Boom BoomEmadizzy
Saudades de pegar nesse teu body e desmonta-lo `ye ye ye´
Que o meu orgulho não me fez da valor e perdi
E hoje eu sinto uma dor tão grande no meu coração, por não te ter aqui
Bae tu vês nos meus olhos
O quanto eu te quero no meu colo
Porque senti
Hold Tight Borrowed Tour 2016A million miles later
We walked through the valley of the darkest night
We made it through the fire
We're scarred and we're bruised, but our hearts will guide us
I know our love's gonna last forever
We're gonna be alright
Living For Love Remix Interlude Borrowed Tour 2016 First you love me and I let you in
Made me feel like I was born again
You empowered me, you made me strong
Built me up and I can do no wrong
I let down my guard, I fell into your arms
Forgot who I was, I didn't hear the alarms
Now I'm down on my knees, alone in the dark
I was blind to your game
Mi PuebloEn el fondo de mi alma
ruge una acerada voz
de grandes luchadores,
son mi pueblo, mis hermanos!!
quienes forjan la materia
con sus manos agrietadas
transformando su conciencia en la lucha cotidiana.
Ваша любовь M.A.D. - Ваша любовь
И снова здравствуйте, не надоело слушать?
На этот раз немного лирики для ваших ушек
Она вам надоела, да я знаю это
Но мои мысли, не покинули куплетов
Они во мне сидят, и просятся наружу