In The First PlaceI used to think love was real
But it's just the way you feel
At the moment
When it's gone, it's like it never existed
In the first place
I used to think you were mine
Mistaken all the time
All the Samei'm not gonna give it up for free anymore
and i don't really care if you label me a whore
frayed at the edges, busted at the seams
i can walk with a song, sleep with my dreams
you can cover up your chains, and call yourself free
it doesn't really matter,
it's all the same to me
Ballad Of A Mechanical ManA machine came knocking at my door
Lost & alone; hungry for oil.
I could see he wouldn't get too far
Shape of a man; soul of a car.
Soon we'll all be dead.
It makes me feel so comfortable.
What I see & what I think I hear
Clouds in my eye; rust in my ear.
Black Dogs and BubblesBlack dogs and bubbles always grasping at some straw
Eyes always fixed on some strange shore
Always reaching out for what just can't be had
Always fall in love with what makes you sad
We chase the moon across the night; across the stars
Wake up in the morning tired and cold
Don't you know that she is already yours
I Never Want To See You AgainI know the ether can never claim the earth
Atmospheric gasses cannot remain with dirt
We purchase pleasure, and pay for it with hurt
And we rarely get our money's worth
See how we grasp at the stars ?
They're so far away
You can't even see what's right in front of you
Flesh wounds heal
Sea ShantyRepair the hull, replace the sails.
The monkey wrestles with the ghost
And a thousand pleasures form a thin veneer
Over lack of hope.
The captain was rightly murdered by the crew
But now they don't know what to do -
Drifting on the murky Sargasso of the everyday.
Work and slave and skimp and save
The Poisoned WellYou only hurt the one you love
That may be true
But better said, you only hurt the one who loves you
We went through hell
Just to get to hell
Die of thirst of drink up form the poisoned well
The Star You Left BehindNow you are more free
Than you really want to be.
No one holds you in place,
And you're drifting off in space.
And the stars are all you see-
Far away as they can be.
And the star you left behind
Gets dimmer all the time.
Virus AutumnЯ знaю, зaвтpa бyдeт oceнь...
K бoтинкaм в пapкe липнyт лиcтья.
Boнзaя в вeны иглы coceн,
Лoвлю пpиxoд yвядшeй жизни
Осени вирус осени
и я не вижу причин
АлкашокИ если я в своей судьбе
Нашёл себя, и держу в узде.
Ведь значит мы, мы все должны.
И даже враг и тот чудак
Ведь ты свинья, ведь ты мудья
И из сетей твоих не выбируся яЯЯЯЯЯЯ!
Пей Неонлизepгин и нeoн
paзoгнaли пo вeнaм ycтaлocть и cтpax
этoт вocкoвый coн
нe paзвeeт нaвepнo pecниц нepвный взмax
вoзьми мoю лaдoнь
дaвaй шaгнeм в oгoнь
и в плaмeни зapи
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