1.Beneath the Burial SurfaceThe sky is darkeningm soon the night befall
Righteously angels are weeping for my soul
All childhood dreams are soon to be lost
All innocence to be shattered
I am the fallen, from grace
Water from a thousand tears floats in streams
1.Prologue PhantasmagoriaDark woods summon me to enter
As the moon emerge from behind the clouds
Enlightening the primordial ruins of a hidden burial site
Ghastly shapes of undead souls flitting about in the murk
Very pale and death-like appearance, embodiment of evil
There is a legend in the region of this place, evil buries but not dead
A psychic presence moving in the haze, cursed creatures demented
10.The Burning VortexA star gate to illusions and dreams, ascend the eye of infinity
Parallel dimensions unseen, a spiral galaxy
Seeing through the eyes of the dead, explore the sacred codex
Hypnotized by the circling sky, the burning vortex
Entranced the soul goes beyond, to a world without end
Labyrinth of the mind, astral projection
At the edge of eternity, spiritual evolution
A transcendental journey is about to begin
2.Crypt of bereavementMoonlight shadows drifting across the menacing sky
Plague-ridden with dark secrets of the night
An awakening of ill-omened life
A shudder of horrified fear will haunt your dreams
The witching hour draws near, dismalsomber screams
A kiss of death in the full moon light, phantom souls will walk the land
Ghouls of rotten misanthropic flesh, as the ominous darkness descend
This is where the damned corpses rest, trapped in aghast-purgatory
5.Dark windsIn the grip of winter cold, as nature freezes my soul
The abyss consume my mind, only darkness I can find
A ghastly whisper in the night, lead me astray from the light
As waves rises from the stormy sea, I feel an ancient force possesses me
A ghastly whisper in the night, lead me astray from the light
Trapped in a phantasmal dream, where faces of dead is haunting
Visions that tortures my mind, as dark winds embracing
Dark winds embrace me
6.A World In PandemoniumFrom birth to death, we travel between eternities
Misplaced in a world, on the verge of adversity
Into a sequence of violence and madness
An encounter with our destiny
The end of time is here
Only the dead have seen the end of war
On a virtual highway of death
We are reborn, to the path of thorns
6.Last Rite For The Silent Darkstar"Прощальная Церемония Для Тихой Темной Звезды"
Почувствуй, как сердце бьется – сердце Земли
Когда на пороге ты то ли смерти, то ли жизни
И разум – суть лишь беспокойство внутри дикий головы
Освободи себя от всех забот, что не можешь ты терпеть
Ведь даже звезды умирают
В величественных, светом лунным полных небесах
И жизнь иссякла вся когда
7.Flight Of The Minds EyeI gaze at the stars in the deep cosmic sea
Excursion beyond vast unknown mysteries
Across the millennial ocean in unearthly streams
Enthralled by the bliss of astral energies
In a magic trance I dwell
My eyes are ablaze with the fires of hell
I transcend to another certainty
A remote realm of mythology
8.Apocalyptic ManifestationHear the thunderous echoes from the nihilistic universe
Powers of wrath, a violently agitated curse
Shockwaves of vicious forces rage in the horizon
Blackness spreading across the land as a plague of destruction
Arriving on apocalyptic storms of terror
Darkness shall lead you into a new era of horror
The dark season is lurking ominous by nature
Shockwaves of vicious forces rage in the horizon
9.Misanthropic SpectrumGloria Sathanas
The undivinew deceptor
Enemy of all holiness
The eminent destructor
Brings life into misery and death
The magic sights of thy third eye
A Cosmic Funeral Of Memories
This is the genesis of a traumatic voyage
As you fall into a deep sleep
Beyond the point of no return
Once you have looked into the abysmal darkness
You carry it with you as a legacy for the rest of your life
The sky is a lonely place, an endless consuming space
A Venomous Kiss Of Profane GraceThe dead speaks to me
From beyond the grave
That is what my conscience is
I've buried the dead alive
The blood of the child is pure now
In death it gives me life
The circle is complete
Begin another ...
As The Bell Of Immolation CallsIn a timeless departure
From the flesh
Drifting the cold ether streams of death
By the altar of sacrifice as I call upon the night
To take and give me life
Beyond the shores of life
I glorify the hour of blackness
Behind The Darkened Walls Of SleepThe heavy movements of the hypnotising pendulum
Consciousness withers into terminal sleep's delirium
Shadows do thing to the mind as I seek the frequency
Into the vast unknown mysteries
Behind the darkened walls of sleep
As body rest and mind goes deep
A door opens in my heart
Beneath The Burial SurfaceЧенеет древнее молчанье темноты
Собора колокол зовет на смерть идущих
Во сне из бархата ростут цветы
Тенями бездна манит не сведущих.
Я осязаю грех, я чувствую в крови
Всю сладость, горечь этой боли
Я в пурпуре, в короне -все бери
Нет радости в них, рабство воли.
