1Female: I am a huge animal lover, and I would have loved to bring my dog to school, but I read the pet policy before moving on campus so I knew it was better to keep him at home with my parents.
Male: I agree, I wanted to get a cat so bad, but my roommate is allergic.
Female: Mine too. It makes me sad a little to not have a pet, but I can’t imagine what would happen if my dog bit someone, since he is so skittish around new people.
Male: Yes, that would be bad, what if someone had a snake and it got out? I could not step foot on campus until it was found, gives me the creeps just thinking about it.
Female: So I guess we both agree that this notice is just.” Male: “Yes, I think that the policy was clearly written when I moved on campus and if anyone chose not to read it, that’s their fault.
10Man: Did you hear about the new coffee shop opening up directly across the central library?
Woman: I did. I am looking forward to it.
Man: Yeah, same here. It used to take me 20 minutes to walk from the library to the other coffee shop, which consumed so much needed study time. Now it should only take me a couple minutes to walk there.
Woman: That is great!
11Girl: I cannot believe the school is going to set the temperature in the library 5 degrees lower after 2pm.
Boy: Really? Why?
Girl: I am always studying there after 2pm and I get cold easily, so I will need to bring warmer clothing, which is going to be an inconvenience to me.
Boy: That is unfortunate, but the school needs to reduce the heating costs, so what would you have them do instead?
Man: Did you hear about the new volunteer program?
Sarah Brown: Yes I think it is a great idea. I believe this will help bring our school and the community closer together.
Man: I disagree. Look, a volunteer program should never be made mandatory. By forcing the students to participate in the program, they might lose passion and therefore will not improve the relationship with the school and the community.
Sarah Brown: I can understand your point of view, but I think once the students get started they will enjoy it and be encouraged to do volunteer work after graduation as well.
Man: How could they enjoy it when they are busy with school? It will be difficult for the students to take time out of their studies to volunteer.
13Boy: Well, there goes 30-minutes of valuable study time each week.
Girl: I know, especially since I know how to use a computer, it seems like such a waste of time.
Boy: It does. Although I read in one of the alumnus in the school newspaper saying he was unemployed because of his lack of computer knowledge.
Girl: Okay, I understand the schools concern about students possessing basic computer skills, but the majority of students will continue to learn about computers even after graduation, so I think this course is pointless.
14Woman: I was thinking of applying for the computer labs' part-time position, but I found out I need to take a fundamental computer course.
Man: I understand how you feel. I have worked there for 1 year and I am required to attend that course.
Woman: Oh no. What are you going to do?
Man: I think I am going to take the course, although I do not agree with some of the requirements. First of all, I only need to pass the course, yet I know the problems with the computers requires a better understanding then someone who just passes the course.
15Girl: I cannot believe the school is wasting their money on a new gym.
Boy: Why?
Girl: The current gym is fine. They think that the new upscale gym will attract topnotch students. Also, they want to attract the local residents.
Boy: What should they do to attract these people then?
Girl: They should expand the library and widen the book selection. That will attract the topnotch students. In addition, the local residents come to watch the sports teams, so if the local teams keep losing, an upscale gym will not make a difference toward attracting the residents. I just think it is a waste of money.
16Boy: Wow, they are really reducing the sculpture class size by half.
Girl: I know. Now there is major competition to get into it next semester, but I honestly do not think it is fair to all the students.
Boy: So what happens if you do not get into the class, since you are an art major I thought it is required to graduate?
Girl: It is required and that is the problem. The school should not reduce the class size, since half the art major students will not get into the class. It will cause many problems for many people.
17Audio Script
Female: I am glad I will not be a freshman next year.
Male: No kidding, being forced to live on campus is lame. The school thinks that living on campus will help students study together, but I do not agree with that. I think students will end up watching TV together or playing poker.
Female: Yeah, you might be right about that. So do you think it will help the over-crowded parking lots?
18Female: Did you hear about the new equipment upgrades to the old auditorium?
Male: I think it is a bad idea. Why do they have to provide movies as an extracurricular activity for students?
Female: I do not know. But it is the only activity for the students here.
Male: Exactly! See that is where the problem lies, I agree that the old auditorium could use a remodelling, but why not spend many toward student clubs, so the students can have different choices for their extracurricular activities.
Female: Now that is a good idea.
19Female: This is not a good idea, what about the other chapters in the books?
Male: You will be able to read over them before the final exam.
Female: No, I will not have time to review everyone’s take on all the chapters, and what if a student took bad notes, what then?
Male: We are all in the same class and we should all be educated enough to take notes that will accurately cover the text in our books.
2Male: As student body president I do not feel as though the removal of a set area for studying is advisable and I do not think this area should be converted into a library.
Female: I would have to agree with you, it doesn’t make much sense.
Male: The main reasons I feel as though this conversion should not take place is due to the fact that there are few areas that are designated as study areas, many books could easily be replaced with an E-book version allowing for more room in the current library, and finally I feel as though students are comfortable using the study area and may feel as though their leaning may be affected. There is really no reason to spend money on the extension when other programs could use the funds.
Female: I agree, everything is on E-book format these days, it would be cheaper and save so much room.
20Male: There needs to be a change in the bus routes, there is no doubt about that.
Female: Why do you think the routes need to be changed?
Male: Well, first off, students are often late because they miss the one time the bus comes through.
Female: Can’t they just get to the bus on time?
21Male: This has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever read in my life, How can the school tell me that I cannot have a television in my room?
