Lost Amongst the Earth and Sky Screaming...
At the wall of desolation
I behold, there is no outer world
Am I here?
Deceased and buried in this lifeless grave
The profanity of birth, imprison and deprave
Burned alive, again and again
Ascending in Triumph Since I once heard the enticing call
from the depth of the most secret core,
the very rebellious lust of triumph
burns wild in my black longing heart
And now as it enchants me again,
stronger and clearer than ever before
I run in ecstasy towards the utmost edge
Mother Aletheia Chapter 2Even though the solemn path I follow
lies deeply concealed within worldly clouds,
and even though my eyes can not see
what dwells beyond the theatre of undivine
I believe in Thee, O' mother of abhorrent light
For I perceive beyond perception
As my colden human body shivered
My Voyage Through Galactic AeonsAs thousands of burning eyes
stared at me with mocking despise
from the silent distance of their cosmic thrones,
in a night sky so cold and vastly dark
Entirely I questioned this space-time illusion
and refused the shackles of matter’s intrusion
So I closed my eyes and travelled deep
Nights in Solitude As I reflect my past
I memorize the nights in solitude
when my only friend
was the dagger at my heart
and the essence of red streams,
which I released from the prison of my veins,
mirrored the lone trust I ever felt
Because my only friend was Death
Odium DivinumSuffer, suffer like I have
Feel the pain tear you apart from inside
Ignorant one, receive my wrath
for thy deeds which soiled the essence of Pleroma
Preceive the disgrace you laid upon us
for as I see the bloodred sky
I can hear the winds of doom...
The Funeral of All Primeval supremacy of divine
Swept the cold forsaken universe
The masses drowns in oceans of blood
Empires falls, enclosing by ashes
Human life descends into nothing
And there was silence...
The Loss And Endeavour Of DivinityBrethrens and sisters of the greatest Cause,
all thee rebelling spirits who walk alone at night
Hear my proclamation and take now my hands
Let us together evoke and give rise
to this numinous circle
For we shalt create a black magical portal,
an entrance for the great Ones beyond
The Shadowless Plains My mind wanders beyond false boundaries,
to my most treasured sanctum
A vast featureless landscape
where the forces of my desires lingers
Here, I can no longer comprehend
the illusion of life
No empty shadows wanders,