Attack Ships on FireTime and time and time again
Tossing and turning and freezing and burning
Time and time and time again
Another bad dream and another dead end
CousinsWhy walk down the street when you can walk down the hall?
Why walk down the street when you can walk down the hall?
My dirty little secret
You're so pretty and your hair smells like sex
You're so pretty and your hands are wrapped around my
You're so pretty and I can't wait for you to come knocking on my door, 3 a.m
You're my dirty little secret
Why walk down the street when you can walk down the hall?
Crackin' UpGod created both of us
And really wanted life right
You've been lookin' for a life
But you got to get high
You can't help but steal from your family and friends
Our flames grow ignorant
And a means to an end
(End, end, end, end)
Da Ya Think I'm SexyShe sits alone, waiting for suggestions.
He so nervous, avoiding all the questions.
His lips are dry, her heart's gently pounding
Don't ya just know exactly what they're thinking?
If you want my body, and you think I'm sexy, c'mon sugar let me know!
If you really need me, just reach out and touch me, c'mon honey tell me
No DevotionNo secrets, no devotion anymore
No secrets, no devotion anymore, anymore
The voice of God!
The voice of God!
The voice of God means nothing, anymore!
No devotion, no sacrifice
No devotion, no sacrifice
Pole Grinder"Bein' a man or bein' a woman.
Has nothing to do with your genitallia.
It has to do with what's right in your heart.
Man? Or woman? Or both? "
She's got a reason to lie
She's got a reason to cry
Revolting Cock Au Lait...
Revolting Cock Au Lait
Revolting Cock Au Lait
Revolting Cock Au Lait
Stir my coffee with your cock.
Mmm, creamy, not too sweet.
Just the way I like it. Mmm
Stainless Steel ProvidersGet around get around I get around
Stainless Steel Provider (x6)
Stainless steel providers,
Make it obvious-
We like driving the point home,
A hundred thousand vagabond insects
Viagra Cultureeveryday my thoughts are consumed by winning
i must win and everything I do I must win
my car must win
my money must win
my hair must win
my kids must win
You Often Forget ?
The first is for friendship
The second is to politic
The third one, quite differnt
On the last hour, they've been stopped
So hard to disappear