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  • Текст песни Гаурачандрика - Jamuna Puline

    Исполнитель: Гаурачандрика
    Название песни: Jamuna Puline
    Дата добавления: 11.08.2020 | 10:04:03
    Просмотров: 5
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Гаурачандрика - Jamuna Puline, перевод и видео.
    йамуна-пулине, кадамба канане, ки херину сакхи! аджа
    шйама вамшидхари, мани-манчопари, коре лила расараджа

    О сакхи! Что я видел сегодня! В роще деревьев кадамба на берегу Ямуны прекрасный темный мальчик, державший в руках флейту, сидел на драгоценном троне, совершая игры как расараджа – царь всех трансцендентных вкусов.
    кришна-кели судха-прасравана, аштха далопари
    шри радха шри хари, аштха-сакхи париджана

    На восьми лепестках украшенного драгоценностями алтаря сидели Радха и Хари, окруженные Своими ближайшими спутниками – восемью главными гопи. Там Кришна совершает Свои любовные игры, подобные водопаду нектара.
    сугита нартане, саба-сакхи гане, тушичхе йугала-дхане
    кришна-лила хери', пракрити-сундари, бистаричхе шобха ване

    Все гопи доставляют удовольствие богато украшенной Божественной Чете своими мелодичными песнями и искусными танцами. Так я созерцал лилы Кришны с Его прекрасными возлюбленными, когда они гуляли в чудесном лесу.

    гхаре на джаибо, ване правешибо, о лила-расера таре
    тйаджи' кула-ладжа, бхаджа браджа-раджа, винода минати коре

    Я не вернусь домой, а пойду в лес, чтобы вкусить нектар этих лил. Отрекаясь от всех семейных уз, просто поклоняйся Господу Враджа. Такова смиренная просьба Бхактивиноды. 1
    Yamuna - Poulin , kadamba Kanani , ki herinu sakhi ! aja
    Syama vamshidhari , mani - manchopari , crust lila Rasaraja

    About sakhi ! What I saw today ! In a grove of trees on the bank of the Yamuna kadamba beautiful dark boy holding a flute , sat on the throne of precious , making the game as Rasaraja - the king of all transcendental mellows .
    Sudha Krishna- keli - prasravana , Asthu dalopari
    Sri Radha Sri Hari Asthu -sakhi paridzhana

    At eight petals jeweled altar sat Radha and Hari, surrounded by his closest companions - eight principal gopis. There Krishna performs His love of the game, like a waterfall nectar.
    Sugita Nartan , saba -sakhi Ghana tushichhe yugala Dhanna
    Krishna- lila Heri ' Prakriti - Sundari , bistarichhe Shobha Van

    All the gopis give pleasure ornate Divine Couple with their melodious songs and skillful dancing. So I contemplated the pastimes of Krishna with his beautiful beloved, when they were walking in the beautiful woods.

    ghare on dzhaibo , Van praveshibo about lila- rasera container
    tyadzhi ' kula- Laj , Bhaja Braja -raja , Vinod Minato crust

    I will not return home and go to the forest to taste the nectar of these pastimes. Renouncing all family ties , just worship the Lord of Vraja. Such humble request Bhaktivinoda .
    yamuna-puline, kadamba kanane, ki herinu sakhi! aja
    syama vamsidhari, mani-manchopari, kore lila rasaraja

    O sakhis! What I saw today! In the grove of kadamba trees on the banks of the Yamuna, a beautiful dark boy holding a flute was sitting on a precious throne, performing pastimes as rasaraja, the king of all transcendental mellows.
    krsna-keli sudha-prasravana, ashtha dalopari
    sri radha sri hari ashtha sakhi parijana

    On the eight petals of a jeweled altar sat Radha and Hari, surrounded by Their closest associates, the eight chief gopis. There Krsna performs His amorous pastimes like a waterfall of nectar.
    sugita nartane, saba-sakhi gane, tushiche yugala-dhana
    krsna-lila heri ', prakriti-sundari, bistarichhe shobha vane

    All the gopis give pleasure to the richly decorated Divine Couple with their melodious songs and skillful dances. In this way I contemplated the lila of Krishna with His beautiful lovers as they walked in the wonderful forest.

    ghare na jayibo, van praveshibo, about leela-rasera tara
    tyaji 'kula-laja, bhaja braja-raja, vinoda minati kore

    I will not return home, but go to the forest to taste the nectar of these lilas. Renouncing all family ties, simply worship Lord Vraja. This is Bhaktivinoda's humble request. 1
    Yamuna - Poulin, kadamba Kanani, ki herinu sakhi! aja
    Syama vamshidhari, mani - manchopari, crust lila Rasaraja

    About sakhi! What I saw today! In a grove of trees on the bank of the Yamuna kadamba beautiful dark boy holding a flute, sat on the throne of precious, making the game as Rasaraja - the king of all transcendental mellows.
    Sudha Krishna- keli - prasravana, Asthu dalopari
    Sri Radha Sri Hari Asthu -sakhi paridzhana

    At eight petals jeweled altar sat Radha and Hari, surrounded by his closest companions - eight principal gopis. There Krishna performs His love of the game, like a waterfall nectar.
    Sugita Nartan, saba -sakhi Ghana tushichhe yugala Dhanna
    Krishna-lila Heri 'Prakriti - Sundari, bistarichhe Shobha Van

    All the gopis give pleasure ornate Divine Couple with their melodious songs and skillful dancing. So I contemplated the pastimes of Krishna with his beautiful beloved, when they were walking in the beautiful woods.

    ghare on dzhaibo, Van praveshibo about lila- rasera container
    tyadzhi 'kula- Laj, Bhaja Braja -raja, Vinod Minato crust

    I will not return home and go to the forest to taste the nectar of these pastimes. Renouncing all family ties, just worship the Lord of Vraja. Such humble request Bhaktivinoda.


    О чем песня Гаурачандрика - Jamuna Puline?

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