AdonaiLord of eternity,
Mystery behind the veil,
Lord over heaven and earth,
God of Israel.
Come with Your wisdom and power,
Clothed in Your honor and strength,
Lord, hear the cry of our hearts,
Come, O conquering King!
Baruch AdonaiDm Gm C Dm Gm Bb
Baruch Adonai, Elohey Yisrael Adonai, Blessed is the Lord,
Dm Gm C F Gm C Dm
Baruch Adonai, Elohey Yisrael Adonai, Blessed is the Lord,
F Gm Bb C
Min ha-olam , V'ad ha-olam ,
F Gm C Dm
Blessed Are YouBlessed are You O Lord our God
Eternity's holy King
Blessed are You O Lord our God
Whose Word bring on the evening
Bar'chu et Adonai ham'vorach l'olam vaed
Bar'chu et Adonai ham'vorach l'olam vaed
By wisdom O Lord
Come Let Us Go UpCome let us go up
To the mountain of the Lord
And to the house
Of the God of Jacob
And the law will go forth
From Zion
Come, Spirit of GodБлагословен
О, Дух Святой, сойди!
Освяти, прости.
По Слову нас Ты оживи,
Благодать Свою яви,
К Тебе взываем – Дух Святой, сойди!
Crowned with many CrownsO the glory of the Lord has come
His Spirit filling everyone
We were born for such a time as this
For the Lamb of God is in our midst
O the glory of the Lord has come (Holy, Holy)
His Spirit filling everyone (Holy is the Lord)
We were born for such a time as this (Holy, Holy)
Dance With MeDance with me
O lover of my soul
To the song of all songs
Romance me
O lover of my soul
To the song of all songs
Behold You have come
Over the hills
En tu presenciaEn tu presencia pertenezco yo
En tu presencia o Señor, mi Dios
En tu presencia es donde fuerte soy,
Ahí buscare tu gracia Señor
Y tu rostro de amor,
En tu presencia o Dios
Great I AmХочу я быть ближе, ближе к Тебе
пусть небо реальностью станет моей
Хочу я услышать песни Небес
Где ангелы вторят...
Как воск растают горы перед лицом Его
Силы тьмы трепещут перед именем Того
Кто вознесен над всеми
He Binds The Broken HeartedYou bind the broken hearted
You heal the wounded soul
Father of all heaven
We give You full control
Come have Your way in us, O Lord
Come set our spirits free
O Father send revival
And start the work in me
Holy Holy HolyHoly, Holy, Holy Is the God of Israel
Elders bow in worship as the angel voices swell
Fragrant clouds of incense swirl around Your throne of grace
Lord we bow in worship at the brilliance of Your face,
we cry:
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord
In Your Presence O GodIrina Ochs
82. В Твоей славе.
Paul Wilbur – In Your Presence O God
G D/F# Em C
В Твоей славе, я силы нахожу.
G D/F# Am G/H C (D)
KadoshСвятой! Святой! Святой! /2р
Адонай, Элохим, Саваоф! /2р
Святой! Святой! Святой! /2р
Господь Бог Всемогущий! /2р
Кто был! Кто есть! и Кто грядет! /2р
Let The Weight Of Your GloryКуплет:
Дух Всевышнего Господа
Приди и сделай Свое присутствие известным (видимым, явным)
Яви (покажи) славу живого Бога.
Nobody Like YouLord of all I bow down at Your feet
All to You, Lord, I give, all of me
My soul longs to behold who You are
Holy, is The Lord of glory
We lift our voice and sing to You, our King
Worthy, You alone are worthy
We lift our voice and sing to You, our King.
O JahO Yah
O Yah let God arise
O Yah
O Yah let God arise
Let His enemies scatter
Let them flee from before Him
As smoke is driven away
Shalom JerusalemShalom shalom Jerusalem
Peace be to you
When Messiah comes
To take us home
May His praise
Be found in you
Pray for peace Jerusalem
City of our God
Show Me Your FaceMoses stood on the mountain
waiting for you to pass by
you placed your hand over his face
in your presence he wouldn't die
And all Israel saw your glory
and it shines down through the age
now you've called us to boldly seek your face
Sing of Your Great LoveAll that is within me Lord
Will bless Your holy name
I live my life to worship you alone
You brought me out of darkness
And into your glorious light
Forever I will sing of your great love
Forever I will sing of your great love
The Shout of El ShaddaiCan you hear it thunder in the distance?
when We worship the Lion of Judah roars
strong holds crumble all around us
in the presence of our Lord
There'll be vic'try in the camp
at the shout of el Shaddai
every enemy will flee from the fire in His eyes
Who Can CompareYou rule the oceans and the seas, subdue the storm tossed waves for me
God You are awesome
All of heaven declares Your name; wondrous beauty, Your majesty
God You are awesome
Who can compare, who can compare to Your great love
None can compare, none can compare to all You’ve done
Why Should I Be Afraid1. Господь мой свет, мое спасенье
Кого бояться мне?
2. Господь моя сила и крепкая башня
Кого бояться мне?
Он меня сокроет в своем доме
WorthyДостоин, достоин, достоин славу всю принять,
Святой, святой, святой, воскресший Божий Сын.
Всемогущий, Господь силы, Ты - Царь славы, о сойди на нас!
Сила, Слава, Милость, пусть сойдет на нас!
Другое название: Holy, Holy, Holy
Исполнитель: Paul Wilbur
Альбом: The Watchman, 2005, №7
Куплет 1:
Святый, святый, святый,
Господь Бог Израиля,