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  • Текст песни Queen - Sheer Heart Attack 1974 - Flick Of The Wrist

    Исполнитель: Queen - Sheer Heart Attack 1974
    Название песни: Flick Of The Wrist
    Дата добавления: 28.05.2014 | 18:13:13
    Просмотров: 27
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Queen - Sheer Heart Attack 1974 - Flick Of The Wrist, перевод и видео.
    Dislocate your spine if you don't sign
    He says I'll have you seeing double
    Mesmerize you when he's tongue tied
    Simply with those eyes ooh
    Synchronize your minds and see
    The beast within him rise
    Don't look back don't look back
    It's a rip off
    Flick of the wrist and you're dead baby
    Blow him a kiss and you're mad
    Flick of the wrist he'll eat your heart out
    A dig in the ribs and then a kick in the head
    He's taken an arm and taken a leg
    All this time honey baby you've been had

    Intoxicate your brain with what I'm sayin'
    If not you'll lie in knee deep trouble
    Prostitute yourself he says
    Castrate your human pride ooh
    Sacrifice your leisure days
    Let me squeeze you 'till you've dried
    Don't look back don't look back
    It's a rip off

    Work my fingers to my bones
    I scream with pain I still make no impression
    Seduce you with his money make machine
    Cross collateralise big time money money
    Reduce you to a muzak fake machine
    Then the last goodbye
    Flick of the wrist and you're dead baby
    Blow him a kiss and you're mad
    Flick of the wrist he'll eat your heart out
    A dig in the ribs and then a kick in the head
    He's taken an arm and taken a leg
    All this time honey baby you've been had

    Одно Мгновение

    Вытряхну твой спинной мозг,
    Если ты не согласишься, - говорит он,
    Сделаю так, что у тебя задвоится в глазах".
    Он загипнотизирует тебя,
    если будет лишен дара речи,
    Просто этими своими глазами.
    Скоординируйте свои мысли и увидишь:
    В нем пробуждается зверь.
    Нет пути назад, (2 раза)
    Это ограбление.

    Одно мгновение - и ты мертва, крошка,
    Посылаешь ему поцелуй - и ты сходишь с ума,
    Одно мгновение - он заставит тебя терзаться,
    Впивается в ребра, а потом удар по голове,
    Он держит руку, хватает ногу.
    На этот раз все, милая,
    Крошка, тебя отымели.

    Отравлю твой мозг своими словами,
    Иначе у тебя будут крутые неприятности.
    Проституируй,- требует он,
    Кастрируй свое человеческое достоинство,
    Пожертвуй своей свободой,
    Дай-ка я тебя сожму, пока ты не высохнешь".

    Нет пути назад, (2 раза)
    Это ограбление.

    Впиваюсь пальцами в собственные кости,
    Я кричу от боли,
    Но я все равно не произвожу впечатления.
    Он совратит тебя своей машиной, делающей деньги,
    Найдет самые разные способы воздействия
    ( главное - деньги, деньги )
    Превратит тебя в подобие музыкального автомата,
    исполняющего фоновую фальшивую музыку.
    А затем прощальное "до свидания",
    Это ограбление.

    Одно мгновение - и ты мертва, крошка,
    Посылаешь ему поцелуй - и ты сходишь с ума,
    Одно мгновение - он заставит тебя терзаться,
    Впивается в ребра, а потом удар по голове
    Он держит руку, хватает ногу.
    На этот раз все, милая,
    Крошка, тебя отымели.
    Dislocate your spine if you don't sign
    He says I'll have you seeing double
    Mesmerize you when he's tongue tied
    Simply with those eyes ooh
    Synchronize your minds and see
    The beast within him rise
    Don't look back don't look back
    It's a rip off
    Flick of the wrist and you're dead baby
    Blow him a kiss and you're mad
    Flick of the wrist he'll eat your heart out
    A dig in the ribs and then a kick in the head
    He's taken an arm and taken a leg
    All this time honey baby you've been had

    Intoxicate your brain with what I'm sayin '
    If not you'll lie in knee deep trouble
    Prostitute yourself he says
    Castrate your human pride ooh
    Sacrifice your leisure days
    Let me squeeze you 'till you've dried
    Don't look back don't look back
    It's a rip off

    Work my fingers to my bones
    I scream with pain I still make no impression
    Seduce you with his money make machine
    Cross collateralise big time money money
    Reduce you to a muzak fake machine
    Then the last goodbye
    Flick of the wrist and you're dead baby
    Blow him a kiss and you're mad
    Flick of the wrist he'll eat your heart out
    A dig in the ribs and then a kick in the head
    He's taken an arm and taken a leg
    All this time honey baby you've been had

    one moment

    Shake out your spinal cord,
    If you do not agree - he says ,
    Will make sure that you zadvoitsya in the eyes . "
    It will mesmerize you
    if it is deprived of the power of speech ,
    Just these with my own eyes .
    Coordinate your thoughts and you will see :
    It awakens the beast .
    No way back (2 times)
    This is a robbery .

    One moment - and you're dead , baby,
    You send him a kiss - and you go crazy ,
    One moment - it makes you worry ,
    Digs in the ribs , and then hit on the head ,
    He holds his hand , grabs the leg.
    At this time , my dear,
    Baby, you fucked .

    Poison your brain in your own words ,
    Otherwise you will have trouble steep .
    Prostitute - requires it ,
    Castrate their human dignity
    Donate your freedom
    Let me give you clench until you shrivels . "

    No way back (2 times)
    This is a robbery .

    Fingers dig into their own bone
    I scream in pain ,
    But I still did not make an impression .
    It will seduce you with their machine, making money
    Find a variety of ways of influencing
    ( Most importantly - money , money)
    Turn you into a kind of jukebox
    executing a fake background music.
    And then farewell "goodbye "
    This is a robbery .

    One moment - and you're dead , baby,
    You send him a kiss - and you go crazy ,
    One moment - it makes you worry ,
    Digs in the ribs , and then hit on the head
    He holds his hand , grabs the leg.
    At this time , my dear,
    Baby, you fucked .


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