Beer A' Flowin'For a hearty ale i'll spin you a tale of merriment on the sea
For a tasty stout i'll dance about in the finest of company
For a lick of mead i'll sing so sweet of where my ships a' goin'
Well i just got paid so fetch the made and keep the beer a' flowin'!
The time has come once again to drink away our sorrow
With a lass on my arm and a beer in hand who cares about tomorrow
Well the night is young there's lots of time to dance alot and be merry
So forget the cider and grab the rum and perhaps a drop of sherry
In the mess
I. You're on your own walking alone in this mess
Wait! What happened inside? I feel that your light in fading.
The light in fading inside of you
So, take my hand and I'll follow you
Liar's DiceGather round my table lads let’s play a little game
A time-honoured tradition to claim your pirate name
The Seawolf lads they came and passed their livers made of iron
To win this game of liars dice you bet the faces that they land on
But wait!!! There’s more…
Well? Gather your mates to wager their rum a shot for every die
And if you lose you drink all the booze
Before we get this game started are we clear on the rules me hearties
RektRekt on our pirate ship
Downing jars chasing stars on the sea
I be captain silver I made a huge mistake
Emptied all the brew into my crew now no one is awake
These scallywags and sea dogs spent the night out on the lash
The captains cure my private rum stash
Move it all you blaggards the sun is in the sky
Мир безумныхСерый мир безумных озарен сияньем,
В грязных закоулках ты явил себя мне,
Ласковым шептанием растревожил душу;
Истинное знание в этом мире чуждом:
Свет мой – это вера, враг ее сознание,
Надо все измерить, дать всему название.
Прерванный полет"Прерванный полет"
Похоть пламенем горит в моем сознанье,
Чистый разум словно тонкий лед,
Кто приходит утолить мои желанья
Навсегда покинул небосвод
Он выключит свет,