Anul nou cu bucurieIata ca din nou crestine
Vin cu dragoste la tine
Anul Nou cu bucurie
Intru multi ani sa va fie
Ca de anul care vine
Sa-ti doresc si sa-ti spun bine
Anul Nou cu bucurie
Don't Try to Call Me BackAnd all of a sudden she started crying
Uh, uh crying, no
Although she was on pills, supposed to flying
Uh, uh flying, no
She didn‘t care, she didn‘t care what she‘s saying
She almost there, uh, uh, almost there, no
She likes to share, she likes to share what she‘s feeling
She almost there but I‘m not a fool
Fara tineI:
La miez de noapte printre soapte ma pierd in ochii tai
Te-ascult in tacere si sufletu-mi cere sa fie doar ai mei...
As vrea sa fiu cu tine cand ma vei chema,
As vrea sa-ti daruiesc iubirea din inima mea...
Greenlight Outroпесня для бэков
So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf
And just enjoy yourself
Groove, let the madness in the music get to you
Life ain't so bad at all
Let me be, I wants to be, gots to be
ochi mint ca nu ma doare ma mint ca-mi pare
Ca te am in brate iar... nu mai am cuvinte
Chiar sufletul ma minte
Si m-asculta vintul doar...vintul
UmtitiCe qu’il y a au fond de moi faut que je l'oublie vite /
En plus fumer un max d'herbe c'est trop tripant /
Que des têtes de cramés à la ODB /
Mais qui trouveront toujours de nouveaux clients /
On appréhende le jour qui suit /
Pour ça que cette nuit doit être enivrante /
On a oublié d'être optimistes /