07. Big TimeBig time
Hi there!
I'm on my way I'm making it
I've got to make it show, yeah
So much larger than life
I'm gonna watch it growing
A Wonderful Day In A One-Way WorldSaturday is shopping day
I drive my car but there's no place to park it
No respect for superman in supermarket
I guess there must be trouble but I not been alerted
Looking round the store it was all deserted and I'm
Stranded here with my empty basket
So full of question but nowhere to ask it
Altus Silva - Joseph Arthur, RThe moon it whispers
My own voice
That screamed just a day ago
Reminds me of when I still
Had the choice
That I could stay or I could go
Animal MagicWhat did you mean when you opened your mouth and let all our secrets out?
You told him what I was about, my cover was completely blown.
I tell you darling, I've been watching the war films
And I've got a few ideas of my own,
'cos after the film had ended, the call for recruits was shown,
And I'll be joining the professionals, I want to be a man.
With all that animal magic I'll do anything you can.
Big TimeIm on my way, Im making it
Ive giot to make it show, yeah
So much larger than life
Im going to watch it growing
The place where I come from is a small town
They think so small
They use small words
Blood Of Edencaught sight of my reflection
I caught it in the window
I saw the darkness in my heart
I saw the signs of my undoing
They had been there from the start
And the darkness still has work to do
The knotted chord's untying
They're heated and they're holy
CourageI been beating my head against the rubber wall. Ive been jumping on a ladder, tryin to make it fall. Were diving on the cliff from the highest rocks. Living under penalty, no seceond thoughts.
Riding and changes. And the world re- arranges. This is sink or swim. Sure as hell, no one stays, Im in.
Riding and changes. And my mind re-arranges. First, always the same surrender. Always left with the tender heart.
Were in this strong beat. Getting a rest through the night. The streets are all empty.
Looking and running. Shouting people is coming. Enough, he know me through the law.
Ooh, get the bull by the horns. Listen to the rumble from beneath the ground. Im tryinto get to sleep but theres that angry sound. All the stamping and the kicking, dont know what Im gone do.
Have them made to maybe face the popping out. Popping out. Popping out. Popping out. Ooh.
CurtainsПитер Брайан Гэбриэл (англ. Peter Brian Gabriel, 13 февраля 1950) — английский музыкант. Начинал карьеру вокалистом, флейтистом и перкуссионистом британской прог-рок-группы Genesis, затем с успехом занялся сольной карьерой, продюсировал множество этно-исполнителей, участвовал в различных гуманитарных начинаниях.
В 2002 году альбом Passion: Music for The Last Temptation of Christ Питера Гэбриэла с саундтреком к фильму «Последнее искушение Христа» был включен в рейтинг 25 самых влиятельных эмбиент-альбомов всех времён (англ. The 25 Most Influential Ambient Albums Of All Time).
арт-рок, прогрессивный рок, экспериментальный рок, поп-рок, этническая музыка
Darknessi'm scared of swimming in the sea
dark shapes moving under me
every fear i swallow makes me small
inconsequential things occur
alarms are triggered
memories stir
it's not the way it has to be
Der Rhythmus der HitzeIch oeffne das fenster
Seh, wie roter staub sich klaert
Auf dem roten felsen
Steht der schatten mit dem speer
Mein fuss spuert das land
Es glueht rot weiss
Es naehrt sich vom blut
Deutsches Album - 01. Der Rhythmus der HitzeIch oeffne das Fenster
Seh, wie roter Staub sich klaert
Auf dem roten Felsen
Steht der Schatten mit dem Speer
Mein Fuss spuert das Land
Es glueht rot weiss
Es naehrt sich vom Blut
Deutsches Album - 02. Das FischernetzUmzingelt von Spiegeln
Von Traeumen befleckt
Der Saum schnuert ein
Was im Koerper steckt
Sanft der Bauch, gespannter Muskel
Weiche Tuecher auf der Tigerhaut
Feucht wie Gras
Deutsches Album - 04. San JacintoDer dampf steigt hoch - wasser zischt auf heissem stein
Schwitz im bueffelfell - salbeistrauch auf haut verteilt
Draussen so kalt - warte, bis die sonne steigt
Rot bemalt, adlerfedern - coyote heult. es ist soweit
Etwas ist jetzt da - ich schmeck es im mund, der puls schlaegt
Als wuerd' was sterben - sacht...
