The Pharaoh Sails To OrionGet away from me!
Take heed to thyself and see my face no more!
for in the day Thou see my face
Thou shalt die!
- Exodus 10:28
A constellation of divine architecture built on Earth
A holy harbour - Orion
02 StorytimeIt was the night before
When all through the world
No words, no dreams, then one day
A writer by a fire
Imagined all Gaia
Took a journey into a child-man heart
A painter on the shore
Imagine all the world
09. For The Heart I Once HadHeaven today is but a way
To a place I once called home
Heart of a child, one final sigh
As another love goes cold
Once my heart beat to
The rhythm of the falling snow
Blackened below, the river now flows
A stream of molten virgin snow
10 - Once Upon a TroubadourA lonely bard wandering across the lands am I
Singing dancing finding answers to every why
The taverns are full and one crosses my path, too
I just might reward myself with a beer or two
This inn the place of many romantic tales
On the loft women offer their sales
But my eyes they catch a girl beat by everyone
10-th Man DownToday I killed, he was just a boy
Eight before him, I knew them all
In the fields a dying oath...
I'd kill them all to save my own
Cut me free, Bleed with me, Oh no
One by one, We will fall, down down
Pull the plug, End the pain, Run'n fight for life
10th Man DownI killed, he was just a boy
Eight before him, I knew them all
In the fields a dying oath:
Id kill them all to save my own
Cut me free, Bleed with me, Oh no
One by one, We will fall, down down
Pull the plug, End the pain, Run'n fight for life
14 - A Return To The SeaA star falls down from the darkened sky
Where new worlds born and die
Kingdom Animalia watches its approaching glow
What it means is soon to be known
Beneath the lovely birch honeymakers build their nest in peace
On the savannah a lion licks a wounded gnu
To honor this moment even the heavens cease
2015 - Endless Forms Most BeautifulНовый альбом. Новый Голос. Новая Эра. Но таким ли новым вышло начало? Без сомнения, творение маэстро Туомаса номер восемь ждали многие. Предвкушали. Интересовались. Опасались (не без основания, всё-таки лид-сингл подготовил почву для размышлений). Даже надеялись (в связи с умениями госпожи Янсен). Что же мы получаем в итоге? Если вдруг когда-либо, смеха ради, подсознательно соединяли куски из разных песен Nightwish, то "Endless Forms Most Beautiful" вполне можно обозвать плодом вашей фантазии.
Этот лонгплей вполне можно сравнить с тем, что вы заблудились в лесу - то и дело натыкаетесь на знакомые места, лишь изредка встречая действительно новый пейзаж. Примерно те же ощущения испытываешь при прослушивании "Endless Forms Most Beautiful": бросает из года в год, освежая в памяти моменты, которые встречались и в относительно далёком и образцовом "Oceanborn", и в переходном "Once", и ещё молодому, чтобы быть старым "Imaginaerum". И только в меньшей части композиций слышно действительно что-то новое, только вот все они - при всей хорошей музыкальной составляющей - выглядят довольно странно, отчасти ассоциируясь вообще с другими группами, которых обычно самих сравнивают с этим симфо-металическим мастодонтом, и даже серо, как и обложка альбома. В связи с этим напрашивается невесёлый вывод, что маэстро Холопайнен исписался, выглядя бледной тенью себя прежнего.
Чувства получились довольно смешанными и противоречивыми, но нельзя не признать, что весь финский пирог далеко не пресный. Гармония между оркестром с хором и участниками группы достигла небывалых высот, показывая, что Nightwish в данном компоненте всё ещё является ориентиром для родственников по направлению. Единство участников в игре поражает, но и каждому из них дали выделиться - творить красоту тем инструментом, которым владеет, что делает конкретные куски песен поистине захватывающими.
Можно считать, что это некого рода ретроспектива всей жизни группы, но отнюдь не шаг назад. Ностальгия по тем мотивам, которые, казалось, хотели забыть - да, их меньше, чем хотелось бы, но они есть. Наполнено своей атмосферой - той знакомой, словно в фентези-фильме, что не возникает сомнений, кого именно ты слушаешь и слышишь. Каждый музыкант ставит перед собой цель, чтобы его творчество вызвало определённые эмоции, в этом смысле Nightwish сделали всё на отлично.
