Scared of HeightsI have always been the type to think before I speak
I have always been the type to look before I leap
And like a bolt out of the blue I was struck and there was you
For a moment I believed that I could let go
You lift me up into the sky
I feels like I could fly
never gonna die
A Change Is Gonna ComeГрядут перемены
Музыка и слова: Сэм Кук
Я родился у реки в маленькой палатке,
И точно как река,
Я бегу с тех пор.
Это длится так долго,
Но я знаю - грядут перемены.
A Kind Of Christmas Card(музыка: M. Harket, текст: H. Rem)
All you folks back home
I'll never tell you this
You're not supposed to know
Where your daughter is
There are ways of life
You never understood
A Name Is A NameA name is a name
But your names in the night
Call on your sleep
Where your soul comes alight
I could be there by your side
I would walk and you could fly
I'm not counting these days
I know no future
My path is my stride
Every footstep is a journey
Every instance of it minds
I leave the day behind me
Anyone10. ANYONE (музыка: M. Harket, текст: M. Harket, H. Rem)
Go tell my girl I've seen the tables turn before
Now there will be no one at the door
Go tell her not to keep the lights on
Brodsky TuneAs you pour yourself a scotch,
Crush a roach or check your watch,
As your hands adjust your tie -
People die.
In the towns with funny names,
Hit by bullets, caught in flames
By and large not knowing why -
BrotherYou are still my brother
Till the end of time
You and I we lost our way
Differences of mind
Till the end of time
Listen to me Brother
I can’t take your place
Burn Money Burn Burn, money; burn
I don’t like the wheels that you turn
You don’t know the value of things
I still like your bells when they ring
Burn, money; burn
What I was taught is not what I learn
I don’t need an IQ-score to beat
DarkspaceCan I see you for a moment
Can I sit with you a while
I know it's late
But everything is late
All my life I've been a drifter
And that's how you know me, too
I've never seen
Darkspace LIVEin the dark space
when I close my eyes
I see your face
shining like the moon in the night
and I must tell you
from my heart
I've been waiting my time my love
all over the world
Do You Remember MeDo you remember me? I am a different breed
I came to set you free, you got the best of me
I am the pain you feel, you almost made it real
I fought you to your knees, do you remember me?
I walked two thousand miles and here I am!
Show me your world, but I can understand
East-Timor(музыка: G. Kolbu, текст: H.K. Dahl, M. Harket, H. Rem)
Sandalwood trees are evergreen
Cut them down
Plant coffee beans
Build no schools
Construct no roads
Mark them as fools
Elisabet Synger Ved Johannes Doperns Dod(Erik Fosnes Hansen)
Jeg var for roen, alderdommen rede
da Herren gav meg frukt å bringe frem:
En sønn, som skulle tjene Ham her nede
kom hel og nyfødt til vårt stille hjem.
De la deg til mitt bryst, svøpt inn i klede.
Elisabeth Synger Ved Johannes Doperens DodElisabeth Synger Ved Johannes Døperens Død
Jeg var for roen, alderdommen rede
da Herren gav meg frukt å bringe frem:
En sønn, som skulle tjene Ham her nede
kom hel og nyfødt til vårt stille hjem.
De la deg til mitt bryst, svøpt inn i klede.
Engelen(Håvard Rem)
Om han er død?
hans blod og kropp
er vin og brød.
Og vin og brød
tar dere opp
Må du alltid bli velsignet
må din drøm få viljen sin
må du kjenne andres godhet
slik de får kjenne din
må du bygge Jakobstigen
og klatre på hvert trinn
Fra templet(Georg Johannesen)
Jeg drømte det var i mitt tolvte år
da stjernene sluttet a rope
ble halvmånen skjult bak en stripet sky
Og steinene sang rundt hver snømann:
Ingen tør røpe fargen pa blod
Huden din tør ikke pipe
Fremmed HerDu tar det du får
Du tar det du ser
Du gir deg aldri
Om det fortsatt er mer
Du er på leting
Du kommer alltid frem
Men du har ingen fred
Du har ingen sted a gå
Gammal Og Vis(музыка: M.Harket, текст: H.Rem)
Før gikk jeg i tog mot atomvåpen
Nå løper jeg Oslo maraton
Før ville jeg selge bilen min
Nå har jeg sluttet å røyke
Før likte jeg Ole Paus
Nå liker jeg Ole Paus
Half In Love Half In HateHalf in love and half in hate
Someone told me it is late
Late on earth he said, maybe
late in you
And late in me
Darker than it has to be
Tell me just another lie
Heaven's Not For SaintsEurovision Song Context 1996
Heaven's not for saints
You only have one cup
Now you've filled it up
Let it go babe, just let it go
Dim-lit path ahead
Herre I Drommen(музыка: M.Harket, текст: H.Rem, O.S. Olsen)
Hvem er herre i drømmen
Som ble kastet ned i ditt hav
Og dannet de mektigste bølger
Så alle fikk kjenne din kraft?
