Perfect Pussy все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
BellsI am sad and grateful
I am lonely and rejoicing
I ring the bells alone, I ring the bells for you
Forgive me the impermanence of my joy
And the permanence of my joy
I am present in my truth
Though you were right, I lost myself
I abide in my discomfort
Big StarsIt's not stimulating
He likes celebrating
I had that sort of heart once
Now I still have more to lose than you
Do you - do you go
To meet their highest their fullest
I can only love
And move toward everyone
Interference FitsI never wanted any children
Just a nice apartment with open air
And big windows and all the flowers
And I could only ever see myself there
Yeah, I guess I was too hard for my own good
And then my friends began to fall in love
First with themselves, then with each other
I met my despair at midday light