7 Days To The WolvesThe wolves, my love, will come
Taking us home where dust once was a man
Is there Life before a Death?
Do we long too much *whispered* and never let in?
7 days to the wolves
amaranth piano versionBaptized with a perfect name
The doubting one by heart
Alone without himself
War between him and the day
With someone to blame
In the end little he can do alone
You believe at what you see
Angel Fall FirstАнгелы падают первыми
Улыбается ангел мне
Под покровом ночи при луне
Улыбка согрела меня
Прощай — больше нет слов
Рядом с могилой у крестов
Angels Fall FirstAn angelface smiles to me
Under a headline of tragedy
That smile used to give me warmth
Farewell - no words to say
Beside the cross on your grave
And those forever burning candles
Needed elsewhere
Angels Falls FirstAn angelface smiles to me
Under a headline of tragedy
That smile used to give me warmth
Farewell - no words to say
Beside the cross on your grave
And those forever burning candles
Needed elsewhere
Astral RomanceA nocturnal concerto
Candlelight whispers me where to go
Hymn of gathering stars as my guide
As I wander on this path of the night
Embroidery of the stars
Undress my feelings for this earth
Send me your salva to heal my scars
AwayThe days were brighter
Gardens more blooming
The nights had more hope
In their silence The wild was calling
Wishes were whispering
The time was there
But without a meaning
BeautifulFinally the hills are without eyes
They are tired of painting
A dead man's face
Red with their own blood.
Beauty And The BeastRemember the first dance we shared?
Recall the night you melted my ugliness away?
The night you left with a kiss so kind
Only a send of beauty left behind
Ah dear friend I remember the night
The moon and the dreams we shared
Your trembling paw in my hand
Beauty Of The Beast1. Long Lost Love
Trees have dropped their leaves,
Clouds their waters
All this burden is killing me
Distance is covering your way,
Tears your memory
Bless The Child"I was born amidst the purple waterfalls.
I was weak, yet not unblessed.
Dead to the world. Alive for the journey.
One night I dreamt a white rose withering,
A newborn drowning a lifetime loneliness.
I dreamt all my future. Relived my past.
And witnessed the beauty of the beast"
Bye Bye BeautifulFinally the hills are without eyes
They are tired of painting a dead man's face red
With their own blood
They used to love having so much to lose
Blink your eyes just once and see everything in ruins
Did you ever hear what I told you?
ComeВдовьи глаза увлажнились внезапно;
Укрой своей любовью ночь,
Высуши слезы на лике разбитом
И выпей вино со вкусом моим
Приди укрыть меня собой,
Заставь трепетать,
Пока не сольюсь я с тобой.
Come Cover MeCome wet a widow's eye
Cover the night with your love
Dry the rain from my beaten face
Drink the wine the red sweet taste of mine
Come cover me with you
For the thrill
Till you will take me in
Creek Mary's BloodSoon I will be here no more
You'll hear my tale
Through my blood
Through my people
And the eagle's cry
The bear within will never lay to rest
Wandering on Horizon Road
CrownlessCrownless again shall be the queen
Trophy on her grave still remains unseen
A boat on the river confessing the sins
The Riddler revealing the deep hidden things
Crownless again shall be the king
A gull covered in oil with a broken wing
A hitcher on a road alone and lost
Dark Chest of WondersOnce I had a dream
And this is it
Once there was a child's dream
One night the clock struck twelve
The window open wide
Once there was a child's heart
The age I learned to fly
Dead To The WorldDead To The World
All the same take me away
We're dead to the world
The child gave thought to the poet's world
Gave comfort to the Fallen
(Heartfelt, lovelorn)
Deep Silent CompleteIn your creation heaven did decree
That in your arms sweet death should dwell
Deep Silent Complete
Black velvet sea
The sirens are calling for me
Saved my soul thinking "This song`s a lie"
Devil And The Deep Dark OceanA snowy owl above the haunted waters
Poet of ancient gods
Cries to tell the neverending story
Prophecy of becoming floods
An aura of mystery surrounds her
The lady in brightest white
Soon the incarnate shall be born
Die AliveOpen up the night.