Beyond The Candles BurningI am a dark star rising on the raveous bleaky sky
A black diamond slunning so deep within the night
Maliciously I dwell in a bluish shaded beam
With a stonecold heart into the core of my being
Beyond the candles burning, beyond all minds eye
A vast emperic enigma awaits me as I die
In a graceful dance obscene, in a ring of fire
Curse Of The NecromancerBlessed underneath the blood red moon
Calling forth the dormant souls of doom
Mysterious rite of the underworld, codex of hell, energies swirl
Black magic has spawned tonight, commanding the dead to rise
Mysterious rite of the underworld, codex of hell, energies swirl
As the sky fades to black, unholy demons will attack
Awakened from the cryptic dark side
Invocation underneath the blood red moon
Dynasty Of DeathI'm launching into
The abysmal universe
Disembodied, I enter
The cosmic cataclysm
I discover stairways
To celestial dreamscapes
A dark unknown conjunction within in immoral dimension
Eve of MidnightJoin in for a dance with the dead
A ceremonial requiem for the gods
When the moon is drained by all its light
On burial ground we gather in the night
Burning candles, incantations
Witches sabbath with unholy craft
Screams and laughter pierce the art
Funeral Of Death"На Похоронах Смерти"
Стекает кровь по каплям, пока в пути сознание
А в полумраке сна смерть собирает урожай
В крови багрянце так холодно...
В одном лишь обществе стареющей ночи
Я обретаю вечность и спасение души, сквозь уплывающую жизнь
Так холодно, когда я кровью обагрен, так холодно мерзнущей душе
In Embers Of Infernal GreedBy dawn's early light
I see no end to the
Dark obsession
I am swallowed by night's
Infernal dream profession
O' sea of fire, all hatred's desire
Thy abhorrent cremation
Sparks in my eyes
Lycanthropic TalesAs the storm looms over the frozen landscape
A call from the beginning of time
Out of darkness through the mist
Requiem in blood and fire
Symbols of occult desire
Through the cosmic vortex
The gate to unknown darkness
Moon In The ScorpioA mirror blank ocean above me decoy
Superior forces that head or destroy
Take me astray into the moonlight above
Through twilight eyes as a spectre shadow
It is a time of great light
And a great darkness
Can't you feel the present
Path of IceJourney into your darkened secrets
Feel the burning flame inside
Admit the ecstacy of the extreme
Just close the eyes and enjoy the override
When we adrift through the sensual streams
The enchanted pains are so divine
There are thorns everywhere
Pits Of The Cold BeyondAs the shadow of dark angels fall
From the grace of light
I am carried in the arms of death
Into the night
The universe unveils
A glowing entrance to doom
Next to the setting sun and the rising moon
Portal to the UnknownAs the shadows fall, a paranormal call
Ambiance of the enchanted night
Embracing with thrilling delight
Winds of darkness is stealing my soul
I am facing forward into the abyss
Descending into a deep black hole
Exhuming the darkness below and above
My soul drifts with the undead spirits
Seven Doors of DeathWoe be unto him who ventures near
Without knowledge
Ultraviolent scenarios
Anguish crying
Images from the beyond
Nightmares never dying
Within the realm of desperation
Sources To AgoniesThrough the mirror of the soul
I'm staring deep within
To see what dwell behind the wall
The beauty of pale skin
The aura that surrounds me
Is not of noble kind
The blackness of the heart
Suicide Commando"Повеление К Суициду"
В тени мирских честолюбивых желаний
Вижу я жизнь и смерть, и их ужасный конфликт
И как свет убивает то, что создано тьмой
В вечном пути по темным рекам моего сердца
Через безжизненные наслоения и планетарное разложение
В порочном кругу угасания
Symphony In Moonlight And NightmaresThis night belongs to us
My dear princess of death
We have a destiny together
As we meet in hungry caress
A deadly kiss under moonlit sky
As I stare into thy dark and hollow eyes
You take me down where cold silence dwell
The Dark Rivers Of The Heart the death of memories
is burning in the past
"in abruptum trahi"
the blasphemous holocaust
I am born into the darkness and misanthropy
under triumphs of death and agony
The ultimate death worshipO'Darkness my master and mentor.
Witness the blood I shed.
Victorious dreamlike death I enter.
Floating the streams so red.
Destruction is the jewel of the black heart.
To treat life as nothing holy.
Hatred is the diamond in blasphemous art.
Through Gleams Of DeathThrough Gleams Of Death
The truth is hidden
In the cold dark water
In the drowning of procedure
The flesh gets slaughtered
Stripped from mortality
Into gleams of death
Twilight OmenI salute thee, baptizer of my soul
Dear pagan master let thy universe unfold
Show me the sign of the midnight sky
I will forever follow until dawn's early light
From the ashes a fire shall be woken
From the shadows words shall be spoken
Stra constellation
A burning circle of serpent eyes
Under Burdens Of Life's HolocaustA veil of darkness rest upon my shoulders
I reign and serve as and obedient beholder
Cause the shadows are my hearts domain
and where I wander
I have return to the land of decease
To walk the stony trial across the spectral fields
And in wilderness of haunting pains
Is where I slumber