Don't BlinkThe Airchoppers – Don’t Blink At My Sight
a place called Earth is a simple place
it's easy understand the things on it
i know that i can win in any race
but there is one that i don't know how to complete
i see the way how i can get an apple
F1The Airchoppers – F1
Track surface was like a mirror
And only wheels could paint it black
I think I hear the sound of motor
It's coming storm you’ve never met
Start your engine, start your brain
Honey Moneywhen you're thinking of something
and it's just fantasy
you can always make of it
you'll succeed if you hungry
when you've nothing to loose
the power of heart
KimberlyThe Airchoppers - Kimberly
In earthly fuss of the city's evening
Kimberly is alone with her fears
Her hair is fluttering in the wind
Her eyes are full of the tears
She's fallen in love with one guy
Lady From My HeadStanding in the street in the night
Maybe few hours or a while
Thinking of what you've just said
should i regret cause of that
Getting your feelings from web
Like diesel from the lab
They make me thinking of you
Purple Butterflywatching purple butterfly's
covering with wing the sky
you won't catch it that's for sure
anyway you'll get some more
or you won't it's up to you
decide what lie is, what is true.
and where that day when you can fly
The Dark TowerThe man in black fled across the desert,
and the gunslinger followed...
Grains of sand are cutting the air
The desert is blinding and white
The devil-grass grows everywhere
Which brings sweet dreams at night
Who KnowsThere is no sense in this world for me
I need something to live for
People have found many different ways
For what to keep breathing on Earth
I was existing in reality not really knowing why
But when I saw how you're beautiful I thought I reached the sky