give upI'm sick and tired of everything around me for no reason. i have lost all will to reach my dreams. I've faild way too many times. I've been let down. I couldn't help the people who were counting on me. I've started over countless times and always faild so bad. I've seen the kids, who i called friends, grow up into someone they hate. I've learned the hard way what it is - to lose someone who cared about you, and knowing that your friend is sick is so much more infuriating when you know there's no way you can help.
Why am i feeling so hopeless if everything seems to be getting ok. Why am i beeng so worthless right now, when i see, there is a way.
I have to be honest, i'm just scared to lose everything all over again. But why if the taste of loss is something i'm used to? I feel like i need to give up on everything i have done, on everyone i have known, forget everything and just be gone.
No more stories will be told, nothing that my memory holds.
messagewe seem to consume so much without even trying to care of the possible consequences. we are not enjoying all the freedom we have anymore.back in the days, when there were almost nothing, we were pleased with everything we had, we enjoyed things instead of complaining, we knew nothing is perfect, but today we have forgotten how hard it may be we are stunned by diversity of everything, and we can't even imagine not having freedom of choise selfishness has corrupted our minds and made our hearts as cold as the world around us were when we had to fight against it to prove that we stand for something but now, when this world became tired of being agressive, we have created a new enemy for ourselves.
we try to humiliate each other, not to show what we are doing wrong, but to make each other feel worthless, so noone around would try to do anything anymore. and only when it will happen we will understand where we went wrong. so i don't care whether you like this song or not, the message it carries will be heard by those who resist, whose hearts are still able to feel the compassion and that is enough for me.
ODAVwe all are mowing forward and figured out we've different ways to go
but this is not farewell, not seperation of us all
we just need time to find our place, then everything will be ok
and then we'll see each other, we will continue to play
this game of life, where we don't have a chance to win
we just can make it more exiting, even more than our dreams
as long as we will have each other we can outlive the bitter times
Revivedthe curbs and cracks in pavement are
flashing underneeth my board so fast
i once have forced myself to ask
just how much more this joy can last
but now a hope of better days
is living right beside my dreams
my heroes brought it back
and i am free again. it seems that
summer 2012i have lost all hope to live a happy life
i have felt the bitter taste of loss
but today
i feel free
i found out
what i am suposed to be
Untitledbeing let down does not mean you have to be broken down. i've seen so much and yet have not found what i've been looking for. maybe i am asking way too much, that's why my expectations never met. i still am trying too see the color of these grey days that are passing by so fast that i've never realized i am not the part of young generation anymore, because it feels like just yesterday i've been free of everything that has weighted me down for the last decade.
and yet i never gave up on my dreams, i still am trying to move towards them, slowly but surely. i don't care if my journey will end in the middle of the way and i will never see what i've been looking for, this won't stop me from trying. cause it gives me purpuse, it gives my life meaning.
and all the numbers i've considered lucky are now laying covered in dust, how did they get left behind and i'm still standing if their advice led me through the hardest obstacles on my path. i don't even know if there is an answer but i still hope this fire will burn once again, lighting up the way to everything i've missed.
i don't want to pull anyone with me, i know everyone has diffrent way to go, but drifting along with those who mean something to me would be much more comforting than reaching my goal alone, because whole point of this journey is not the trophy that is waiting me in the end, there is no trophy anyway, i just want to spend the time i have doing something that would make everyone around me at least a bit happier.
Отрывок из глав 17-18, читает Сергей Бехтерев17
Я ждал. И вот в тени ночной
Врага почуял он, и вой
Протяжный, жалобный как стон
Раздался вдруг... и начал он
Сердито лапой рыть песок,
Встал на дыбы, потом прилёг,
Те кому ты дорогМы привыкли жить рутиной, каждый своей, идти вперёд, чем быстрее тем лучше и мы не ждём тех кто отстал, не останавливайся возле тех кто не в силах идти. Мы ценим лишь то чего нет, то к чему стремимся, забывая о том что осталось позади, о том что было добыто безценным трудом. Мы бежим всё быстрее, крича на тех кто у нас на пути, чтобы те бежали с нами вперёд, или не мешались под ногами. Мы забываем тех кто подтолкнул нас, кто помогал нам с первыми шагами и не помним их до тех пор пока те не остановятся, ведь нельзя идти вечно и наступит то время когда придётся простится. Только тогда мы наконец осознаем что время двигаться вперёд предостаточно, а остаться с теми
кому ты был дорог уже нельзя, можно продолжить идти вперёд, в никуда, или остаться на месте, одиноким, не нужным
никому. Жаль что мы не в силах осознать это в начале пути. Только тогда мы наконец осазнаем что время двигатся вперёд предостаточно, а остатся с теми
кому ты был дорог уже нельзя, с теми кому ты был дорог... с теми кто был дорог тебе... И мы все через это проходим, и нам всем изначально понятно, и мы все повторяем ошибки надеясь что мы их исправляем.