13 wishesWe are monsters, we are proud,
We are monsters say it loud.
High school's a horror can't get out of my bed
Everybody's talking, but it's not in my head,
They say: "Don't be different be like them instead!"
But they can't keep us down 'cuz we're Monster High bred.
The clock is striking thirteen, (wooow)
It's time to cheer for your team! (wooow)
Better TogetherI think It's time to say to yourself
That I'm happy being me and nobody else
Come out the shadows let's face the light
Don't have to be afraid nobody's gonna bite
Come out little ghouls wherever you are
Don't have to hide from one another we need each other
So come out little ghouls
Boo York, Boo York на итальянскомIl faraone
Il meglio di me a parametri di confronto sul mondo non c'è,
Io vengo a dire "Ciao!",тыщу anni conoscenza,
Se il nome non lo sai non è un problema...
Allora chiamami solo il Faraone,
Rumore e frastuono piangere e gemere,
Cool brucia il Faraone,
Anche se di recente il sarcofago ha lasciato.
Freaky FusionDo it together , we are a fusion,
It's how we were made.
Do it together working as one,
And we are not afraid.
First impressions,
We get reactions,
We are so unique.
Do it together look at us now,
Fright SongOooh, ya give me the chills...
Walkin' down a darkened hallway
Everybody turns to look at you
It's not because you're different
It's just because you're so scary cool
A sinister style, mystery with a smile
Monster High Dance Class Robecca SteamDance
Back door, cracked we don’t need a key
We did it for free
No b after sleaze
Drink that cooly follow my lead
Now you’re one of us
You’re coming with me
Monster High на русском языке(ха-ха-ха-ха...Монстр Хай, Монстр Хай...)
Все, кто знал об этом месте,
Как один пропали безвести.
Точный адрес неизвестен,
Не записан картой местности.
Тут день - это ночь,
А рассвет - это яд
О нем не говорят, нет-нет, не говорят,
Shooting Stars [Astranova]
Because we all, we all are shooting stars
I am the light in the dark
For everyone of you there is a song
From outer space above to your hearts
When you hold your head up high
And look up into the night
I'm falling out of the sky
We are Monster HighWe are monsters, we are proud,
We are monsters, say it loud!
High school's a horror, can't get out of my bed
Everybody's talking, but it's not in my head
They say, "Don't be different, be like them instead"
But they can't keep us down 'cause we're Monster High-bred.
We are Monsters минусWe are monsters, we are proud,
We are monsters say it loud.
High school's a horror can't get out of my bed
Everybody's talking, but it's not in my head,
They say: "Don't be different be like them instead!"
But they can't keep us down 'cuz we're Monster High bred.
Zombie ShakeGhoulia was working in the mad science room
When the chemicals she combined created a boom
And before she even realized her science mistake
She couldn’t stop dancing The Zombie Shake
Its hard to describe this new dance she created,
It’s strange and it’s weird but it’s not complicated
She jumped and she lurched as she danced, cross the floor,
Главная темаJuż czuję ten dreszcz
Idziesz mrocznym
Słyszysz szepty, widzisz ludzi tłum.
Ty wiesz, że jesteś inna.
Wyróżniasz się i to jest urok Twój.
Зомби ШейкГулия трудилась в классе жутких наук,
Реактивы смешала - Бах! - загадочный звук.
Не успев понять, что за беда случилась с ней,
Она уже плясала танец Зомби-шейк.
Как вам описать этот танец не сложный?
Немного зловещий, но привыкнуть можно.
Скачи да шатайся как раненый зверь,
империяМиллион огоньков. Освещает он твоё королевское имя.
На вершину мы с тобой поднимаемся вместе, чтобы править над ними.
И если всем владеть — это плохо,то я хочу быть плохой.
Править в короне на троне — удел наш с тобой.
Империя! Империя"
Всё твоё и моё, что хотим, то берём.
Империя! Империя!
Монстер Хай - на русскомХa-Хa-Хa...
Monster High...
Monster High...
Все кто знал об этом месте,
Как один пропали без вести,
Точный адрес не известен,
Не записан карты местности,
Тут день, это ночь,тут свет, это тень,
Просто песняOh oh oh oh oh oh yeah
Sometimes I walk a little faster
In the school hallway
Just to get next to you
Some days I spend a little extra
Time in the morning
Dress to impress you
Guess you dont notice
школа монстровHahaha)
(Oh, you give me the chills!)
Walking down a darkened hallway
Everybody turns to look at you
It's not because you're different
It's just because you're so scary cool
Школа ужаса и страхаWalking down a darkened hallway
Everybody turns to look at you
It's not because you're different
It's just because you're so scary cool
A sinister style, mystery with a smile
You're drop dead gorgeous, drop dead gorgeous
High school gives me the creeps, but when I'm with my
Это Моё ШоуЯ на сцене стою в ярком свете,
Полный зал я пою в этот вечер,
Смелый вид,дерзкий взгляд
Успех меня ждет,вперед!
Минуты славы ждала я давно
Скоро будут все знать моё имя
Мне звездой быть,всех вокруг затмить,Суждено! Взорвется зал бурей аваций,
А иначе не может быть.