Tranquility and silence
Reign in the air when nightfal
Embrace my sinful soul
In the frozen world,
In the world of cold.
Ghost Of SorrowGhost Of Sorrow
Unmask thy face to me, repulsed moon,
Partake of my tragedy!
Art thou the only, who partaketh
Of my contempt for insipidity?
Doth my poor breath force any echo?
My pain's coming closer,
Discovering edges of panic regret.
Over and over! Again and again
I'm trying to forget
Desperate creatures were draging me
Into their world,
Shame. Fear. DenialShame. Fear. Denial
Dressed with my dreams, I danced with my past.
Stripped by my fears, I lay with you.
I cherished the past, let it live within me.
I never thought, a sin, it could be.
All your lies
The Evil TwinThe Evil Twin
The demon was bound and overthrown
From the royal throne.
For her disease, all the disasters,
She has drawn.
And through centuries of peace