Rock 'n' Roll Nigger... Crazy and sleepy comanche
Lies beneath this netting of the skin
I wake up, I am lying peacefully, I am lying peacefully
And my knees are open to the sun
I desire him which is absolutely ready to seize me
In in in in heart I am a Moslem, in heart I am I am an American
In heart I am Moslem, in heart I'm an American artist
And I have no guilt
1959Listen to my story. Got two tales to tell.
One of fallen glory. One of vanity.
The world's roof was raging, but we were looking fine;
'Cause we built that thing and it grew wings,
in Nineteen-Fifty-Nine.
Wisdom was a teapot; Pouring from above.
Desolation angels
2015-06-23-Tanzbrunnen, Koln, Germany01. Intro/Gloria
02. Redondo Beach
03. Birdland
04. Free Money
05. Kimberly
06. Break It Up
07. Land/Gloria
08. Elegie
25th FloorWe explore the men's room.
We don't give a shit.
Ladies' lost electricity;
take vows inside of it.
Desire to dance;
Too startled to try.
Wrap my legs 'round you,
About A BoyToward another
He has gone
To breathe an air
Beyond his own
Toward a wisdom
Beyond the shelf
Toward a dream
That dreams itself
AmerigoWe were going to see the world
In this land
We placed Baptismal fonts
And an infinite number were baptized
And they called us "Carabi"
Which means "Men of Great Wisdom"
Where are you going,
April FoolCome be my April Fool
Come you're the only one
Come on your rusted bike
Come we'll break all the rules
We'll ride like writers ride
Neither rich nor broke
We'll race through alleyways
Ask the AngelsMoooooove! Ask the angels who they're calling,
Go ask the angels if they're calling to thee
Ask the angels while they're falling
Who that person could possibly be
And I know you got the feeling,
You know, I feel it crawl across the floor
And I know it got you reelin'
Boy Cried WolfЯ расскажу вам историю, пересказанную сотни раз -
На страницах священных книг, в желтых газетенках.
Все это соперничество, вся эта суета - не более, чем шепот.
...Душа золота, живот мальчика.
Итак, его завлекли в лес -
Подобно тому, как они тянут кровь из ран, -
Приковали к дереву, как святого Себастьяна**...
Break It UpCar stopped in a clearing,
Ribbon of life, it was nearing.
I saw the boy break out of his skin.
My heart turned over and I crawled in.
He cried, break it up, oh I dont understand,
Break it up, I cant comprehend.
Break it up, oh, I want to feel you.
Break it up, dont talk to me that way,
Capitol LetterKatniss...
Rebellion has a heart
Breaking as the dawn
Bursting into song
Bursting into song
cartwheelsCome my one, look at the world
Bird, beast, butterfly
Girls sing notes of heaven
Birds lift them up to the sky
Spring is departing
Spring is departing
Changing Of The GuardsSixteen years
Sixteen banners united over the field
Where the good shepherd grieves
Desperate men, desperate women divided
Spreading their wings 'neath falling leaves.
Fortune calls
I stepped forth from the shadows to the marketplace
Chikletslast night i awoke up from a dream came face to face with my face facing the
tombstone teeth of a man called chiklets he came down through the ages with
the desperate beauty of a middleweight boxer came beating the force field
with elegant grace trying to get a perfect grip there was no absolute grip
he was in a sail boat a glass bottom boat the bottom of a boat he was coming
down through the ages sea molten sea spilling down the tube the spiny eye of
the village the spinal eye of the victim the spiny eye like a question mark
hovering over him what do you want what do you want from him down on a dream
China Bird(Smith/Ray)
One fine day these words I pray
Will breathe a truth
Within yourself upon a shelf
A life anew
So many roads
It's hard to know what to do
Citizen ShipAw... it was nothing. It didn't matter to me.
Ah, there were tanks all over my street.
There was one outside the windows
and children in the streets were throwing rocks at the tanks.
Ain't got a passport.
