An Toll DubhTaobh cuil an doruis cha bhi grian
Suidh aig bord
Cha bhi biadh 's cha bhi fion
Taobh cuil an doruis cha bhi grian
Cha bhi biadh 's cha bhi fion
Le eiginn ar n-eirigh as ar suain
Le eiginn ar n-eirigh as ar suain
An Ubhal As AirdeComhla rium
A tha thu an drasd
Mo shuilean duinte, mo chuimhne dan
Nam sheasamh a' coimhead
Gach cnoc is gach traigh
Is an siol a dh'fhag thu ann a 'fas
Tha an garradh lan
Le craobhan treun
Cho Buidhe's A Bha I RiabhTha an rathad a’ ruith gu tuath
Gleanntan sgapte air gach taoibh
A’ ghrian tro ghiuthas nam mòr-shliabh
Saigheadan òir dhar leòn an àgh
Thuirt m’ anam rium, “Nach tèid thu a-null
Cuir eallach is cruaidh-chàs air do chùl
Is gun cur an t-àite sealach fàilte oirnn
Is bi mi còmhla riut an dràsd”
Clash of the ashHey, now boys there's something not right
Did anyone see Willie at the dance last night
Let's pick up Boa without a fuss
Chuck him in with the camans at the back of the bus
'Cause we're running late, it's way past ten
We're driving through the straths and glens
Come on, Johnny Bulla, make it fast
For the 12 noon throw-up
Every RiverYou ask me to believe in magic
Expect me to commit suicide of the heart
And you ask me to play this game without question
Raising the stakes on this shotgun roulette
Every river I try to cross
Every hill I try to climb
Every ocean I try to swim
Flower of the WestRunrig
Flower of the West
from "The Big Wheel", 1991
lyrics by Calum Macdonald
music by Rory Macdonald
Sunburst, on the morning moar
Hearts Of Olden GloryThere's thunder clouds
Round the hometown bay
As I walk out
In the rain
Through the sepia showers
And the photoflood days
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Of life
In ScandinaviaI saw something in your eye
As the night came down in a Nordic sky
Walking in ways of summers past
Touching other lands
The wind filled sails
She stayed to make the moment last
There’s nothing new beneath the sun
lifelineHear the call of the wind
Feel the dying answer
Steel on the mind
Cold in the veins
Torture and trial
Sunrise over the limits
Conquest and fire
Loch LomondBy yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes
Where the sun shines on Loch Lomond
Where me and my true love spent many days o
On the banks of Loch Lomond
To sad we parted in yon shady glen
On the steep sides of Ben Lomond
Where the broken heart it knows no second spring
Pog Aon Oidhche EarraichAn saoghal, sia uairean
Obair la ri cul
Teaghlach gabhal dhan a’mheas
Pailteas, slainte, is gaol
An Ruis a tuiteam sios mu’m chluasan
An Ear Mheadhain am brot cho dorch
Is thusa, uilc is a mhuirt is a shabaid
Na mo bheatha a h-uile oidche
Road TripTake heart: cheat the dark
Get driving with the lark
As cities sleep
Steal a march before the sun
It's all philosophy
On an open motorway
Chasing break of day
Somewhere on a border town
Running to the LightRunning round the sacred mountain
The rushing stream
Feel the power
In everything
By the water. where the air is clear
Surrender everything
Old hearts grow younger again
Sguaban ArbhairRef: Uair eile gu bhith dhachaigh
Uair eile gu bhith beò
Ruith mun cuairt nan sguaban arbhair
Uair eile gu bhith òg.
1. Bha mi raoir a' siubhal drathair
'S thàinig dealbh do mo làimh
Dealbh mo sheanmhar is mo sheanar
Siol GhoraidhClann mo theaghlaich
Clann mo theaghlaich
Clann mo theaghlaich fhein
Clann mo theaghlaich
Clann mo theaghlaich
Clann mo theaghlaich fhein
SkyeHow can't you see
The wilderness growing free
Time wounded and scarred
Stroking away the years
It's hard to believe
But memories are old ghosts
Mountains of black and gold
Sunsets falling over the moor
The Ocean RoadI walked out, one morning fair
By the ocean road to linger there
And the sun was up, I saw the blue
But it night in my heart for you
And the turning wave filled my empty thoughts
With a homing power that washed a sea of loss
I saw my light, I held the flame
The Stamping GroundApril comes to the new grass
On the hills of gold
Tha feur ùr air bàrr an talaimh,
Bàrr an talaimh, horribh ò
Where winter falls in the long cold north
Black waters wait in ice and snow
Tha feur ùr air bàrr an talaimh,
The Years We Sharedyou bloomed like the rose of summer
and i held you in my arms
and in that knowing i found purpose
we walked on the stars
the world changes, we get older
what comes in love must leave in pain
and all the gifts we early treasure
Year Of The FloodCan anyone explain
I shared your truth today
So far away the rains
And the ocean
I see your flower growing
I see your rivers flowing
I see your skies open
In the year of the flood