My Last Two WeeksWhen I returned
You buried my last two weeks
My last two weeks
Of my new times
So it didn't seem like
A wasted mouthful
A wasted mouthful
Because of a trip
A Strange Kind Of LoveСтранная любовь
Странное чувство
Плавает через глаза
И, как двери
Для широкого огромной властью
Они открыты для ваших приз
Это не террор землю
All Night Long
When the night is closing
Eyes are running wild
Then I hear you humming
All night long
The sign I see it
Tell me am I true
Big Love of a Tiny FoolStepping on the road he made his way
To the stellar far land of his desire
Singing strange and crazy by the day
Like all the pretty things he once admired
Singing pretty like a bird
Singing pretty like a high class fool
Big love of a tiny fool
Blind SublimeIt looks a dream
And feels the same
I could conquer it
And still feel sane
The soft hills and shores
Beguiled and silent nights
The sun waits softly
We talk a lot
Blue HeartHow rich is your surface
How much do you care
Does your blue heart turn away
How deep is that stare
Time hints that it's on your side
Don't think it's there
What's past could be a teaser line
Between mind and air
CascadeWe have no image
We're just called the good friends
We call the madmen back
As they fly to the ant hills
Crystal WristsI can't see the light, I'm thrown in disgust
They speak of feats, the housed forever
A howling wind changed my course
It blew me out of bounds so sore
All the walls, all the walls that bound me
Descending bleak and put upon
I chew my cheeks to wake up from
Cuts You UpI find you in the morning
After dreams of distant signs
You pour yourself over me
Like the sun through the blinds
You lift me up
And get me out
Keep me walking
But never shout
Deep Ocean Vast SeaDeep ocean vast sea
Your ocean heart
Clothed in respect
And sweet caress
My uneasy mind
You dip and you swell
Float and you find
Dragnet DragLook at them now
Look at them do
Look they found the dove
Their vastness too
Whirlpools whirl
And dragnets drag
Love me do oh love me do
Dream Gone ByLet go all the tears of your life
The one you left behind
Let the pain of the dream go by
It's over
The love is calling
I'm searching
You have gone to be free
Hit SongWalking in the street
Breath the only friend
Strangers pass me by
I'm moving, moving with the wind
Inside me now, the gold
The gold at rainbows end
Stranger to myself, a stranger
Stranger till the end
I'll Fall With Your KnifeTo the crowd
To the world
You were so dry
And with the token bird I made
Send it to fly right to your side
With the broken wing you sailed
Oh like winter in July
A barren river wide
Indigo EyesFire burning in a hill
The lines are rocky rough
Red angels wait to pick remains
The cindered shoulder
Of confused men
separate from their awe
With grey desire
Allah'im lütfet ki gittigmiz her yere baris gotürelim
Bölücü degil bagdastirici birlestirici olabilelim
Nefret olan yere sevgi, yaralanma olan yere affedicilik
Kusku olan yere inanç, ümitsizlik olan yere ümit
Karanlik olan yere aydinlik ve üzüntü olan yere
Jungle hazeYou smile at me with your lost eyes
In awe of what you think
Your heaven feel the way the wanderlust
Your gold just cold, cold steel
Where is love in that jungle haze
You're building temples made of sand
Keep Me from Harmalbum "Holy Smoke", 1992
Health is all I'm asking for
Love is all I need
Hope is what I'm asking for
Lay me down to sleep
It was then that I lost you
Was dragged there too
Kill the HateTake me on a trip
Take me from the hip
Keep me cool and dry
Round the corner from the dip
It should not veer or lead astray
Or hide me from the truth
Take me soon and make it quick
Line between the devils teethA white light blazing deep
Through the wasteland searching we
Soaring birds now hunt the brow
As thirsty gripped with hunger now
Clear sighted painful ends to win
The battle of the me so wafer thin
The line between the devil's teeth
And that which cannot be repeat
Low RoomYou've been away a while, while the art on the box cuts
The streets gone wild defeated wild
Sitting in the low room
Where we wind our love loom
Don't why'think it's wrong
That I should get stuck in a room?
The low room Low--room--low--room
Marlene Dietrich's Favourite PoemMy mother loved it so she said
Sad eyed pearl and drop lips
Glancing pierce through writer man
Spoke hushed and frailing hips
Her old eyes skim in creasing lids
A tear falls as she describes
Approaching death with a yearning heart
With pride and no despise
Mirror To My Womans MindYou came to the lobby straight
I took your hand, felt the heat of a different fate
Took sometime to tell you my name
I could smell the sense of fear
Had been lifted from your face
It was time to kick the facade
Walk into the room
Disappear without trace
Our Secret GardenIt seems like a day
A day that I call smooth
When you came into my heart I knew
The love was overflowing
And I say
La la la la la!
The day was so long and the night was still
Seesaw SwayI failed to see in your eyes
As I plundered the sky
I'm a winder of words
And you're free to pry
She's luning at the moon
I've been looking her way
For twenty-three summers now
Seven VeilsThe day grows older
The moon appears in a mirror
A fire side mirror
A distant walker
Hears the words
Do do good deeds
So you feel ok
The moon and the sun
Should the World Fail to Fall ApartShould the world fail to fall apart
And lock off in a remote sky
Ideas can matter too much
Can't hear for lack of sleep
Breathing in the smoking ruins
The rockets in the shadows whispering
Singing in the underground
Socrates the PythonToday
Your problems are not
Of blind belief
That is or means
Belief ain't enough, belief ain't enough
The oracle of your age
Point towards the word
Strange Kind of LoveA strange kind of love
A strange kind of feeling
Swims through your eyes
And like the doors
To a wide vast dominion
They open to your prize
This is no terror ground
Tale of the tongueThe time is coming ripe
We are running fast
I see you coming closer
Closer to the mask
Come closer treat me softly
Where can the dreamer be?
How far we've come to know
How much we've come to see
The Answer Is ClearTeach him to be happy
Teach him some control
Teach him what his friends are
With your sunken eyes
And your pretty looks
Underneath a see through disguise
You are desperate for a good hook
Things To RememberThing to Remember when writing figures of speech and sound
The Power of poetry comes from the ability to defy logic
Defy Logic Often
Use a metaphor and tell us that your lover is the sky.
Tell us that your lover is the sky.
When you do that
Time Has Got Nothing To Do With ItMake me a mannered, a mannered thing
Carved of wood, a life force thing
Give it an arm, that points to the earth
And a hand, that points at me
No matter where I stand
No matter where I stand
And knows all that we can't see
Wild Birds Flock To MeLooked like a blue eyes lonely boy
Hair skating to the ground
Read the air between the words
From the kingdom he was bound
In loving, he gave all he could know
All lips lick like a wave
And like a blue eyed lonely boy
To every friend, a slave
WishI wish it was spring
I wish it was your house
We'd invite the beggars
Hanging 'bout your front fence
Wish I was your tree
I wish I could bend and bow
Like the branch of ash
Burn idols for love
You're So CloseSay you!
I can hear the groove
I can hear the words
I can climb the scale
I can ride the curves
I can hit the note
I can beat the beat
Your FaceWater Lily
Where does the
Spirit lay?
Lying in shadows
Of light and clay