Ain't got my real name.
Ain't got a chance, sport, at fortune and fame.
Dancing Barefootshe is benediction
she is addicted to thee
she is the root connection
she is connecting with he
here I go and I don't know why
I fell so ceaselessly
could it be he's taking over me...
Death SingingIn the straw-colored light
In light rapidly changing
On a life rapidly fading
Have you seen death singing
Have you seen death singing
With a throat smooth as a lamb
ElegieI just don't know what to do tonight,
My head is aching as I drink and breathe
Memory falls like cream in my bones, moving on my own.
There must be something I can dream tonight,
The air is filled with the moves of you,
All the fire is frozen yet still I have the will, ooh, ah.
FrederickHi hello
Wake from thy sleep
God has granted
Thy soul to keep
All of the power
And all of the gain
Is entwined
In a single
Fuji-sanOh, mountain of our eyes, what do you see?
The girl with the omen dice, bowing to thee
Mortal soldiers clear the path, shake the omen tree
Oh, mountain of our eyes, oh plea
Oh, hear our plea
See the five fingers laid, like a hand in blue
In sideways of the pure
Together glimpse of you, together glimpse of you
GandhiI had a dream Mr. King If you'll beg my pardon
I was trespassing A sacred garden
And the blossoms fell And they dropped like candy
And nature cried Gandhi Gandhi
And nature cried Gandhi Gandhi
When he was a boy He was afraid of the dark
His mother would fast And pray at his feet
Ghost DanceWe shall live again, we shall live.
What is it children that falls from the sky?
Tayi, taya, tayi, aye aye.
Mannah from Heaven from the most high,
Food from the father, tayi, taye aye.
We shall live again, we shall live again,
Gimme ShelterOh, a storm is threat'ning
My very life today
If I don't get some shelter
Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away
War, children, it's just a shot away
It's just a shot away
War, children, it's just a shot away
Gimmie Shelter(Rolling Stones cover)
Oh, a storm is threatening
My very life today
If I don't get some shelter
Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away
War, children, its just a shot away
Glitter In Their EyesIt's been a while since I've seen your
It's been a while since I've walked this
I see the monkeys riding on their bikes
Racing through the impossible night
You say you're feeling like a new tree
GloriaJesus died for somebodys sins but not mine
Meltin in a pot of thieves
Wild card up my sleeve
Thick heart of stone
My sins my own
They belong to me, me
People say beware!
Going UnderSun is rising on the water
Light is dancing again
Let's go under where the sun beams
Let's go under my friend
Are we sleeping
Are we dreaming
Are we dancing again
Gone PieHey there
Come and take a walk with me
Stroll into infinity
We'll stroll along
Until the dawn is gone
Midnight take it to the twilight
Just a little slice of light
Let's turn it off and on off and on
Grateful Ours is just another skin
That simply slips away
You can rise above it
It will shed easily
It all will come out fine
I've learned it line by line
One common wire
Gung HoOn a field of red one gold star
Raised above his head
Raised above his head
He was not like any other
He was just like any other
And the song they bled
Was a hymn to him
Here I Dreamt I Was An ArchitectAnd here I dreamt I was a soldier
And I marched the streets of Birkenau
And I recall in spring
The perfume that the air would bring
To the indolent town
Where the barkers call the moon down
The carnival was ringing loudly now
And just to lay with you
Higher LearningLittle child lost in this world
Little boy, little girl
Little child lost in the earth
The sea drags you down, down
Deep into the earth
Down, deep..
