Little Jimmy Dickens все тексты (слова) песен, переводы, видео, клипы
A Sleeping At The Foot Of The BedDid you ever sleep at the foot of the bed
When the weather was whizzin' cold
When wind was whistlin' around the house
And the moon was yeller as gold?
You give your good warm mattress up
To Aunt Lizzie and Uncle Fred
Too many kinfolks on a bad night
Out Behind The BarnMy pappy used to tan my hide
Out behind the barn
He taught me to be dignified
Out behind the barn
But when he took that strap to me,
and turned me down across his knee
He sure did hurt my dignity
Out behind the barn
Out Of BusinessChorus:
Sorry I'm out of business
I'm not at your service anymore
Yes, I'm sorry, I'm out of business
Get your work done where you got it done before.
My phones been disconnected
I took my mail box down
Waitress, WaitressWaitress, Waitress, pretty little waitress
Get my order right
Give me turnip greens and a bowl full of beans
And a date with you tonight
Waitress, Waitress, pretty little waitress
You're sure looking pert
I want a slice of ham and a candy jam
With a kiss for my dessert