Ar VerjelenigD'an traon gant ar c'hoajou pa n'an|
Ge la violete | 2 раза
Mouezh ar verjelen a glevan|
Violetez re ge ge |
Doansou gae de Jul Feran |
Ge la violete-man | 2 раза
Mouezh ur verjelenn triwec'h vle
Bonny Ship The DiamondThe Diamond is a ship, my lads, for the Davis Strait she's bound,
And the quay it is all garnished with bonny lasses 'round;
Captain Thompson gives the order to sail the ocean wide,
Where the sun it never sets, my lads, no darkness dims the sky,
So it's cheer up my lads, let your hearts never fail,
While the bonny ship, the Diamond, goes a-fishing for the whale.
Ev Chistr 'Ta, LaouWas Wollen Wir Trinken
Ev Chistr 'Ta, Laou!
(Cider-Drinking Song)
Ev' chistr 'ta Laou rak chistr 'zo mat, lonla,
Ev' chistr 'ta Laou rak chistr 'zo mat.
Ev' chistr 'ta Laou rak chistr 'zo mat,
Ev SistrEv sistr 'ta Laou, rak sistr zo mat, lonla
Ev sistr 'ta Laou, rak sistr zo mat
Ev sistr 'ta Laou, rak sistr zo mat
Ur blank, ur blank ar chopinad lonla
Ur blank, ur blank ar chopinad
Ar sistr zo graet 'vit bout evet lonla
Hag ar marc'hed 'vit bout karet
Ferryland SealerOur schooner and our sloop in Ferryland they do lie.
They are already rigged to be bound for the ice.
All you lads of the Southern we will have you to beware.
She is going to the ice in the spring of the year.
Laddie whack fall the laddie, laddie whack fall the day.
We had vittles for to last more than two months at the least,
And plenty of good rum, boys, stowed away in our chest,
High GermanyOh Polly love, oh Polly, the rout has now begun
We must go a-marching to the beating of the drum
Dress yourself all in your best and come along with me
I'll take you to the war, my love, in High Germany
Oh Willie love, oh Willie, come list what I do say
My feet they are so tender I cannot march away
And besides my dearest Willie I am with child by thee
I.R.A. AnthemГимн Ирландии - кельтская песня (Ирландия Свободна - песня ирландских боевиков. Была запрещена на территории Великобритании) Чтобы сдохли наследники британского престола! Да славится Ирландия! И ее свободный народ!
Jenovefa RustefanJenovefa Rustefan
1.Pa oa paotr Yannig gant e zeñved
Pa oa paotr Yannig gant e zeñved
N'en doa ket soñj da vezañ beleget
N'en doa ket soñj da vezañ beleget
2.Pa zeuas e vamm ha laras dezhañ
Kenavo Prison ParisKenavo "Prison Paris"
Ha ma bro salud deoc'h c'hwi - 2
Kenavo "prison paris"
La la la la la la la le no
Kanit gwennili ker Ys
Ar frankiz zo ganeoc'h c'hwi - 2
Kenavo d'an "Tour Eiffel"
KimiadMa c'halon a zo frailhet
Dre nerzh ma enkreziou
Ma daoulagad entanet
N'o deus mui a sellou
Deuet eo siwazh an devez
Ma rankan dilezel (2)
Ne Bado Ket AtaoAr soudarded a oa gwechall
Dre an Afrik o rodal
A zo breman e-barzh hor bro
'Kraozon ha Landivizio
Hor breudeur a c'hoarzhe dec'h
Zo tec'het kuit gant an nec'h
Zo tec'het hep sonj distro
Nil Se n'a LaЕще день не наступил
Вчера вечером я зашел в кабак
И попросил хозяйку налить мне пива в кредит,
Но она мне сказала:"Ты не получишь ни капли,
Иди своей дорогой, уходи домой."
Sally Free And Easy(by Cyril Tawney)
Sally, free and easy,
That should be her name,
Sally, free and easy,
That should be her name,
Took a sailor's lovin',
For a nursery game.
SeallaibhSeallaibh curraigh Eòghainn
'S còig raimh fhichead oirre
Seallaibh curraigh Eòghainn
'S i seachad air a' Rubha Bhàn
Bidh Eòghainn, bidh Eòghainn
Bidh Eòghainn 'na sgiobair oirre
Bidh Eòghainn, bidh Eòghainn
She Moved Through The FairMy young love said to me, my mother won't mind
And my father won't slight you for your lack of kine,
And she stepped away from me and this she did say,
It will not be long love 'til our wedding day.
She stepped away from me and she moved through the fair,
And fondly I watched her move here and move there,
Then she went her way homeward with one star awake,
Tenval Eo An NozTeñval eo an noz 'barzh ar gêr-mañ (3)
'N hani garan 'man ket amañ.
'N hani garan zo partiet (3)
Me ' garehe na vehe ket.
Me ' garehe bout aet ganton (3)
Da servijen Napoleon.
The Blind Harper Of LochmabenOh heard you of a silly blind harper
Who lived long in Lochmaben town,
How he did to go fair England
To steal King Henry's wanton brown.
And take the halter in thy hose
And of the purpose do not fail.
Wap it over the wanton's nose
The Bonny Ship The DiamondOh, the Diamond is a ship, me lads, for the Davis Straits she bound
And the quay it is all garnished with bonny lassies round
Captain Thompson gives orders, to sail the ocean wide
Where the sun it never sets, me lads, nor darkness dims the sky
And it's cheer up, me lads, let your heart never fail
For the bonny ship the Diamond goes a huntin' for the whale
Was wollen wir trinkenWas wollen wir trinken, sieben Tage lang,
Was wollen wir trinken, so ein Durst.
Was wollen wir trinken, sieben Tage lang,
Was wollen wir trinken, so ein Durst.
Es wird genug für alle sein,
wir trinken zusammen, roll das Fass mal rein,
wir trinken zusammen,nicht allein.
в нашей столовойEv' chistr 'ta Laou rak chistr 'zo mat, lonla,
Ev' chistr 'ta Laou rak chistr 'zo mat.
Ev' chistr 'ta Laou rak chistr 'zo mat,
Ur blank ur blank ar chopinad, lonla,
Ur blank ur blank ar chopinad.
Ar chistr 'zo graet e'it bout evet, lonla,
Ar chistr 'zo graet e'it bout evet.