Led by just a feeling.
All around is light.
Everything is healing.
No more fate
and no more mystery.
Even as time falls away
Edema RuhOne by one we light the candles of the show
One by one entered a theater of the primal birth
Silently watch the planetary curtain go down
Laugh and drink joys as the powerful play greets you tonight
We are the Edema Ruh, we know the songs the sirens sang
Sea of stream, every tale true
Soon as we leave with you, we'll take you home
ElanLeave the sleep and let the springtime talk
In tongues from the time before man
Listen to a daffodil tell her tale
Let the guest in, walk out, be the first to greet the morn
The meadows of heaven await harvest
The cliffs unjumped, cold waters untouched
The elsewhere creatures yet unseen
Elven pathIn the sheltering shade of the forest
Calling calming silence
Accompanied only by the full moon
The howling of a night wolf
And the path under my bare feet
The Elvenpath ...
Hearing music from the deepest forest
End Of All HopeIt is the end of all hope
To lose the child, the faith
To end all the innocence
To be someone like me
This is the birth of all hope
To have what I once had
This life unforgiven
It will end with a birth
End Of All Hope - текстIt is the end of all hope
To lose the child, the faith
To end all the innocence
To be someone like me
This is the birth of all hope
To have what I once had
This life unforgiven
It will end with a birth
Endless Forms Most BeautifulCome on, hop on, let's take a ride
Come and meet the travelers who came to town
They have a tale from the past to tell
From the great dark between the stars
We are a special speck of dust
A fleeting moment on an ark
A celebration, a resthaven
Eramaan ViiemeinenПустыня спит и я блуждаю в своих мыслях,
По лесам и спящим океанам,
Селена освещает небо,
Окрашивая мир в прохладу Севера...
Сон ли это?
Или смерть, в которой я хочу вернуться туда, где
под снегом угасают угольки надежды,
EscapistWho's there knocking at my window?
The Owl and the Dead Boy
This night whispers my name
All the dying children
Virgin snow beneath my feet
Painting the world in white
I tread the way and lose myself into a tale
Eva6:30 winter morn
Snow keeps falling, silent dawn
A rose by any other name
Eva leaves her Swanbrook home
A kindest heart which always made
Me ashamed of my own
She walks alone but not without her name
Ever DreamChorus:
Ever felt away with me
Just once that all I need
Entwined in finding you one day
Ever felt away without me
My love, it lies so deep
Ever dream of me
Fantas Mic[Part 1]
Wish upon a star
Take a step enter the land
Walk through the air
Take my hand
Wishmaster's will -
Join him the quest for dream
Wish upon a star
Take a step enter the land
Walk through the air
Take my hand
Wishmaster's will -
Join him the quest for dream
Forever YoursFare thee well, little broken heart
Downcast eyes, lifetime loneliness
Whatever walks in my heart will walk alone
Constant longing for the perfect soul
Unwashed scenery forever gone
FYFare thee well, little broken heart
Downcast eyes, lifetime loneliness
Whatever walks in my heart will walk alone
Constant longing for the perfect soul
Unwashed scenery forever gone
GethsemaneToll no bell for me, Father
But let this cup of suffering pass from me
Send me no shepherd to heal my world
But the Angel - the dream foretold
Prayed more than thrice for You to see
The wolf of loneliness in me
...not my own will but Yours be done...