Hvem vant det store slaget
Som ble utkjempet dypt i ditt land
Himmelske DanserHimmelske Danser
Hvilelost danser
Glшdende sanser
Brennende rшtter
Lyset i kroppen
Det brenner seg inn
Hvor Krybben Stod(Arnold Eidslott)
I Nasaret
vil de alltid tvile
De venter deg tilbake
fra ditt eksil
I Nasaret
I'm The OneTake this cold heart of mine
Take this man who wants to shine
What’s that word in your mouth
I can’t hear you when you shout
I cannot take what you cannot give
It was YouIt Was You.
Это ты меня оставила.
You taught me where to go
---Ты научила меня, куда мне идти
When the night's still's golden
---Когда ночь ...
I don't want to be alone.
Jeg Kjenner Ingen FremtidJeg kjenner ingen fremtid
Min vei er neste skritt
hvert fottrinn er en reise
Hvert øyeblikk er mitt
Jeg kjenner ingen fortid
Jeg ryster støvet av
Min for når jeg forlater
Jeg Kjenner Inger FremtidJeg kjenner ingen fremtid
Min vei er neste skritt
Hvert fottrinn er en reise
Hvert oyeblikk er mitt
Jeg kjenner ingen fortid
Jeg ryster stovet av
Min for nar jeg forlater
Jungle of beliefsWhat a wonderful world it seems
and our keel´s running deep
we´ve got wine from the great
market place
we can walk in our sleep,
do you know,
now that gold is coming cheap
what to lose
Just Believe ItTurn it on its head
Pin it to the ground
Throw it at the wind
Make it come around
You´re onWhere are you going my love tonight
My dreams tonight
You´re onDon´t stop now
Where are you going
Keep The Sun AwayThe sun that pierced my aching heart
Sooner or later, will tear me apart
My black eyed love will leave me bruised
Broken and battered, and feeling confusedWho am I today?
Keep the sun awayRain down on freezing bones
Oh I don’t know if I can be left alone
Wind blows ‘cross a dead man’s eyes, oh and I
Think I’m coming to the end of the lineA captain on his sinking ship
Lay Me Down TonightLay me down tonight, I'm falling deep
I'm tired, now I'll sleep
So close my eyes and take me in
I'll leap into the night like wind
I leave my body, leave my sword
So lay me own, Father Lord
Lay me down tonight, my heart is weak
You would hit me
just like lightning
Give me shelter
from the rain
Stay down, way down
ListeningSee the tension in your face
Feel the nerves when we embrace
What emotions do you hide?
All those years of silent thought
betrayed by those whose help
you sought
exiled, lost and forced inside
LordYou waited for me
When I was strong
You never called
You waited long
Now I come back
To sleep with you
You love me still
Lyser Nar Du Draran du se meg
Du vet jeg har gått meg bort
Du holder en sjel
Så tung
Og sort
Løft meg
Fri meg –
Fra det jeg har gjort
Mitt hjerte alltid vankerMorten Harket & Sølvguttene
Mitt hjerte alltid vanker (My heart always wanders)
Mitt hjerte alltid vanker i Jesu fødte rom
Der samles mine tanker som i sin hovedsum
Der er min lengsel hjemme, der har min tro sin skatt
Jeg kan deg aldri glemme velsignet julenatt
MoviesMy woman so lonely my woman so fine
My flower don't worry you will shine
A marriage the secret the shadows behind
Pianos are playing Summertime
But as long as your hero's in the movies
And the turtle is safe in the Carribean sea
While the power of nations set the rules
Natten i natt er hellig.
Noe skal skje.
Det som skal komme fra himlen
er ikke bare sne.
Natten i natt er hellig.
O Jesus du som fyller alt i alleO, Jesus du som fyller alt i alle
Som rik på miskunnhet og nåde er.
Jeg lik Maria for Din fot vil falle.
For intet hvilested er skjønt som her.
Min Frelser kjær, ditt skjønne navn jeg nevner.
Ifra mitt hjertes dyp jeg priser Deg.
Og alle tvilens mørke skyer revner;
Din nådesol skal gjennomstråle meg.
Out Of My HandsTake it out of my hands
And let it fly
I am not afraid to die
Not afraid to dieLift it out of my heart
And see it shine
We are only ever alive
Only ever aliveWhen the leaves are falling
To the ground
Paske9. PÅSKE 4.02 (Jens Bjørneboe)
Her har jeg laget noe ganske nytt
som ikke fantes før: En tornekrone.
