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  • Текст песни Marion Meadows - Thank you

    Исполнитель: Marion Meadows
    Название песни: Thank you
    Дата добавления: 08.12.2014 | 11:53:29
    Просмотров: 74
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Marion Meadows - Thank you, перевод и видео.
    My tea's gone cold
    I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
    The morning rain clouds up my window
    And I can't see at all
    And even if I could, it'd all be grey
    But your picture on my wall
    It reminds me that it's not so bad
    It's not so bad

    I drank too much last night
    Got bills to pay
    My head just feels in pain
    I missed the bus and there'll be hell today
    I'm late for work again
    And even if I'm there
    They'll all imply that I might not last the day
    And then you call me
    And it's not so bad
    It's not so bad and

    I want to thank you
    For giving me the best day of my life
    Oh, just to be with you
    Is having the best day of my life

    Push the door I'm home at last
    And I'm soaking through and through
    Then you handed me a towel and all I see is you
    And even if my house falls down now
    I wouldn't have a clue
    Because you're near me and

    I want to thank you
    For giving me the best day of my life and
    Oh, just to be with you
    Is having the best day of my life and

    I want to thank you
    For giving me the best day of my life and
    Oh, just to be with you
    Is having the best day of my life

    Мой чай уже давно остыл,
    И я спрашиваю себя: "Зачем я вообще сегодня вылезла из постели?"
    Утренние тучи заволокли небо,
    И я ничего не вижу.
    Но даже если бы я что-то и видела, все было бы серым,
    Кроме твоего портрета на стене,
    Который напоминает мне, что не все так плохо,
    Не все уж так и плохо.

    Вчера вечером я перебрала с выпивкой,
    Даже денег расплатиться не хватило,
    А сегодня голова просто раскалывается,
    Я опоздала на автобус и теперь на работе будут проблемы.
    Но даже если бы я пришла вовремя,
    Сослуживцы все равно бы язвили,
    Что меня "не хватит" до конца дня,
    А потом ты звонишь мне,
    И все становится не так уж плохо,
    Не так плохо и...

    Я хочу сказать тебе спасибо
    За то, что ты мне подарил лучший день в моей жизни,
    Просто быть с тобой,
    Это и есть самое лучшее в жизни.

    Я открываю дверь - я наконец-то дома,
    Промокшая до нитки,
    Ты подаешь мне полотенце, и я обо всём забываю.
    И даже если бы стены дома рухнули,
    Я бы этого не заметила.
    Ведь ты рядом со мной, и...

    Я хочу сказать тебе спасибо
    За то, что ты мне подарил лучший день в моей жизни,
    Просто быть с тобой,
    Это и есть самое лучшее в жизни.

    Я хочу сказать тебе спасибо
    За то, что ты мне подарил лучший день в моей жизни,
    Просто быть с тобой,
    Это и есть самое лучшее в жизни.
    My tea's gone cold
    I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all
    The morning rain clouds up my window
    And I can not see at all
    And even if I could, it'd all be grey
    But your picture on my wall
    It reminds me that it's not so bad
    It's not so bad

    I drank too much last night
    Got bills to pay
    My head just feels in pain
    I missed the bus and there'll be hell today
    I'm late for work again
    And even if I'm there
    They'll all imply that I might not last the day
    And then you call me
    And it's not so bad
    It's not so bad and

    I want to thank you
    For giving me the best day of my life
    Oh, just to be with you
    Is having the best day of my life

    Push the door I'm home at last
    And I'm soaking through and through
    Then you handed me a towel and all I see is you
    And even if my house falls down now
    I would not have a clue
    Because you're near me and

    I want to thank you
    For giving me the best day of my life and
    Oh, just to be with you
    Is having the best day of my life and

    I want to thank you
    For giving me the best day of my life and
    Oh, just to be with you
    Is having the best day of my life

    My tea has long been cold,
    And I ask myself : & quot; Why do I got out of bed today ? & Quot;
    Morning clouds clouded sky,
    And I can not see anything .
    But even if I do something and saw everything would be gray ,
    In addition to your portrait on the wall ,
    Which reminds me , that is not all bad ,
    Not everything really so bad.

    Last night I went over to drink,
    Even the money to pay is not enough,
    And today, the head of a split ,
    I missed the bus and now at work will be a problem .
    But even if I was on time ,
    Colleagues would still yazvili ,
    What I & quot; is not enough & quot; until the end of the day ,
    And then you call me ,
    And everything is not so bad ,
    Not so bad and ...

    I want to say thank you
    For what you gave me the best day of my life,
    Just to be with you ,
    This is the best thing in life.

    I open the door - I finally got home,
    Soaked to the skin,
    You handed me a towel, and I forget everything .
    And even if the wall of the house collapsed,
    I would not have noticed .
    After all, you're near me , and ...

    I want to say thank you
    For what you gave me the best day of my life,
    Just to be with you ,
    This is the best thing in life.

    I want to say thank you
    For what you gave me the best day of my life,
    Just to be with you ,
    This is the best thing in life.


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