Ghost Love Score We used to swim the same moonlight waters
Oceans away from the wakeful day
- My fall will be for you -
My fall will be for you
My love will be in you
If you be the one to cut me
I'll bleed forever
I Walk AlonePut all your angels on the edge
Keep all the roses, I'm not dead
I left a thorn under your bed
I'm never gone
Go tell the world I'm still around
I didn't fly, I'm coming down
I Want My Tears BackI want my tears back
The treetops, the chimneys, the snowbed stories, winter grey
Wildflowers, those meadows of heaven, wind in the wheat
A railroad across waters, the scent of grandfatherly love
Blue bayous, Decembers, moon through a dragonfly's wings
I Wish Had An AngelI wish i had an angel for one moment of love
I wish i had your angel tonight
Deep into a dying day
I took a step outside an innocent heart
Prepare to hate me fall when i may
This night will hurt you like never before
I Wish I had An AngelI wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had your angel tonight
Deep into a dying day
I took a step outside an innocent heart
Prepare to hate me fall when I may
This night will hurt you like never before
ImaginaerumShowtime, Storytime set-list
01. Dark Chest Of Wonders
02. Wish I Had An Angel
03. She Is My Sin
04. Ghost River
05. Ever Dream
06. Storytime
Kiss While Your Lips Are Still RedSweet little words made for silence not talk
Young heart for love not heartache
Dark hair for catching the wind
Not to veil the sight of a cold world
Kiss while your lips are still red
While he's still silent
Rest while bosom is still untouched, unveiled
Kiss, While Your Lips Are Still Red Сладкие нежные слова для молчанья,
Не для разговоров.
Юное сердце – для любви,
Не для разочарования.
Темные волосы – для игр с ветром,
Не для укрытия от чудес холодного мира.
Целуй – пока твои губы еще алые,
Know Why Nightingale SingKnow Why Nightingale Sing
What does the free fall feel like?
Asks the boy with a spark in his eye
Know why the nightingale sings?
Is the answer to everything
Taking a step to a world unbound
Know Why The Nightingale SingsWhat does the free fall feel like?
Asks the boy with a spark in his eye
Know why the nightingale sings
Is the answer to everything
Taking a step to the world unbound
Spinning my fantasies all around
Freed from the gravital leash
Kuolema Tekee TaiteilijanKerran vain haaveeni nahda sain
En pienuutta alla tahtien tuntenut
Kerran sain kehtooni kalterit
Vankina sielta kirjetta kirjoitan
Luojani, luoksesi, anna minun tulla siksi, miksi lapseni minua luulee
Sinussa maailman kauneus
Lappi I,II,III,IVKautta erämaajärven
matkaa kulkuri yksinäinen
Näkee lammella joutsenparven
vapauttaan itkevän
Kaipuu menneisyyteen
kiirii ilmassa huutoina kotkien
Ikijärveltä turvatulta
Last Of The WildsErämaan Viimeinen
Nukkuu korpi, ja nyt, aatoksissain minä matkaa teen
Yli metsien, uinuvan veen
Kuutar taivaan yön valaisee
Maalaa maiseman, pohjoisen siimeksen
Unta onko tää,
Last Ride of the DayWe live in every moment but this one
Мы живём каждым мгновением, но это – особенное.
Why don't we recognise the faces loving us so
Почему мы не хотим признавать тех, кто столь сильно любит нас?
What's God if not the spark that started life
Что же есть Бог, если не та искра, что даёт начало новой жизни?
Smile of a stranger
Leaving you for meI'm sitting here alone
What else could I have done?
I can't regret 'cause
I don't even know what I did wrong
Freedom died with you
I'm searching for myself
Will I feel alive?
Я вижу медленно бредущего простого паренька на оживлённой улице,
С протянутой дрожащей рукой он просит милостыню.
Пытается улыбнуться, но это причиняет ему непрерывную боль. Никто не замечает.
Я замечаю, но прохожу мимо.
Обнажённый старик целует куклу на чердаке.
Meadows of HeavenI close my eyes
The lantern dies
The scent of awakening
Wildhoney and dew
Childhood games
Woods and lakes
Streams of silver
Ты был моей первой любовью
Земля уходила у меня из-под ног
Аура спальни, трепещущая красота,
Умеренная дрожь чувства, посланного небесами...
Я - снег на твоих губах,
Замерзающий вкус, чистый глоток...
