Matthew Dear все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
DeserterWhat was that?
You sound deserted
Lost and alone
The world around you gone perverted
Don't be afraid
This is what you've been saving for
Everything that you've done
Nothing seems to be what it's worth
Fleece On BrainПо свидетельству того же Умберто Эко, большой богослов Вильгельм Баскервильский говорил: "Роджер Бэкон, наш чтимый наставник, учил, что в некий день промысел Господен обратится к механизмам, они же суть орудия природной священной магии".
Может ли быть, что под это определение подпадают синтезаторы и компьютеры? Тогда как раз к месту придется новое имя - Matthew Dear.
Her FantasyIt’s just one in a million hearts that feel the way, the way I do
Am I the chrome man, am I not of great design?
Do I feel love like all of the others or this feeling only mine?
Are you my delicious game? Is it an obvious play?
I’ll eat like a lion and pretend I’m trying but we know it’s one in the same.
Am I one heartbeat away from receiving a damaging shock to my life and believing that love was a cost worth a witness and seeing a larger machine?
midnight loversIf I grab you by the hand
And I take you for a walk, young girl
I will kiss your neck
This won't be like last time
Tell me something special
Between my mind and evening
Don't give up on my bad luck