.
    For though they may be
    There is still a chance that they will see.
    There will be an answer,
    Let it be.

    Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
    Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
    Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
    Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.


    And when the night is cloudy
    There is still a light that shines on me.
    Shine until tomorrow,
    Let it be.
    I wake up to the sound of music,
    Mother Mary comes to me
    Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

    Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be.
    Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.

    -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
    Recorded on January 31, April 30, 1969, January 4, 1970.
    The last single "The Beatles" and the strongest composition recorded during
    Sessions of the album, "Let It Be" - a wonderful example of Paul's spiritual creativity
    McCartney. "Mother Mary" is, apparently, the late mother of Paul Mary McCartney, and
    The conciliatory intonations of the song are, as it were, addressed to the rest of the Beatles musicians.
    "Let It Be" was originally performed during filming in January 1969,
    Then, in April, a guitar solo was put on the record. Another version of the solo was
    Recorded in January 1970, at the same time were recorded the batch of copper tools in
    Arranged by George Martin. The first guitar solo was on the single, for
    Album, Phil Spector chose the second option, while enhancing the sound of the shock
    Groups of Ringo and Paul to a level where the rhythm of the drums already threatened to become


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