Jeg, som er bosatt i Jerusalem
- i kurvmakerens gate er mitt hjem -
QuietSaw you walking by the place
where we used to meet
-turn your head and disappear
onto busy street
Nothing mattered
-back when things were true-
but you were beautiful,
you had things to doThe snow has covered every track from me to you
Scared of HeightsI have always been the type to think before I speak
I have always been the type to look before I leap
And like a bolt out of the blue I was struck and there was you
For a moment I believed that I could let go
You lift me up into the sky
I feels like I could fly
never gonna die
Send Me An AngelI must have kept a burning truth
Too tight against my heart
I looked out in that night for you
Looked out in that night
God and his son apart
And every dream is far too sweet
I let them all come down
Should The Rain FallAnd should the rain fall after this
It'll leave no colour on the things I miss
The clouds are empty now inside of me
And in a way somehow I am free
Another mountain there to climb
But I won't look back just to see where I turned blind
Goodbye love, you almost broke my wings
Slanted FloorBe my eyes
Paint colours bright
As day turns to night
Baby, be my eyes
Tell me, Dear
Was this freedom our share
Was the cost for all to bare
Sondag Morgen(музыка: M.Harket, текст: H.Rem)
Hun smiler i søvne,
Du klyver forbi,
Du kler deg i mørket.
En dør smekker i.
Så står du i gangen,
Du kom hit i natt.
Sounds Of RainEyes drying in the sun
Had only just begun
What can I say?
I wish you'd stay
Don't run away
We seem to be undone
Had only just begun
Spanish StepsMust have been walking
Don't know this place
Somebody stopped talking
It is written in my face
Thought I'd never leave you
Thought I'd never dare
But I watched you going under
Stay(музыка: M. Harket, текст: M. Harket, H. Rem)
I say it as a friend
He can handle the daylight
But the night has its way
Touch him
Summer Moved OnAnd the way it goes you can't tag alone
Honey moved out
And the way it went leaves no doubt
Moments will pass
In the morning light I found out
Seasons can't last
And there's just one thing late to ask
Taksameteret Gartaksameteret gar
ikke tro at det star
ikke vei dine valg
pa drёmmenes vekt
ikke vent med a elske
til alt er perfekt
ditt liv er i gang
Tell Me What You SeeSleep, my love, sleep
Or look up at a sky
Returning from its deep
See the moon go down
Watch the sun come 'round
Tell me what you see
Sleep, my love, sleep
Yeah, look into a world
The One You AreWhen the night comes falling from above
When the night comes rising from below
And you're looking for some place to go
When you come to people you used to know
Still you wake up to the morning sun
And you're looking back on all the fun
When you think you've lost,
There Are Many Ways To DieNight across the harbour
Nightlight in the sky
I hear the sound of water
Boats are drifting by
I've been waiting here for centuries
I've lost my sense of time
My love, you should have warned me
There are many ways to die
There Is A PlaceBaby there's a place for you and me
sooner or later we shall see
Through the tears we cry
And baby, our time has only just begun
We are different, we are one
What more do we need?
There'a a silent world
Shining from afar
UndecidedThink about
Walking out
Leaving the familiar
Eager now to try something new
By yourself
No-one else
These are your decisions
I won’t try to change your view
Vuggevise(музыка: M.Harket, текст: H.Rem)
Jeg skal sove, jeg er trett
Fra mitt dype åndedrett
Letter jeg og styrter blind
Ut i natten som en vind
Uten kropp, uten hud
Hviler jeg hos fader Gud
We'll Never Speak AgainThe world outside my window
Dig holes into my brain
And all the ones before us
Left nothing but their names
And all of us are broken
And all of us in pain
Though some of us have spoken
what there isPentagram - Starlady
I got a light building up inside of my head
But I'm going nowhere down these streets instead
It's a rain swept night and I've been traveling far
I think I've gone this road before Yes, I have
I got the hungry eyes and they're searching
for someone like you But I only see the graveyard
When I Reached The MoonWhen I reached the moon,
It turned to stone
Since I won your heart
I’ve been alone
I was drawn to the light,
Circling ‘round
I should have kept
My feet on the groundI dreamt of you, my love
Whispering HeartTake you shoes off
Drop the sand on the street
And touch me baby
Make it real
Make it real
Go and show a spinning world that
Naturals don't learn
Wild SeedBaby
Are you holding the key
Was it you that put a lock on my door
Who sent you
Are you as deep as the sea
Well it takes a deep womb
To shelter me
With You With MeС ТОБОЙ - СО МНОЙ
Дай мне посмотреть на тебя немного
Позволь посидеть с тобой недолго
Я знаю, уже поздно
Но всё уже поздно
Я всю жизнь плыл по течению
Просто поверь в этоПредставь это по-своему,
Пригвозди это к земле,
Выбрось на ветер,
Позволь этому состояться —
Ты у цели.
Куда ты уходишь сегодня вечером, любовь моя,
С моими мечтами, любовь моя?