Я - вздох на твоих волосах,
My WaldenМой Уолден
Напевы тумана,
Пшеничные колосья, мшистые тропы,
Каменистые дороги, деревья, луна,
Я любуюсь гобеленом жизни.
Солнце ярко сияет за пределами золотых городов,
NemoЭто я, навеки
Одна из тех, кого нет
Одна из тех, у кого нет имени,
Нет искреннего сердца-компаса.
Это я, навеки
Та, что без имени
Эти строки - последняя попытка
Найти потерянные линии жизни.
Nemo - 2 тонаThis is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass
This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline
Night QuestBorn to the false world, the wanderer,
Storyteller, The Pied Piper
On a quest for immortality
Gathering a troop to find the fantasy
Led by a maid - Queen of the night
Voice of angels, such a divine sight
An Amazon to fight and cure
This reality with her feline lure
NightquestBorn to the false world the wanderer
Storyteller the pied piper ...
On a quest for immortality
Gathering a troop to find the fantasy
Lead by a maid queen of the night
Voice of angel such a divine sight
An amazon to fight and cure
Nymphomaniac FantasiaNightwish
Nymphomaniac Fantasia
The scent of a woman
was not mine...
Welcome home darling
Did you miss me?
Ocean SoulOcean Soul - Nightwish
Елена Банашкевич
Ещё одна ночь в переполненном мраком кошмаре,
И что мне сказать ещё, если внутри тишина?..
Не плачь обо мне, ни единой слезинки не стою...
Моя душа так одинока и страхом до края полна.
Идут часы длинные, вьёт одиночество снова
onceOnce I had a dream
This is it
Once there was a childs dream
One night the clock struck twelve
The window open wide
Once there was a childs heart
The age I learned to fly
Once upon a troubadourA lonely bard wandering across the lands am I
Singing dancing finding answers to every why
The taverns are full and one crosses my path, too
I just might reward myself with a beer or two
This inn the place of many romantic tales
On the loft women offer their sales
But my eyes they catch a girl beat by everyone
OST Two WorldSuddenly
The world belongs to strangers
The heavens split in two
Behind the clouds
Behind the eyes
It's hidden in the secrets and the lies
Our Decades In The Sun 2015I climbed off your back
Not so long ago
To a blooming meadow
To a path you'd made for the lightest feet
I am always close to you
I will be waving every time you leave
Over The Hills And Far AwayThey came for him one winter's night.
Arrested, he was bound.
They said there'd been a robbery,
his pistol had been found.
They marched to the station house,
he waited for the dawn.
And as they led him to the dock,
Passion And The OperaPrincess of lust
Dignity put to dust
A virginal sight
Their apple to bite
Drink from my thighs
The rain of lies
A sight so cursed
Breasts which never nursed
Pearl harborMaster!
Heartborne, 7th Seeker
In me the Wishmaster
Phantom Of The OperaPhantom Of The Opera
Christine (Tarja):
In sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came,
that voice which calls to me,
and speaks my name.
And do I dream again? For now I find
Rest CalmI went to die in a seaside hotel
Lanes of memory paved by sweet frozen moments
Deathbed memories of home
Never let me go
Every little memory resting calm in me
Resting in a dream
Return to the seaA star falls down from the darkened sky
Where new worlds born and die
Kingdom Animalia watches its approaching glow
What it means is soon to be known
Beneath the lovely birch honeymakers build their nest in peace
On the savannah a lion licks a wounded gnu
To honor this moment even the heavens cease
RomanticideGodlove and rest my soul
With this sun down, never ending
The feeling is gone, yet you ain't gonna see me fail
I am the decadence of your world,
I am an eider covered in oil
Happy hunting, you double-faced carnivore
Tell me why,
Sacrament Of WildernessNaked in midwinter magic
Lies an angel in the snow
-The frozen ficure crossed by tracks of wolves
An encounter, symbolic, yet truthfull
With a hungry choir of woods
An agreement immemorial to be born
Dulcet elvenharps from a dryad forest
Sadness In The NightIn the night I feel the cold of my loneliness
Cold that embraces my heart
Draining my strength to fight
Only to breathe this suffering
Tell me why?