Each time, each time we care
HorsesThe boy was in the hallway drinking a glass of tea
From the other end of the hallway a rhythm was generating
Another boy was sliding up the hallway
He merged perfectly with the hallway,
He merged perfectly, the mirror in the hallway
The boy looked at Johnny, Johnny wanted to run,
but the movie kept moving as planned
I Was Looking For YouIn the medieval night
'twas love's design
And the sky was open
Like a Valentine
All the lacy lights
Where wishes fall
And like Shakespeare's child
JubileeOh glad day to celebrate ?Neath the cloudless sky
Air so sweet Water pure
Fields ripe with rye Come one, come all
Gather round Discard your Sunday shoes
Come on now Oh my land
Be a jubilee Come on girl
Come on boy Be a jubilee
KimberlyThe wall is high, the black barn,
The babe in my arms in her swaddling clothes
And I know soon that the sky will split
And the planets will shift,
Balls of jade will drop and existence will stop.
Little sister, the sky is falling, I don't mind, I don't mind.
Little sister, the fates are calling on you.
Ah, here I stand again in this old 'lectric whirlwind,
Lo and BeholdenI was alone and content in my world
Dancing on air
You sent to me a message that said
I like your style
Will you come to the temple tonight
And dance for me there
I pledge to you all that you wish
The moon and the stars
Mother RoseMother rose Every little morn'
To tend to me There she stood
Waiting by the door Selflessly
Took my hand Took it with a smile tenderly
Mother rose Every little morn'
To tend to me Now's the time
To turn the view Now that I have you
My Blakean YearIn my Blakean year I was so disposed
Toward a mission yet unclear Advancing pole by pole
Fortune breathed into my ear Mouthed a simple ode
One road is paved in gold One road is just a road
In my Blakean year Such a woeful schism
The pain of our existence Was not as I envisioned
My MadrigalWe waltzed beneath motionless skies
all heaven's glory turned in your eyes
we expressed such sweet vows
oh till death do us part
oh till death do us part
New PartyYou say hey
The state of the union
Is fine fine fine
I got the feeling that you're lying
Lying lying lying
I think we need
Think we're gonna need
A new party
Paths That CrossSpeak to me
Speak to me heart
I feel a needing
to bridge the clouds
Softly go
A way I wish to know
A way I wish to know
Oh you'll ride
People Have The PowerI was dreaming in my dreaming
of an aspect bright and fair
and my sleeping it was broken
but my dream it lingered near
in the form of shining valleys
where the pure air recognized
and my senses newly opened
I awakened to the cry
PersuasionWhat is the system that gets around
Recruits hearts with its timeless rhythm
The young glow but old men know
It's all a part of some crazy schism
Coming on like the dawn unrelenting light
Streets thick with its radiating
It's all aglow but we all know
Piss FactorySixteen and time to pay off
I got this job in a piss factory inspecting pipe
Forty hours thirty-six dollars a week
But it's a paycheck, Jack.
It's so hot in here, hot like Sahara
You could faint in the heat
But these bitches are just too lame to understand
Too goddamned grateful to get this job
Pissing In A RiverPissing in a river, watching it rise
Tattoo fingers shy away from me
Voices voices mesmerize
Voices voices beckoning sea
Come come come come back come back
Come back come back come back
Spoke of a wheel, tip of a spoon
PoppiesHe's delighted to love me, but you know,
I just don't know what to say to him. I just don't know.
Heard it on the radio, it's no good
Heard it on the radio, it's news to me
When she gets something, it's understood
Baby's got somethin' she's not used to
Redondo Beach Late afternoon, dreaming hotel
We just had the quarrel that sent you away.
I was looking for you, are you gone gone?
Called you on the phone, another dimension.
Well, you never returned, oh you know what I mean.
I went looking for you, are you gone, gone?
Down by the ocean it was so dismal,
Women all standing with a shock on their faces.
RevengeI feel upset.
Let’s do some celebrating.
Come on honey, don’t hesitate now.
Needed you, you withdrew, I was so forsaken.
Ah, but now the tables have turned, my move.
I believe I’ll be taking my revenge.
Sweet revenge.
Seven Ways Of GoingI've got seven ways of going, seven wheres to be,
seven sweet disguises, seven ways of serving Thee.
Lord, I do extol Thee, for Thou has lifted me.
Woke me up and shook me out of mine iniquity.
