DisgracedMy eyes stay shut
My mouth won't speak anymore
Feel, that's all that I do
Hear, all I have left
I pray, if it helps, in my silence; end my pain please
Crawl into my skin
See into my hell (live without a life)
Here's My HellEyes wide open
Still blind to see
Heart wide open
Still too cold to feel
That's all what's left of me
A frozen mind
A shade of who I could be
No Honey For The DamnedLoving you is poison to my heart*
I'm free by losing you
Why was I blind?
Why did I tried?
Loving you, no honey for the damned
I'm free by breaking through
I have lead a way out
NothingIt's the truth against my heart or just my heart against it all, it's hard to tell
It's my will against myself, my body failed to keep it up, it's hard to see
But I couldn't bear my own state
Couldn't bear the sight
So I hid myself and stood strong
Until I had nothing left
Nothing, no
Sweet CurseIt's a burden for wrong reasons
Это бремя - ошибка,
But I keep hold of this pain
Но я удерживаю эту боль.
No more tears but common sorrow
Нет больше слез, осталась простая скорбь,
Yet it wears of day by day
И это продолжается день за днем.