Medizinmann geht durch die stadt - indianer waren hier zuhaus
Deutsches Album - 05. Schock den AffenFasse mich wenn ich brenn
Fasse mich wenn ich renn
Schuettel die Baeume im Regenwald
Von oben faellt ein Tier
Fasse mich jetzt und hier
Offen - offen - uh - uh
Ja, due weisst: das schockt den Affen
Deutsches Album - 06. HandauflegenSass in der ecke vom schnellrestaurant -
Mit plastikblumen auf der fensterbank
Kein wunder mehr - brotlaib und fisch
Hol das schmutzige geschirr vom tisch
Bin heute so empfindlich - es geht auch ohne stimulanz
Probier jetzt jede moeglichkeit, leb in einem zwischenreich
Der ozean ist zu, statik blitzt - elektrischer schlag
Deutsches Album - 07. Nicht die Erde hat dich verschlucktZweimal zwei - von Wand zu Wand
Klappen vor dem Fentsern, du tastest mit der Hand
Feucht der Boden, klamm das Lager
Sie treiben dich zum Wahnsinn - ohne Naechte und Tage
Sie fuettern dich mit Dreck; sie fuettern dich mit Luegen
wollen dich brechen - den Mut besiegen
Nichts kannst du tun, endlos jeder Tag
Dein Kopf fiebert staendig - dein Koerper wird schwach
Deutsches Album - 08. MundzumundbeatmungZeig mir die Frau, oh
Gott, wie sie tanzt
Zeig mir die Frau
Koerper voll in Trance
Wie sie tanzt!
Sie tanzt auf den Tischen
Fegt Bestecke weg
Digging In The DirtSomething in me, dark and sticky
All the time it's getting strong
No way of dealing with this feeling
Can't go on like this too long
This time you've gone too far [x3]
I told you [x4]
Don't Give Up дуIn this proud land we grew up strong
We were wanted all along
I was taught to fight, taught to win
I never thought I could fail
No fight left or so it seems
I am a man whose dreams have all deserted
Ive changed my face, Ive changed my name
Down The Dolce VitaHey Mac, see you down the Dolce Vita!
Get back, we don't have time
'Cos I hear we're sending off the heroes
When the year goes, (they're) out of the bay,
Trying to find a way
To make it alive
So long, said four men to their families
Down To EarthDid you think that your feet had been bound
By what gravity brings to the ground?
Did you feel you were tricked
By the future you picked?
Well come on down
All these rules don't apply
When you're high in the sky
Downside-UpI looked up at the tallest building
Felt it falling down
I could feel my balance shifting
Everything was moving around
These streets so fixed and solid
A shimmering haze
And everything that I relied on disappeared
Ein Deutsches Album - 01. EindringlingIch find ueberall Einlass, ich knacke Fenster und Tuer
Ich find schnell meine Wege, der Kater schleicht ueber den Flur
Ich find all deine Sachen, versteckt im Schrank und der Uhr
Besser mit dem Messer
Besser mit dem Messer die Leitung verlegen
Wir sind unter uns, ich lass mich erregen
Ein Deutsches Album - 02. Keine SelbstkontrolleEssen - Essen - Essen
Immer noch so hungrig
Ich hoer nie wieder auf
Ich hoer nie wieder auf
Schlafen - Schlafen - Schlafen
Nachts immer so nervoes
Ich hoer nie wieder auf
Ein Deutsches Album - 03. Frag Mich Nicht ImmerGeh weg - geh weg ...
Ich bin ein niemand, ohne behoerdenstempel
Kein ausweis sagt dir, wer ich bin
Nimm mich doch so, wie du mich jetzt hier vorfindest
Ich steck ganz tief in der scheisse drin
Leergeaetzt, vorm kopf ein brett
Leer das herz, leer das bett
Ein Deutsches Album - 05. Und Durch Den DrahtUnd durch den Draht hoer ich dich
Und durch den Draht wird er hart
Und durch den Draht seh ich dich
nur durch den Draht
Freitag nacht in deinem Bett aus Chrom Ich will dich
Ich klick und tick wie'n Metronom Ich will dich
Ich schleich um's Wasserloch wie ein wildes Tier Ich will dich
Ein Deutsches Album - 06. Spiel Ohne GrenzenHans spielt mit Lotte, Lotte spielt mit Jane
Jane spielt mit Willi, Willi ist wieder froh
Suki spielt mit Leo, Sacha spielt mit Britt
Adolf zuendet Buecher an, Enrico macht auch mit
- krieg uns - besieg uns - wir jagen
durch das Seegras
- krieg uns - besieg uns - piss auf die Fratzen
im Dschungel
Ein Deutsches Album - 07. Du Bist Nicht Wie WirIst doch nur Wasser
Wenn ein Fremder weint
Bitte klar trennen
Wenn was unklar scheint
Angst von Neuem -
Hier weht ein anderer Wind
Bekannte Gesichter
Wo alle wie Blinde sind
Ein Deutsches Album - 09. BikoSeptember '77
Port elizabeth - sonnenschein
In sechs-eins-neun endlich ruhe
Nur ein stuhl ging aus dem leim
Oh Biko, Biko, because Biko
Oh Biko, Biko, because Biko
Yihla moja, yihla moja
- er ist tot
Excuse MeExcuse me
You're wearing out my joie de vie
Grabbing those good years again
I want to be alone
Excuse me
I'm not the man I used to be
Someone else crept in again
Father, SonFather, son
Locked as one
In this empty room
Spine against spine
Yours against mine
Till the warmth comes through
Remember the breakwaters down by the waves
Flotsam And JetsamDoing nothing, stuck in the mud, just pumping the blood.