Why must I bear this cross
So heavy for my soul?
SaganMake me wonder
Make me understand
Spark the light of doubt and a newborn mind
Bring the vast unthinkable down to Earth
Always wary of a captive thought
Beware the very first unkind word
See who you are, where from, what of
SaharaMy ballad of a dark queen echoes through night
As he flees the curse of gods, the pharaoh's wrath
One-thousand-one nights unseen
The philosopher and the queen
Ancient mariner in a sea of sand
The burning beauty his tomb to die for
ScaretaleOnce upon a time in a daymare
Dying to meet you, little child, enter enter this slideshow
Time for bed the cradle still rocks
13 chimes on a dead man's clock
tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock
The bride will lure you, cook you, eat you
She Is MyTake heed, dear heart
Once apart, she can touch nor me nor you
Dressed as one
A wolf will betray a lamb
Lead astray the gazers
The razors on your seducing skin
In the meadow of sinful thoughts
ShoemakerNow you`ve been tucked in
For eternal earthrise and wonder
A sailor through aeons
Story unheard
Howling at the Earth
Yours the whole graveyard of heavens
A ship that sailed home
Slaing The DreamerText: Slaying The Dreamer
I'm a priest for the poorest sacrifice
I'm but a raft in a sea of sorrow and greed
You bathed in my wine
Drank from my cup, mocked my rhyme
Your slit tongues licked my aching wounds
Slaying The DreamerI'm a priest for the poorest sacrifice
I'm but a raft in a sea of sorrow, sorrow and greed
You bathed feet in my wine
Drank from my cup, mocked my rhyme
Your slit tongues licked my aching wounds
Put a stake! Through my heart
And drag me into sunlight
Sleeping Sun Sleeping Sun
The sun is sleeping quietly
Once upon a century
Wistful oceans calm and red
Ardent caresses laid to rest
For my dreams I hold my life
For wishes I behold my nights
Slow, Love, SlowCome and share this painting with me
Unveiling of me, the magician that never failed
This deep sigh coiled around my chest
Intoxicated by a major chord
I wonder
Do I love you, or the thought of you?
Song Of MyselfThe nightingale is still locked in the cage
The deep breath I took still poisons my lungs
An old oak sheltering me from the blue
Sun bathing on its dead frozen leaves
A catnap in the ghost town of my heart
She dreams of storytime and the river ghosts
Of mermaids, of Whitman's and the rude
StorytimeIt was the night before,
When all through the world,
No words, no dreams
Then one day,
A writer by a fire
Imagined all of Gaia
Took a journey into a child-man's heart...
All those beautiful people
I want to have them all
All those porcelain models
If only I could make them fall
Be my heart a well of love
Symphony Of DestructionYou take a mortal man
And put him in control
Watch him become a god
Watch peoples heads a 'roll
A 'roll, a 'roll
Just like the pied piper
Led rats through the streets
TaikatalviLapsistain rakkain tää näyttämö on
Mis kuutamo kujillaan kulkee
Taipunut havu, kesä hoivassa sen
Valkomeren niin aavan
Joka aavekuun siivin
Saapuu mut kotiin noutamaan
Päällä talvisen maan hetki kuin ikuisuus
The Crow, The Olw And The DoveDon't give me love, don't give me faith
Wisdom nor pride, give innocence instead
Don't give me love, I've had my share
Beauty nor rest, give me truth instead
A crow flew to me, kept it's distance
Such a proud creation
I saw it's soul, envied it's pride
But needed nothing it had
The End Of All HopeIt is the end of all hope
To lose the child, the faith
To end all the innocence
To be someone like me
This is the birth of all hope
To have what I once had
This life unforgiven
It will end with a birth
The EscapistWho's there knocking at my window?
