A Hermit Named DaveWell there was an old hermit named dave
Who lived by himself in the woods in a cave
Ate from a turtle shell, slept on a bath skin had a seven foot beard growing out of his chin
He'd been dodging the draft for twenty-three years and he'd say:
That. Ain't never getting me, they ain't never gonna find me in here, err that doebeats i'm too smart for them, them dumbs a fools, fools all of them fools, society bar
No er'yday dave would go out in the woods and sit on a stump mongst the leaves, trees and mushrooms and things, and just meditate, yes, cos he were a philosopher you know,
Like he were a deep thinker man, and he'd get out there and think about the futility of the civilized world and he'd just laugh and he'd say, hehehee haha ohohoh hehehehe
Ahab the ArabLet me tell you about Ahab the Arab
The sheik of the burning sand
He had emeralds and rubies just drippin' off 'a him
And a ring on every finger of his hand
He wore a big ol' turban wrapped around his head
And a scimitar by his side
And, every evenin', about midnight
He'd jump on his camel named Clyde, and ride
I'm My Own GrandpaMany, many years ago when I was twenty-three
I was married to a widow who was pretty as could be
This widow had a grownup daughter who had hair of red
My father fell in love with her, and soon they too were wed
This made my Dad my son-in-law and really changed my life
For now my daughter was my mother, 'cause she was my father's wife
And to complicate the matter, even though it brought me joy,
Jeremiah PeabodyDo you have that rundown feelin', does your head go reelin'?
Are you nervous, jumpy or on the edge?
Is it neuritis, neuralgia, a head cold or stress?
Or maybe it's your sinus drainage.
Do you have tired blood, beriberi?
Or maybe you're a little overweight?
You better make some correction in all this infection,
Julius Played the TrumpetWe go the first football game this week.. We've got to rehearse the song, Alright lets threharse the song..
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
Mr Shevelgroobenhimen our band director, had the band practicing every day
Rehearsing on the same song, over and a over and a over
That they were gonna play on the day of the game.
Well they had green and purple uniforms and they looked real sharp when they marched down the field and the major raised a ticket for the folks up in the grandstand.
And Cecil played the cymbal, Melvin played the trombone and Julius played the trumpet,
Mississippi Squirrel RevivalVerse 1
Well when I was kid I'd take a trip
every summer,
down to Mississippi.
To visit my granny in her ante bellum world.
I'd run barefooted all day long,
climbing trees free as a song.
Pfc Rhythm and Blues JonesWe take you now to the battlefield...Where PFC Rhythm and Blues jones is frantically running through the jungle trying to find the rest of the army who are dug into the ground.
Hault, who goes there? Ah What your password be?
Sir, Sir, Sir A Sir a don't shoot man, Said it's only me Rhythm and Blues jones PFC, First Squad Second Platoon, Company B and uhh I don't know what the password be
cause all day long I been hiding round a tree laying in a foxhole looking outta peephole watching for the enemy.
Cause i'ma picker not a fighter, A BMI songwriter.
When I see the enemy I lose control,
When I hear the big guns I wanna crawl in a hole.
Saturday NightWe were sittin' in the front row, holding hands
But then she dropped my hand and stared to stare,
At the handsome star and his curly hair.
And when he kissed the girl in the love scene
My baby's eyes were glued to the screen.
I heard a sigh, I knew I was dead,
It made me wished we'd gone bowling instead.
But we spent Saturday night at the movies,