The water level's getting low, something ugly's going to show.
If only I could touch you, I guess you'd be alarmed.
If only I could touch you, I don't mean you no harm.
If only I could touch you, like the wind can touch the sail,
If only I could touch you, darling, now that words have failed.
Games Without FrontiersHans plays with lotte, lotte plays with jane
Jane plays with willi, willi is happy again
Suki plays with leo, sacha plays with britt
Adolf builts a bonfire, enrico plays with it
-whistling tunes we hid in the dunes by the seaside
-whistling tunes we're kissing baboons in the jungle
It's a knockout
If looks could kill, they probably will
Growing Upfolded in your fleshy purse
i am floating once again
while the muted sounds are pumping rhythm
all the walls close in on me
pressure's building wave on wave
'til the water breaks – and outside i go, oh
one dot, that's on or off, defines what is and what is not, one dot
Here Comes The FloodWhen the night shows
the signals grow on radios
All the strange things
they come and go, as early warnings
Stranded starfish have no place to hide
still waiting for the swollen Easter tide
There's no point in direction we cannot
even choose a side.
HeroesI, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day
We can be heroes, just for one day
And you, you can be mean
And I, I'll drink all the time
HumdrumI saw the man at J.F.K.
He took your ticket yesterday
In the humdrum
I ride tandem with a random
Things don't run the way I planned them
In the humdrum
I GrieveIt was only one hour ago
It was all so different then
Theres nothing yet has really sunk in
Looks like it always did
This flesh and bone
Its just the way that you would tied in
Now theres no-one home
I Have The TouchThe time I like is the rush hour, cos I like the rush
The pushing of the people - I like it all so much
Such a mass of motion - do not know where it goes
I move with the movement and ... I have the touch
I'm waiting for ignition, I'm looking for a spark
Any chance collision and I light up in the dark
There you stand before me, all that fur and all that hair
I Think it's Going to Rain TodayBroken windows and empty hallways,
a pale dead moon in a sky streaked with grey.
Human kindness is overflowing,
and I think it's gonna rain today.
Scarecrows dressed in the latest styles,
the frozen smiles to chase love away.
Human kindness is overflowing,
In Your EyesLove I get so lost, sometimes
days pass and this emptiness fills my heart
when I want to run away
I drive off in my car
but whichever way I go
I come back to the place you are
all my instincts, they return
It Is AccomplishedPassion: Music for The Last Temptation of Christ
Released June 5, 1989
Recorded 1988-1989
It Is Accomplished
Bill Cobham - drums, tambourine
David Bottrill - tambourine 2, distorted slide
Nathan East - bass
Jetzt Kommt Die FlutWenn die Nacht droht
der Himmel rot,
das Radio
spielt das Lied dreimal
ein Paar ganz still im leeren Saal
ein Seestern stirbt und stumme andre Zeichen
das Meer zeigt das Ende der Gezeiten
Lay Your Hands On MeSat in the corner of the Garden Grill, with plastic flowers
on the window sil
No more miracles, loaves and fishes, been so busy with the
washing of the dishes
Reaction level's much too high - I can do without the stimuli
I'm living way beyond my ways and means, living in the
zone of the inbetweens
Lazarus RaisedPassion: Music for The Last Temptation of Christ
Released June 5, 1989
Recorded 1988-1989
Lazarus Raised
(Players unknown) - Kurdish duduk & tenbur
David Rhodes - guitars
Peter Gabriel - piano, Akai S900
Listening WindMojique sees his village from a nearby hill
Mojique thinks of days before Americans came
He serves the foreigners in growing numbers
He sees the foreigners in fancy houses
He dreams of days that he can still remember now
Mojique holds a package in his quivering hands
Mojique sends the package to the American man
Love To Be Loved(Aaaaahi, byeeee)
So, you know how people are
When it's all gone much too far
The way their minds are made
Still, there's something you should know
That I could not let show