The Owl and the Dead Boy
This night whispers my name
All the dying children
Virgin snow beneath my feet
Painting the world in white
I tread the way and lose myself into a tale
The Forever MomentsThe ticktock of time allows me to see
An authent to an echo
New butterfly to a cocoon
The swan to ugly duckling
The lake to an ocean
The deep times awake
As I can calm myself to yesterday
The Greatest Show On Earth Archeon horizon
At first sunrise
Out of pristine [?]
I am "modus perfectum" [?]
Somewhere they're
Lost, sleeping [?]
"After sleeping through a hundred million centuries we have finally opened our eyes on a sumptuous planet, sparkling with color, bountiful with life. Within decades we must close our eyes again. Isn't it a noble, an enlightened way of spending our brief time in the sun, to work at understanding the universe and how we have come to wake up in it?"
The heart ask pleasure firstA DREAM WITHIN A DREAM
Take this kiss upon the brow!
And, in parting from you now,
Thus much let me avow -
You are not wrong, who deem
That my days have been a dream;
Yet if hope has flown away
The Heart Asks Pleasure FirstSilent night surrounding me
On the shore of wistful sea
My kindest heart made me believe
The promise I wish it to be
We'll bear the wait
Years for your heart
Little hideaways for a lonely heart
The IslanderNukkuu korpi, ja nyt, aatoksissain minä matkaa teen
Yli metsien, uinuvan veen
Kuutar taivaan yön valaisee
Maalaa maiseman, pohjoisen siimeksen
Unta onko tää,
Vai kuolema jossa palata sinne saan missä
hiillos jo luovuttaa lumen alla
THE LAWS OF THE FUTUREIn a distant place called Zlord,
All the villagers were waiting for it
With tears of anguish in their eyes
All the time they pray to God
Winds of freedom blow in our lives
To set us free from this agony
The phantom of the operaIn sleep he sang to me,
In dreams he came...
that voice which calls to me
and speaks my name...
And do I dream again?
For now I find
the Phantom of the Opera
The Phantom of the Opera RUSSIAN VERSION 2Кристина:
Во сне явился он, как ангел мне
И в лунных сумерках призвал к себе...
В своих фантазиях я с ним всегда
Мой призрак, Призрак Оперы, он ждёт
За гранью сна...
The Pharaoh Sails To Orion“Get away from me!
Take heed to thyself and see my face no more!
for in the day Thou see my face
Thou shalt die!”
Exodus 10:28
A constellation of divine architecture built on Earth
The Riddler08. The Riddler
Riddler, Riddler ask me why
The birds fly free on a mackerel sky
Ask me whither goes the wind
Whence the endless tick-tick stream begins
Make me guess if the Earth is flat or round
The ridlerRiddler, Riddler ask me why
The birds fly free on a mackerel sky
Ask me whither goes the wind
Whence the endless tick-tick stream begins
Make me guess if the Earth is flat or round
Set a guessing if fantasies are unbound
If tales aren't just for children to see
That it's peace if sleep walks with me
The Siren"Леди с виолончелем играет кораблям...
Слушай звуки зова..."
Кто привязал мои руки к штурвалу?
Зодиак крутится в небе вокруг меня
"Иди ко мне..."
Где-то там моя судьба предрешена
Я слышу, но как мне увидеть?
The Understanding“We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones. Most people are never going to die because they are never going to be born. The potential people who could have been here in my place but who will in fact never see the light of day outnumber the sand grains of Sahara. Certainly those unborn ghosts include greater poets than Keats, scientists greater than Newton. We know this because the set of possible people allowed by our DNA so massively exceeds the set of actual people. In the teeth of these stupefying odds it is you and I, in our ordinariness, that are here.We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we whine at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have never stirred?”
The WayfarerI went into the wilderness with Uncle Walt
I discovered the wild
Learning to suck all the experience
Seeing the world through cradle's bars
The wild blessed me with an errant mind
Showing the way for the ultimate lore
I went around the world, beyond the wild
Their erotic hour my tearless weep Their satisfaction my infinite sleepPrincess of lust
Dignity put to dust
A virginal sight
Their apple to bite
Drink from my thighs
The rain of lies
A sight so cursed
Breasts which never nursed
Turn Loose the MermaidsГрация русалок, вечный зов.