Female: They are not singling out you, this goes for everyone. I think it’s dumb, students talk to each other while watching TV all of the time. If this really is a serious issue, they should simply have a curfew or a sound level that we cannot pass.
Male: I would agree with you on that, this seems a little extreme.
Female: Extreme is an easy term for what this is, stupid is more like it.
Male: So what are you going to do?
Female: I am going to keep my TV and if they come around to check for it, I will hide it under my bed until they leave.
Male: What if you get into trouble?
Female: Then I will, but I refuse to have them take away my TV privileges because of other kids not being respectful or mindful of others.
22Female: What do you think about the three day weekend, right before midterms?
Male: I think it is awesome!
Female: Why, because you get a break?
Male: Yes, because we get a break before we are overwhelmed by testing. A break would not only let us relax a bit before we test but it also gives us more time to study and prepare for tests and projects.
23Male: This is so awesome; I am excited about the clean-up day.
Female: Why are you so excited about cleaning up the campus, don’t you think that since we pay so much in tuition that the school could afford a cleaning company?
Male: The school does have janitors, this is just one day that all students can come out and help the school. Besides, I agree with the school using funds for academic advancement and instead of hiring cleaning staff. This is just a better use of the money. In addition, this is an excellent time for me to talk to my English Professor outside of class, maybe run some ideas past him.
Female: So you are going to use this opportunity as a meet and greet?
Male: Hey if I can clean the campus, hang out with friends, and talk to the professor all on the same day then it’s a win-win for me.
24Female: This is a bad move for the Chemistry department.
Male: Why would you say that?” Female: “Have you seen the out dated equipment in the Chemistry department, most of it is older than I am?
Male: Wow, I guess I haven’t noticed.
Female: If the department has so much extra money, they should spend it on the current students who are actually working hard and not try to lure in potential students.
25Male: I had to wait until the 7th grade to get my locker, why would they allow fourth grade students to use them?
Female: It’s not like they are going to use them all the time, it is just for when they are in the library.
Male: If that was the case, then why not allow everyone to be able to use them while they search for books? It doesn’t matter if fourth grade students use the library more often than other grade students, this is just not fair. If the fourth grade students are allowed to use these lockers in the library, then every student regardless of grades should have the same exact access to those lockers.
Female: That is a valid point, but high school kids already have lockers, and I’m sure they will allow other students to use them as well.
Male: What if the kids decide they want the book forever, all they need to do is stick it in their lockers and they would be gone forever? Some fourth grade students might remove books from the library, placing them in their lockers, and never checking them out. I have seen someone done that before.
Female: Let’s hope not, but we just have to trust that they will make the right decisions.
3Girl: Did you hear about the children-tutoring center?
Boy: yeah. I heard it is being moved to building NE10.
Girl: yeah. I am upset with the school's decision.
Boy: why is that?
Girl: Although I am taking a business course, I want to be a teacher after graduation and the children-tutoring center gives great hands on experience for all up and coming teachers. However, building NE10 is too far away from me.
Boy: yea. That's true.
Girl: In addion, they are concerned with the courses enrollment. By moving the course so far away from the center of the campus, it will only discoruage students from enrolling.
Boy: Yea. So what should they do then?
4Boy: Oh Boy! I coule use a coffee right about now. You know it would be nice if there was a closer coffee shop to the library.
Girl: Actually, you are in luck, the school is adding a new coffee shop in the library.
Boy: Really! That is great!
Girl: I do not feel the same way about it. I have learnt many interesting aspects about food during the last year in my health food course. I took some time to study the coffee shops food supply, and found out that a lot of the food has preservatives in it.
Boy: Well. It is a good thing that I don't buy food from coffee shops then.
Girl: Yea. I am also worried that the library will become a new student hang out instead of a study area. I don't think it is appropriate to have food in the library.
Boy: then where should students go?
Girl: Students can go anywhere else.
5Boy: Did you hear about the new parking lot being built on Crest Field?
Girl: Yeah. I did hear about it.
Boy: I cannot believe they are building a parking lot there. I go to Crest Field all the time to hang out and relax with my friends and there is no other place outside that is close to the center campus. Also, I drive to school every day and I have noticed that there are many parking spots around the dorms that are not occupied. I think there were better choices for the new parking lot location,
Girl: Where do you think?
6Girl: I just read the notice about the new small privacy desks installation in the library.
Boy: I just read the notice as well and I think it is a waste of money.
Girl: really? why?
Boy: Well, replacing all the large tables with the new small privacy desks may solve some problems, but it will bring up other problems.
7Boy: Hey, did you hear about the coffee house near building NE12 being closed down.
Girl: Yea. I did. Isn't that where you and your friends go there at night to hang out.
Boy: (sigh) Yes we did and that was the only place to go in school after hours. I do not know what we are going to do now. We would hang out there all the time and study. Although the lights were dim, you could work around it.
Girl: What would you have school do ?
8Girl: I am really glad about the new copy paper limits.
Boy: I have never heard anything about that and it does not sound good to me.
Girl: Well, by putting a limit on the amount of papers a student can copy, it will save paper. I have seen too many people throwing papers with blank spaces on them. There is no need for that. If they took a little more time to review their work, before printing it, then there would be no need to waste the paper.
Boy: Yea. But what about the school trying to make more money from students?
9Girl: Did you hear what the school is doing, because of the green initiative campaign?
Boy: Yeah, they are cutting down the electricity consumption.
Girl: Exactly, but do you think it will actually cut down on electricity?
Boy: I'm not sure, what do you think?