EmotionsEmotions - a bridge into the unknown, built out of stone and carved in stone
A flash out into the darkness – agitate, illuminate, and penetrate
Uncertainty, the right to err - you never know if it’s aiming high or aiming low
It’s you who takes the risk now to fall, it’s hit or miss, a trial ball
FatherMy dad was a doctor and a military man, sounds strange enough, isn’t it clear?
But no matter how ridiculous it could be - that’s not the point I’m making in here
What a pain it takes me to love my dad, when he died I was still under four
But I love him, it seems, all in spite of the fact I can hardly remember him anymore
But I do remember the day he died, it was far away – far away from here
It has been half a year by that time since I’ve last seen him – so I didn’t burst in tears
Timely DeathThis is it – end of story, and here we go - everything will be fine with both you and me
If we do what we need to – if we just don’t stop - you’ll get stale if you don’t keep on going, my friend
Carry on – while there’s something worth living for, but if there are no plans for to-morrow’s day
Why don’t you just go straight to the bathroom instead? There’s a razor blade there, it may help you a lot
Can you think of a reason to idle around if there’s nothing for you to seek and to strive
Just enjoying yourself for the damn hell of it means your life is but worth that of a swine
Город, Не Прикасайся Ко МнеГород, Не Прикасайся Ко Мне (Minister Of Sounds – Mr. Cosmonaut, Minister Of Sounds, идея Фред Адра)
Minister Of Sounds - acoustic and electric guitars, lower bass, lead vocal and voice
Minister Of Culture - tom, djembe, shaker, tambourine, upper bass
Minister Of Harmony - background vocals
Твари АнглииТвари Англии и твари
Всех земель, какие есть,
О земном грядущем рае
Принимайте, твари, весть!
Твари, будете счастливы,
Будет свергнут человек,
Будут все луга и нивы
Тварям отданы навек.
Широк человекСтрашно много человеку на земле терпеть,
Страшно много ему бед и страданий
Дай мне Бог теперь не врать и себя не хвалить
Потому так много мыслю об этом человеке, что я сам такой человек.
Широк человек, широк человек, даже слишком широк, я бы сузил его.
Я иду и не знаю: в вонь ли я попал и позор