Красота в подзорной трубе старика, стоящего у крыльца.
Русалки, которых ты отпустил на волю, возвращают тебе твои слёзы...
В конце реки лучи от заходящего солнца,
Озаряют реликвии долгих лет жизни.
Здесь, усталый путник, оставь свою трость,
И сон будет путешествием, для ваших глаз.
Turn Loose the Mermaids and Sundown MixA kite above a graveyard grey
At the end of the line far far away
A child holding on to the magic of birth and awe
Oh, how beautiful it used to be
Just you and me far beyond the sea
The waters, scarce in motion
Quivering still
TutankhamenAs the sun sets beyond the pyramid
To greet me with its rays
I place my hand on my forehead
To see your chariots' flames
Watch me kneel before you
Hear the cats meowing in the temple
They yearn for the milk you cascaded
Two for tragedySleep Eden sleep
My fallen son
Slumber in peace
Cease the pain
Life`s just in vain
For us to gain
Nothing but all the same
Walking In The AirWe're walking in the air
We're floating in the moonlit sky
The people far below are sleeping as we fly
I'm holding very tight
I'm riding in the midnight blue
I'm finding I can fly so high above with you
WanderlustI want to see where the sirens sing
Hear how the wolves howl
Sail the dead calm waters of the Pacific
Dance in the fields of coral
Be blinded by the white
Discover the deepest jungle
Weak FantasyWeak Fantasy
These stories given to us all
Are filled with sacrifice and robes of lust
Dissonant choirs and downcast eyes
Selfhood of a condescending ape
Behold the crown of a heavenly spy
Forged in blood of those who defy
Where Were You Last NightStill
Spinning round in my head
How I regret everything that I said
Why did I tell you to go
Saving my pride but losing my soul
I'm here all alone
Still wait by the phone
While You Lips Are Still RedSweet little words made for silence
Not talk
Young heart for love
Not heartache
Dark hair for catching the wind
Not to veil the sight of a cold world
Kiss while your lips are still red
While Your Lips Are Stil Red...Sweet little words made for silence
Not so young, heartfelt love not heartache
Dark hair fall, catch in the wind
Not the will, the sight of a cold world
While Your Lips Are Still RedSweet little words made for silence
Not talk
Young heart for love
Not heartache
Dark hair for catching the wind
Not to veil the sight of a cold world
Kiss while your lips are still red
While Your Lips Are Still RedSweet little words made for silence
Not talk
Young heart for love
Not heartache
Dark hair for catching the wind
Not to veil the sight of a cold world
Kiss while your lips are still red
White Night FantasyEnchantress came to me
And said, meet me at the lake tonight
I hummed this song to the white
Through the shroud of snow I saw paradise
Peace, no more lies
Crestfallen soul
Wish I Had An AngelЯ бы хотел овладеть ангелом (перевод )
Я бы хотел овладеть ангелом хотя бы на одну ночь.
Я бы хотел овладеть твоим ангелом.
В сгустившихся сумерках
Я разбил невинное сердце.
Можешь меня ненавидеть, а я пошёл.
Wish I Had An Angel - Хочу поиметь ангелаI wish I had an angel for one moment of love
I wish I had your angel tonight
Deep into a dying day
I took a step outside an innocent heart
Prepare to hate me fall when I may
This night will hurt you like never before
Yours Is An Empty HopeTear me to bits enjoy the scene
Of screen name verbal vanity
Churning the words imbued in filth
Your tongue oily water under my bridge
You have the world, it’s all for you
I wish you’d find the lost in you
Grateful for the pain, it proves we’re alive
Список вопросов к ЧаплинуСвихнувшийся на ребусах
Умник, спроси меня почему
Птицы летят в облачном небе
Спроси меня, куда дует ветер,
Где начало бесконечного течения времени.
Подскажи, если Земля плоская или круглая.
Озадачь, если фантазии безграничны.