ShoutI have pulled every string
But nothing is moving
We have whispered the words
That noone is listening, anymore
There's no time to save me
Shout it out
Before you let it come to this
15 MinutesI said, "you shouldn't do it if you don't know what
you're getting into"
She said I shouldn't worry about a thing cause she
knows which way to go
And everytime they wanted more, she gave in
And everytime they told her what is in
She believed every word
ActionCome bring it on I'm ready for action,
Давай, вперед, я готов заводиться
I will not revert,
Я не отступлю
And I stand my ground,
На своей земле
I'm not messing around,
Я не валяю дурака.
Anyone AnymoreI'm another king and robber
I'm a brother trampling on your dreams
Before they stand in the way of mine
He's a fighter with a hunger for disaster
A decider chained to the fate of the world
But words are left unheard
Anyone, AnymoreI'm another king and a robber
I'm a brother trampling on your dreams
Before they stand in the way of mine
He's a fighter with a hunger for disaster
A decider chained to the fate of the world
But words are left unheard
Belonging To No OneI’m hanging on a threat
So much in me feels sick but I only want
To confront
What’s meant for me with a hint of dignity
Dreadful to see
A life lived as a slave for the industry
Smothered fantasies
BleedingFew drops left of my hope
I bleed in the name of faith
decisions I've made, decisions of fools
why am I bleeding for you
Missing the one who gave me nothing
The one who dreamed my dreams away
Bullet For The PainLook into these eyes I've seen the same
Death won't spare us from the shame
Buy more hours by forgetting who's to blame
I see the pictures
They're all gone
You crossed the line you don't belong
Let down your game
Crash My WorldMust be blind, I didn't see the signs
I believed there was only you and me
Now I know I was a puppet in your show
The game went on, I played along, I'm such a fool
It should've been me, driving behind the wheel
It should've been me, that's the way I feel
Die A Little MoreWhy didn't I embrace
Those days you spent with me
For now when I look back in time
It's too easy to see
While I lived my dream
I was seeking a fantasy
And here I lie all alone again
Different LightNever could I see
The beauty of your ways
You wore your crown
Alone in silence
In silence
I wish that I could see you in a different light
Divine InsanityDying smiling faces, I
I see tears in joyful eyes
Silent screams carrying the sounds of bliss
There is no leap of faith
The choice ain't yours to make
For your mind can't own the purpose of soul
Don't Let Me FallDon't let me fall!
I feel a shiver in my spine
I'm too scared to look behind
Questions fill my mind
I'm hanging on the edge
Guardian AngelАнгел-Хранитель
Через темноту и разбитое стекло
Я шел к тебе, как только ты просила.
И здесь я останусь
Только для тебя.
Миллионы миль между нашими жизнями
HalfwayLovex - Halfway
This time I'll make you see
That I've pushed myself so someone could free me
I'm coming your way girl
I can't wait till time gets me
Long years in the funny farm
Love And LustWhat you don't know is how it turns
Everything to anything
Your failure to your sin
What you hope is that you will learn
From the scars on your skin
And the burden you're carrying
Love and lust
My IsolationOnce again they tell me that I'm insensible
It must be true, it's always the same accusation
You don't feel well and you seek a reason
Well, I guess it's me, I guess it's my lack of compassion
And I fake to sympathize
On The SidelinesI had my chance
You gave it away
I didn't say enough
I did too much
And everytime I look back in time I find myself questioning why
I'm deep in despair
Deep down in my mind
OneI questioned my fate
Wasn's sure about my place
But no one gets blamed in this game
No need to feel afraid
My fears dissolved the day you came
Ordinary DayReflection unharmed
Cold stares of the strangers
Are like a mirror into my life
Frozen and undermined
No longer can I
Remember the last time
I was afraid for something
I chose to give up on everything
Queen Of The NightTake this night and make it what you want it to be
With no regrets or shame
Bring your friends and let this party never end
You know how to do it yeah
Tonight you get to be a superstar
(to be a superstar)
Rid Of MeI am desperately seeking
More ways to believe in
The sensation of a second chance
I was so unaware of all
And I surely wasn't ready
When you dropped the bomb
Now you wanna get rid of me
Save MeAgain I close my eyes
Cause it's hard to see that I'm
Losing my prime
My actions feed your lies
And the truth begins to fade
Become so vague
Lift me up
Slave for the GloryYou used to see eye-to-eye with me
I gave you everything that I could ever be
But it wasn't enough, my diamonds are rough
I'm a dime in a dozen but you're one in a million.
Your life's a thrill and you dress to kill
Nothing gets to stand in the way of your will
You're a superstar of the local bar,
Take A ShotI see a thousand corridors
And I’ve walked through them all
Nowhere an open door
I’m imprisoned by my love
Restrained by the fears
Affection turned into tears
There’s a part of me that just won’t take the pain
There’s a part of me that wants to burst into flames
Time And Time AgainI've been running to let go
I've been running away from home
My knees no longer hold
But I can't stop
It's still too easy to run
Time and Time again you fade away
TurnI lost track of good sense 'cause I never
Learned when to stop
And somewhere along the way I dragged you
Into this mess
I chose to fight but I lost
I ruined all and you paid the cost
U.S.A.If it's big, it's good
Only large will suit
If it's great it's gotta be huge
If it shoots six times
It's rightfully mine
Go bowling for Columbine
Wild and ViolentLimping away creeping out
My softer side left me unsatisfied
Fraction of will keeps us apart
our Identities became compramised
I’m on myself I’m on my own tonight
One warning before I crumble
Worlds CollideI'm not my mind, I'm not my skin
I'm all about instinct
Don't care about science, you don't care about faith
They don't know what you're feeling
You came like a hurricane, without a warning
You put me through heaven and hell
Woundsoo much, too long
Fighting to heal the wounds
made walking away
Sinking deeper
Trying to
deal with the hurt
Haunting in my dreams
Writings On The WallA glimpse of light breaks through
The ruins of our lives
My dusty eyelide rise to let hope
Blind my sight
Between the closing walls
A breeze revives my mind
I run into the darkness
YoursГлядя вниз на землю, чтобы скрыть скорбь,
Нарисованную на твоем лице.
Говоря словами из твоей мечты, чтобы спрятать
Ложь, в которую окрашен твой разум,
Потому что я - твоя боль, а ты - мои страдания.
Просто прими меня такого, какой я есть,
Поверь, что я твой.
Потому что я - твоя боль, а ты - мои страдания.