That fear of letting go
LovetownPeople go naked and pick up these trails
Someone before me laid down these rails
When it's loaded up too heavy,
this engine fails
In lovetown
I can't settle down
And do those teeth still match the wound
Take a good look around
Mercy streetLooking down on empty streets
All she can see
Are the dreams all made solid
Are the dreams all made real
All of the buildings, all of those cars
Were once just a dream
In somebody's head
Modern LoveHey, I'm feeling so dirty, you're looking so clean
All you can give is a spin in your washing machine
I fly off to Rome to my prima bella
She leaves me in the rain with telescopic umbrella
Ooh the pain -- Modern love can be a strain
I trusted my Venus was untouched in her shell
But the pearls in her oyster were as tacky as hell
"More Than This"
i woke up and the world outside was dark
all so quiet before the dawn
opened up the door and walked outside
the ground was cold
Moribund The BurgermeisterPeter Gabriel 1 (Car)
Released 25 February 1977
Recorded July 1976 – January 1977
Caught in the chaos in the market square
I don't know what, I don't know why, but something's wrong down there
Their bodies twistin' and turnin' in a thousand ways
The eyes all rollin' round and round into a distant gaze
My body is a cage That keeps me from dancing with the one I love But my mind holds the keyМоя плоть-это склеп,
Храня мя от танца с любовью моей.
Но ум мой держит ключ.
Встаю я на помост
Сомненья и страха
То пустая игра,
Но бьют в ладоши всегда.
My Body Is A Cage Доктор Хаус сезон 7 серия 16My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key
I'm standing on a stage
Of fear and self-doubt
It's a hollow play
But they'll clap anyway
My Body Is A CagеMy body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key
My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key
No Self-controlGot to get some food
I'm so hungry all the time
I don't know how to stop
I don't know how to stop
Got to get some sleep
I'm so nervous in the night
I don't know how to stop
No Way Outsaw a group of people forming
round a figure lying down
and someone runs to make a phone call
and the man kneels on the ground
the man kneels on the ground
there's a tightening in my chest
i know that I'm drawn in
oh god let it not be - you
Not One Of UsIt's only water
In a stranger's tear
Looks are deceptive
But distinctions are clear
A foreign body
And a foreign mind
Never welcome
In the land of the blind
On The AirBuilt in the belly of junk by the river, my cabin stands;
Made from the trash I dug off the heap with my own bare hands.
Every night I'm back at the shack, I'm sure no one is there,
I'm putting the aerial up, so I can go out on the air...
On the air
On the air
On the air
Orthodoxy UnleashedLove I get so lost, sometimes
days pass and this emptiness fills my heart
when I want to run away
I drive off in my car
but whichever way I go
I come back to the place you are
all my instincts, they return
PhiladelphiaPeter Gabriel - Philadelphia (Neil Young cover)
Sometimes I think that I know
What love's all about
And when I see the light
I know I'll be all right
I've got my friends in the world
I had my friends
Red RainRed rain is coming down
Red rain
Red rain is pouring down
Pouring down all over me
I am standing up at the water's edge in my dream
I cannot make a single sound as you scream
It can't be that cold, the ground is still warm to touch
San JacintoThick cloud - steam rising - hissing stone on sweat lodge fire
Around me - buffalo robe - sage in bundle - rub on skin
Outside - cold air - stand, wait for rising sun
Red paint - eagle feathers - coyote calling - it has begun
Something moving in - I taste it in my mouth and in my heart
It feels like dying - slow - letting go of life
Medicine man lead me up through town - Indian ground - so far down
Secret WorldI stood in this unsheltered place
'Til I could see the face behind the face
All that had gone before had left no trace
Down by the railway siding
In our secret world we were colliding
In all the places we were hiding love
What was it we were thinking of?
