Get Thee Behind Me, SatanBoss comes up to me with a five-dollar bill
Says, ""Get you some whiskey, boy, and drink your fill""
Get thee behind me, Satan, travel on down the line
I am a union man gonna leave you behind
A red-headed woman took me out to dine
Says, ""Love me, baby, leave your union behind""
Liza JaneI got a girl in Arkansas, little Liza Jane
She sleeps in her kitchen with her feet in the hall, little Liza Jane
Oh! Won't you Oh! Eliza, little Liza Jane
Oh! Won't you Oh! Eliza, little Liza Jane
I'm gonna marry her if I can
She loves me 'cause I'm a union man
Plow UnderRemember when the AAA
Killed a million hogs a day
Instead of hogs it's men today
Plow the fourth one under.
Plow under, plow under
Plow under
Every fourth American boy.
Разбивая мой идеальный мирВ моём сером,
Затуманенном мире
В котором небыло дороги назад
Ты запятнала моё небо
Ты озарила мой собственный ад
Я начал меняться,
Сам того не хотя
Шелдон и Пенни делают ПенниБлоссомсCome all ye young fellows that follow the sea
To me weigh hey blow the man down
And pray pay attention and listen to me
Give me some time to blow the man down
I'm a deep water sailor just in from Hong Kong
To me weigh hey blow the man down
If you'll give me some rum I'll sing you a song