Ancient PathI saw one of the naive, lacking sense,
who walking to her corner,
By darkness covered hiding his sin in the night.
I saw her come against him,
I saw her hold him tight,
Seducing him with kisses, flattery and smiles.
Forsake carnal lust,
From the North Clothed in GoldThe noise of his voice!
My heart trembleth
It is moved from its place
The lightning is his servant
Sent to the ends of the earth
After it the thunder
Merely a whisper from him
The beasts remains in the dens of the earth
King Of BabylonSheol is moved for thee
The kings of ancient times
Arise from the thrones of slumber
To pity thee in thy shame
Art thou also stripped of all pride and power?
How art thou fallen from heaven
O Lucifer son of the morning
NephilimHave you heard of ancient days
The mystery of a mighty race
Giants dwelt upon the earth
Lawless and obscene
The kindred
Men of great renown
Dark and grim
Separated by NightI long for my garden, my love,
The wine of loneliness I have drunk.
I long to feed upon thy beauty,
Open to me my sister, my dove.
For my hair is filled with dew,
In the shades of night I stand.
At thy gate I wait for thee,
Quench my thirst embrace me!
The Hidden TreasureI have tried to find the treasure
The gold of ancient time
I find no clues in the scriptures
When I read between the lines
I find no key nor code
When I try to read behind
There are no answers there
To where the treasure may be found
The Madness of NebuchadnezzarThou, O King, art King of kings...
Thou art this head of Gold!
Dew covereth my skin as I wake up in the fields
Amongst the beasts I roam
A beast I am
My hair is grown like eagles feathers
The Order of MelchisedecHe walks through the mist without a trace
Through eons and dimensions
Defying time and space
Upon the earth he was at times
In mystery his name abides
And past beyond all knowledge
Is the place where he resides
Beyond the borders of the world
Thy Feeble FlameConsider thy way
Consider thy fate
Behold his ways of old
Thy path in darkness
Thou wilt rest in the cold
The guardians tremble
The melodies fade
Unclean PlantsAll this misguiding thoughts,
all this pollution of my uncontrolled mind
leading me away from the purity of Your spirit.
Blow out the dust holy spirit,
rip my dirty garments apart,
this unclean plants please uproot.
We the PeopleWe are custodians of God
You, you are the People!
I, I am the People!
We, we are the People!
We the People ... we are to blame, it is our choice and our shame,
when we sell our rights for bread and games
Like Edom for a bowl of stew
Wanton and lewd
Where Lilith Found her PeaceInto the wilderness I must go
Wilderness of the earth
Where Lilith found her peace
Where restless spirits roam
Battleground of the soul
In the void I will face
Only what I brought
Words of AgurAs a beast I lack the common sense of man
So much I do not know, I fail to understand
More brutish than any man
I do not know the holy, tell me now
Who hath bound the oceans In his garments
And established the borders of the earth?