Oh, I was undulating in the lewd impostered night.
Steeped in a dream to rend the seams to redeem the rock of right.
Swept through the seas of Galilee and the Seven Hills of Rome.
Soul KitchenWell, the clock says it's time to close now
I guess I'd better go now
I'd really like to stay here all night
The cars crawl past all stuffed with eyes
Street lights share their hollow glow
Your brain seems bruised with numb surprise
Still one place to go
Still one place to go
Space MonkeyBlood on the T.V., ten o'clock news.
Souls are invaded, heart in a groove.
Beatin' and beatin' so outta time.
What's the mad matter with the church chimes?
Here comes a stranger up on Ninth Avenue.
Leanin' green tower, indiscreet view.
Over the cloud, over the bridge,
Sensitive muscle, sensitive ridge of my
Strange MessengersI looked upon the book of life
Tracing the lines of face after face
Looking down at their naked feet
Bound in chains bound in chains
Chains of leather chains of gold
We knew it was wrong but we looked away
And paraded them down the colonial streets
And that's how they became enslaved
Summer CannibalsI was down in Georgia
Nothing was as real
As the street beneath my feet
Descending into air
The cauldron was a-bubbling
The flesh was lean
And the women moved forward
The Mermaid SongDo you remember me?
The ocean rolled, time was slow, we felt an energy.
The cock was crowing, the rum was flowing…
A mermaid burns to see, beyond the sea and if I could,
turn where you stood, would you feel me?
Would it be good, would you remember?
So turn the little key.
The ocean rolls, time is slow. Turn the little key.
This Is The GirlThis is the Girl
For whom all tears fall
This is the Girl
Who was having a ball
Just a dark smear masking the eyes
Spirited away hurrying inside
This is the Girl
Till VictoryRaise the sky.
We got to fly over the land, over the sea.
Fate unwinds and if we die, souls arise.
God, do not seize me please, till victory.
Take arms. take aim. be without shame
No one to bow to, to vow to, to blame.
Legions of light, virtuous flight. ignite, excite.
Trampin'I'm trampin', trampin' Try'n-a make heaven my home
I'm trampin trampin Try'n-a make heaven my home
I've never been to heaven But I've been told
Try'n-a make heaven my home That the streets up there
Are paved with gold Try'n-a make heaven my home
I'm trampin trampin Try'n-a make heaven my home
TrespassesLife is designed With unfinished lines
That another sings Each story unfolds
Like it was gold Upon a ragged wing
The bold and the fair Suffer their share
He whispered to his kin All of my debts
Left with regrets I'm sorry for everything
Up There Down There 1988Up there
There's a ball of fire
Some call it the spirit
Some call it the sun
Its energies are not for hire
It serves man / It serves everyone
Down there where Jonah wails
in the healing water
Waiting UndergroundIf you believe all your hope is gone
down the drain of your humankind
the time has arrived
you'll be waiting here as I was
in a snow-white shroud
waiting underground
there by the ridge be a gathering beneath the pilgrim moon
We ThreeYou say you want me.
I want another.
Say you dream of me.
Dream of your brother.
Oh, the stars shine so suspiciously
for we three.
You said when you were with me that nothing made you high.
Where Duty CallsIn a room in Lebanon
they silently slept
They were dreaming crazy dreams
in foreign alphabet
Lucky young boys
cross on the main
The driver was approaching
the American zone
Whirl AwayHello friend I've come a-calling
passively stationed
active patrol
sliding in at high noon like some reluctant sheriff
not want to get involved in it all
who stands guard for each other
why must we guard anything at all
Wicked MessengerThere was a wicked messenger
From Eli he did come,
With a mind that multiplied
The smallest matter.
When questioned who had sent for him,
He answered with his thumb,
For his tongue it could not speak, but only flatter.
WingI was a wing in heaven blue
soared over the ocean
soared over Spain
and I was free
needed nobody
it was beautiful
it was beautiful