Death by cholesterolDeath by cholesteroil
Death by cholesteroil
Eggs, bacon, Crisco, butter, these will make your heart stutter.
Eggs, bacon, Crisco, butter, these will make your heart stutter.
Just another noise song, to fill up space.
Cause we're not creative enough to write real songs.
I've Got A PlanI heard it as a kid, and I'm so sick of it
Your such a teddybear, your such a teddybear
You heard it yesterday, but I'll tell it anyway
The sad sad story, a sad sad story
I have a plan, I have a plan
I have a plan of how it's gonna happen
LandscrapersOh my god holy jeepers, what are you f*ckin nuts?
It's so early, what are you trying to do,
I'll take those hedgeclippers, and cut your dick in two.
Oh my god holy jeepers, what are you f*ckin nuts?
It's so early, what are you trying to do,
I'll take those hedgeclippers, and cut your dick in two.
Well, hey bud, how'd you sleep?
Little pigs"In the beginning there was wolf, and then there was pig.
Wolf was the natural enemy of pig. (and this was good)
And so our story begins."
Little pigs, little pigs, let me in!
Not by the hair of my chinny, chin, chin!
Then I'll huff, and I'll puff,
and I'll blow your house in!
Never againI'm closing up shop. This is my shop.
And I'm locking my doors. They're my doors.
Won't let you inside, on my side.
I'm locking my doors once more.
Never again, will this happen to me.
Never again, I won't let it.
Never again, will this happen to me.
U-StinkI hate the way you act, and i hate the way you smell.
I hate the way you look girl, cause you just look like hell
You make me sick - Way Oh, Way Oh, Way Oh,
You make me sick, you really stink girl
You make me sick - Way Oh, Way Oh, Way Oh,
You make me sick, but I love you.
I hate your polyester pant-suits, and your greasy hair.