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  • Текст песни Never Shout Never - Piggy bank

    Исполнитель: Never Shout Never
    Название песни: Piggy bank
    Дата добавления: 14.07.2014 | 20:13:12
    Просмотров: 39
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Never Shout Never - Piggy bank, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    A poor man won't care for the bank but a richman would die for it,
    If thats the case well i'm a running this race,
    It's the last place I waste time.
    Cause see, time is money and money breaks hearts.
    But you can buy yourself a new girlfriend,
    She'll be a cold heart woman with a greedy eye,
    Waiting for your old ass to die.

    I'm so happy here with you cause you're my type of girl.
    You never cared about my empty piggybank or the things that we could never do
    uh huh

    So give to the poor and pray to the rich,
    Cause you never know when your heart is gunna quit.
    If you're working for a paycheck you better cash-in
    Cause life's too short to never have lived in.

    I'm so happy here with you cause you're my type of girl.
    You never cared about my empty piggybank or the things we could never do.
    uh huh

    See, I've been working my whole life trying to prove the pissy people wrong.
    Cause you can earn an honest living with an old guitar and a couple old fashion songs.

    I'm so happy here with you cause you're my type of girl.
    You never cared about my empty piggybank or the things that we could never do.
    uh huh

    "Копилка (копилка в форме свинки)"

    Бедный человек убил бы за деньги
    но богатый умрет за это,
    Если это так,
    я убегаю с этой гонки
    это последнее место, где я трачу время.

    Потому что, смотри, время это деньги, и деньги приносят время
    вы можете купите себе новую подружку,
    она будет холодной женщиной с жадным взглядом
    жди, пока твоя старая задница умрет.

    Я так счастлив здесь с тобой, потому что ты мой тип девушки
    тебя никогда не волновало моя пустая копилка,
    или то что мы не можем сделать.

    Так, раздай все нищим и молись за богатого
    потому что ты никогда не знаешь, когда твое сердце захочет бросить
    если ты работаешь за зарплату, обналичься
    потому что жизнь слишком коротка, чтобы никогда не жить.

    Я так счастлив здесь с тобой, потому что ты мой тип девушки
    тебя никогда не волновало моя пустая копилка,
    или то что мы не можем сделать.

    Смотри, я работаю всю жизнь
    чтобы доказать неудачникам, что неправильно
    что ты можешь заработать честным трудом
    со старой гитарой и парой старомодных песен.

    Я так счастлив здесь с тобой, потому что ты мой тип девушки
    тебя никогда не волновало моя пустая копилка,
    или то что мы не можем сделать.
    A poor man won't care for the bank but a richman would die for it,
    If thats the case well i'm a running this race,
    It's the last place I waste time.
    Cause see, time is money and money breaks hearts.
    But you can buy yourself a new girlfriend,
    She'll be a cold heart woman with a greedy eye,
    Waiting for your old ass to die.

    I'm so happy here with you cause you're my type of girl.
    You never cared about my empty piggybank or the things that we could never do
    uh huh

    So give to the poor and pray to the rich,
    Cause you never know when your heart is gunna quit.
    If you're working for a paycheck you better cash-in
    Cause life's too short to never have lived in.

    I'm so happy here with you cause you're my type of girl.
    You never cared about my empty piggybank or the things we could never do.
    uh huh

    See, I've been working my whole life trying to prove the pissy people wrong.
    Cause you can earn an honest living with an old guitar and a couple old fashion songs.

    I'm so happy here with you cause you're my type of girl.
    You never cared about my empty piggybank or the things that we could never do.
    uh huh

    Translation .
    " Piggy Bank ( moneybox in the shape of pigs) "

    The poor man would kill for money
    but rich die for it,
    If so,
    I'm running this race
    is the last place where I spend my time .

    Because, see , time is money and money is time bring
    you can buy yourself a new girlfriend ,
    it will be a cold woman with eager eyes
    wait until your old ass to die.

    I'm so happy here with you , because you're my type of girl
    You never worried about my empty piggy bank
    or what we can do.

    So , give to the poor, and all pray for the rich
    because you never know when you want to throw your heart
    if you work for a salary , cashed
    because life is too short to ever live.

    I'm so happy here with you , because you're my type of girl
    You never worried about my empty piggy bank
    or what we can do.

    Look, I've been working all my life
    losers to prove that wrong
    that you can earn an honest living
    with an old guitar and a pair of old-fashioned songs.

    I'm so happy here with you , because you're my type of girl
    You never worried about my empty piggy bank
    or what we can do.


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