Lullabies of Thorns Gently i bleed
wrapped into thorns
which i've been always surrounded to
gently i agitate myself while they deeply penetrate
life is like a hand that lift you up
then let you fall down
since i took my very first cry
Drowning in the Memory of a Cold Embrace Life is a weapon
that inevitably strike us
i laugh planning the end...
who'll stand in defense of the hope?
when the abyss'll have swallowed all the light
who'll observe the decay
I Buried Myself at the Edge of the SkyI've been isolated like a contagious patient
by those who live never understandin' life
and dyin' without tryin'to know death...
like if it shouldn't touch'em
Only who knows suffering could rise
above the weak and the naive
so anyone that has known pain
I Desire You ... Wrapped In PlasticI dream for much time, your coming…
And now that you are with me
I’ll never let you go
Everyday i see your face …
So beautiful and innocent
Is true … love exist also in death … and you are the proof
Now i will have you … forever
If My World Ends Without YouWalking on the damp soil
Into the infinity of my thoughts
Rain hides my sensations...
And makes disappear my perception of time
Crawling... seeking comfort between ethereal teardrops...
I think about the past and it can't no longer be
Glimmers of life with you...
In Obliovenem IreL' oblio divora sardonico le mie idee lasciando solo urla in questa notte cosi buia... nessuna luce formerà la mia ombra.. vedo il disincanto del mio mondo che si sgretola nessuna vespro per me solo aghi che feriranno il cuore dei miei cari ogni speranza cade il dolore diventerà serenità quando per tutti non saro altro che un ricordo vago potro redimere la mia anima e fuggire là dove il ricordo diventa oblio
In Oblivionem Ire L' oblio divora sardonico le mie idee lasciando solo urla in questa notte cosi buia... nessuna luce formerà la mia ombra.. vedo il disincanto del mio mondo che si sgretola nessuna vespro per me solo aghi che feriranno il cuore dei miei cari ogni speranza cade il dolore diventerà serenità quando per tutti non saro altro che un ricordo vago potro redimere la mia anima e fuggire là dove il ricordo diventa oblio
My Spirit Left From Me To The StarsI desire to fly
In the nocturnal breeze
Look at everything from above
And don't care at all
Only breaking the chains of human monotony
I could judge without bein' judged
And finally I'll show myself like truly I am
Orietur Tenebris Lux TuaI Morti... non temono l'oscurità...
incanalata nelle vene ,ormai vuote
come fonte di salvezza...
Mi ritrovo in un sogno, dentro ad un altro sogno...
intorno a me il buio assoluto
Niente respira...nulla si muove.
Photophobic City Empty city without soul
Nothing caratteristic only evil make it special …
If you want kill … rape or kill yourself
Came in my city … and you will be at home …
At every corner … phobies are ready to eat you..
Don’t have fera you are at home now
Rotting In This Putrid LifeI burn myself into remorse…
A life of false promises
Life is positive?
That life gives to me?
Only suffering and delusions
Guilty is not of depression or of disease of life
But of the human kind