Blackrock FoundryWorld of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, 2014
"This foundry was the ancestral home of the Blackrock orcs, wherein master smiths smelted and worked the impossibly hard ore that is the clan's namesake. Now, massive giants captured and broken by the Thunderlord heat the great forges, flamebenders of the Burning Blade imbue the ore with an inner fire, and engineers shape the slag according to otherworldly schematics. Warlord Blackhand's foundry is the center of the Iron Horde's military might, churning out the weaponry that will be used to raze Azeroth."
Canticle of SacrificeElor bindel
Lende anu
Ann'da anore
Selama ashal'anore
Deshala anu bala
Cementry of the ForsakenDiablo III, 2012
"When King Leoric came to court, he brought many nobles with him. And nobles, oddly enough, want noble crypts. So I showed up with my shovel, thinking to make an easy profit by digging a few holes. Ha! There's no stopping their demands around here! Now I eat, sleep, and breathe dirt, it seems."
Darris the Gravedigger
Dragon SoulWorld of Warcraft: Cataclysm, 2010
Quarter: Fall of Deathwing
Boss: Warmaster Blackhorn
"Though once vast in number, only a few dozen twilight dragons now remain. Astride these hardened survivors are the last vestiges of the Twilight's Hammer's army: the elite drake riders of Deathwing's personal escort. Led by the insidious Warmaster Blackhorn, they move with unholy purpose, driven to protect their dark master."
Grizzly HillsWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, 2008
The furbolgs claim they were the first people in these hills; so do the Drakkari ice trolls, though they’re concentrated to the north in Zul'Drak. They may both be wrong. Another hypothesis is that dwarves were there first. It is believed that the titans placed dwarves here after they had created them. It was an experiment to see if they could survive on their own. They not only survived but flourished, spreading southward and into what would later become known as Kalimdor and the other continents. The dwarves of Thor Modan believe they can find evidence of their dwarven ancestors in the hills, and uncover truths about their race’s early culture. Regardless, all this was well before any surviving history. No one really knows what went on here way back then.
Other stories say that the Drakkari trolls built Drak’Tharon Keep before the furbolgs even built Grizzlemaw. Supposedly, the Frost Paws gathered the polar furbolg tribes together in part to fend off the new Drakkari threat. Both races were here and hated each other — the furbolgs had the numbers, but with their new keep, the Drakkari were more organized and the trolls were always more unified than the furbolgs. The existence of Grizzlemaw affected the balance, and the furbolgs' victory over the Drakkari in a series of skirmishes may have led to the eventual loss of Drak’Tharon to the Scourge.
This region is the furbolg homeland, and they outnumber every other race here combined. They are massive bear-men, enormous creatures with a bear's build, fur, and basic features, but a man’s hands and, to a limited extent, mind. That is a dangerous combination, and they're powerful in a fight. Fortunately, they’re not aggressive beyond their own territory. The dwarves at Thor Modan have had run-ins with furbolgs on a regular basis, since the furbolgs feel the dwarves are trespassers and grave robbers. Furbolgs are surprisingly friendly to travelers, though, and greeted them warmly once the dwarves assured that they laid no claim to anything in the hills. They’re less approving of large groups, and particularly wary of strange races, but their caution can't be blamed.
Howling FjordWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, 2008
Howling Fjord was a favorite on Northrend from the first time explorers reached the continent through the Daggercap Bay. The natural harbor provided an ideal launching point for expeditions throughout the continent. After the Lich King arrived, the Scourge swept across the continent, conquering most of its races and claiming many of the towns and citadels. During the Third War, Prince Arthas Menethil of Lordaeron arrived with his soldiers to destroy the dreadlord Mal'Ganis and punish him for the plague unleashed in his homeland. Arthas and the dwarven noble Muradin Bronzebeard joined forces against Mal’Ganis, who they thought to be the Lich King's lackey. When Arthas’s father summoned him home again, the prince responded by hiring mercenaries to burn his own ships, and blaming only them for the act of treachery, thus forcing his men to stay and fight. He searched for and obtained the cursed blade Frostmourne in the nearby region of Dragonblight, knocking out Muradin in the process. He used Frostmourne to defeat Mal'Ganis but lost his soul to the Lich King as a result. Arthas staggered away alone after the battle, and his men were left behind, stranded on Northrend. These humans and dwarves founded Valgarde. They also built the fortifications that protect it to this day. As Valgarde grew, its residents forced the Drakkari and furbolgs back into the Grizzly Hills and beyond, making the region safe enough for brave farmers to till the land.
InvincibleComilito equinus
Orbitas lacuna
G'Odhun A'l Korok Boda Uh’m
Boda Uh’m Ron'Kashal
Detrimentum a do sola ditas.
An Karanir Thanagor
Mor Ok Angalor
Mogu'shan VaultsWorld of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, 2012
The Mogu'shan Vaults was built during the Mogu Thunder King's rise to power to contain and protect a mysterious artifact. Previously a Titan facility, mogu converted the surrounding structure into a sort of shrine dedicated to the mogu empire. The complex houses many of the empire’s lost artifacts and is the resting place of the spirits of old mogu kings.
O ThanagorAn Karanir Thanagor,
Mor Ok Angalor.
Mor Ok Gorum
Palahm Raval.
Ro-mun A'l Ga
Ballog A'l Enthu
Korok Na Boda...
Ha! Ma! Da! Ma!
Path of the LifewardenRussell Brower, Derek Duke, Glenn Stafford
Приглашенные музыканты: Pedro Eustache — флейты и дудук
Гитары: Laurence Juber
Никельхарпа: Cajsa Ekstav
Vale of Eternal BlossomsWorld of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria, 2012
The ancient seat of the pandaren empire has been hidden for generations, shrouded in mists and walled-off by impassible mountains. The waters of the Vale are believed to have mystical powers... which has attracted the attention of ancient enemies as well as power-hungry factions within the Alliance and Horde. What secrets lie buried below this mystical font of power?
Zangar SeaWorld of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, 2014
The Zangar Sea is an area introduced in Warlords of Draenor. It is located to the North of Shattrath City, between Frostfire Ridge and Nagrand. This area contains natural features and flora in common with the Zangarmarsh area of Outland (they are located in the same location after all).
Zul'DrakWorld of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, 2008
The Drakkari ice trolls are an old race, one of the first in Northrend. They were building homes in Zul’Drak before the Great Sundering and never left their home, though some of them may have migrated south to became the Frostmane tribe and the Winterax tribe. The furbolgs of Grizzlemaw have fought the Drakkari for many years.
Drakkari are tribal, and early in their history each tribe established its own territory and fought off any trespassers. Then one tribe conquered another and enslaved its warriors. These slaves were forced to build the victors a new and larger home, and their children became part of the dominant tribe. This tribe continued to conquer its neighbors, each time absorbing them, until finally it was powerful enough to claim all of Zul’Drak as its kingdom. Any tribe that resisted was destroyed. Those tribes that accepted the powerful tribe’s dominance were allowed to keep their own territories, provided they accepted any orders from the ruling tribe. Thus, the Drakkari nation truly began. The central tribe’s home became Gundrak, the capital city. The tribes still war among themselves, and the Frost King allows this because it keeps his people strong and aggressive. He coordinates border patrols and establishes protocols for calling all the tribes together should an army attack them in force. Many tribe chieftains thought these efforts foolish until they encountered the walking dead. Then the Frost King organized the other Drakkari and drove the dead from their lands. Thus far, the Scourge has not penetrated into Zul’Drak to any degree, though it claims Drak'Tharon Keep, an old Drakkari stronghold in the Grizzly Hills just beyond Zul’Drak’s southwest edge.