Shaking The TreeWe are shaking the tree
Waiting your time, dreaming of a better life
Waiting your time, you're more than just a wife
You don't want to do what your mother has done
(she has done)
This is your life, this new life has begun
It's your day -- a woman's day
It's your day -- a woman's day
Shock The MonkeyCover me, when I run
Cover me, through the fire
Something knocked me out' the trees
Now I'm on my knees
Cover me, darling please
Monkey, monkey, monkey
Don't you know you're gonna shock the monkey
Signal To NoiseYou know the way that things go
When what you fight for starts to fall
And in that fuzzy picture
He writing stands out on the wall
So clearly on the wall
Send out the signals deep and loud
Sky Bluelost my time lost my place in
sky blue
those two blue eyes light your face in
sky blue
i know how to fly, i know how to drown in
sky blue
warm wind blowing over the earth
SledgehammerYou could have a steam train
If you'd just lay down your tracks
You could have an aeroplane flying
If you bring your blue sky back
All you do is call me
I'll be anything you need
Solsbury HillClimbing up on solsbury hill
I could see the city light
Wind was blowing, time stood still
Eagle flew out of the night
He was something to observe
Came in close, I heard a voice
Standing stretching every nerve
SteamStand Back!
'said Stand Back!
What are those dogs doing sniffing at my feet?
They're on to something, picking up
Picking up this heat, this heat
Give me steam
The Book of LoveThe book of love is long and boring
No one can lift the damn thing
It's full of charts and facts and figures
And instructions for dancing
But I---
I love it when you read to me
And you---
You can read me anything
The Book Of Love is long and boring, and written very long ago...Книга любви очень длинна и настолько тяжела,
Что никто не в силах поднять ее.
Она полна схем, различных фактов и танцевальных па.
Но я обожаю, когда ты читаешь ее мне,
И только ты можешь прочесть мне все.
В этой книге есть и песни,
В сущности, оттуда и рождается музыка.
The Boy In The BubbleIt was a slow day,
And the sun was beating
On the soldiers by the side of the road,
There was a bright light,
A shattering of shop windows
The bomb in the baby carriage
Was wired to the radio,
These are the days of miracle and wonder,
The Family And The Fishing NetSuffocated by mirrors, stained by dreams
Her honey belly pulls the seams
Curves are still upon the hinge
Pale zeros tinge the tiger skin
Moist as grass, ripe and heavy as the night
The sponge is full, well out of sight
All around the conversations
The Feeling BeginsPassion: Music for The Last Temptation of Christ
Released June 5, 1989
Recorded 1988-1989
The Feeling Begins
Manny Elias - octabans, surdo, skins
Hossam Ramzy - finger cymbals, tabla, dufs
Peter Gabriel - synthesizers, shakers, skins, surdo
The Power Of The HeartYou and me we always sweat and we strain
You look for sun and I look for rain
We're different people, we're not the same
The power of the sun
I looked for treetops, you looked for caps
Above the water, where the waves snap back
I flew around the world to bring you back
Ah the power of the heart
The Rhythm Of The HeatLooking out the window
I see the red dust clear
High up on the red rock
Stands the shadow with the spear
The land here is strong
Strong beneath my feet
It feeds on the blood
The Rythm of the HeatLooking out the window
I see the red dust clear
High up on the red rock
Stands the shadow with the spear
The land here is strong
Strong beneath my feet
It feeds on the blood
The Story Of OVOA long time ago, in a far away land
Theo was the man who learned to understand
The riches of the earth
And all that it was worth
The first man that ever tried to stand with his own plan
Now this man was all about the wind rain and trees
He knew that it would take care of all of his family needs
The VeilDo solemnly swear do solemnly swear
That I will support and defend
That I will support and defend
The constitution of the United States
The constitution of the United States
Against all enemies against all enemies
Foreign and domestic foreign and domestic
Theme Assassins Creed 3My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key
My body is a cage that keeps me
From dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key
Washing Of The WaterRiver, river carry me on
Living river carry me on
River, river carry me on
To the place where I come from
So deep, so wide, will you take me on your back for a ride
If I should fall, would you swallow me deep inside
White ShadowTen coaches roll into the dust, chrome windows turned to rust.
Hang on inside, they know they must, hanging on the green-backed words
"In God We Trust."
No one knows if the spirit died, all wrapped to go like Kentucky Fried,
Trying to read the flight of birds, low on fuel, getting low on words.
And she comes out like a white shadow,
She comes out like a white shadow.
Why Don't You Show YourselfWhy don't you show yourself
Why don't you show yourself
Was that something whispering in the leaves
I can smell your breath within a breeze
Something lying at your feet
Making you alive more complete
Фик хуйMy body is a cage
That keeps me from dancing with the one I love
But my mind holds the key
I'm standing on the stage
Of fear and self-doubt
It's a hollow play