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  • Текст песни Leonard Cohen - Avalanche

    Исполнитель: Leonard Cohen
    Название песни: Avalanche
    Дата добавления: 29.09.2016 | 06:37:03
    Просмотров: 27
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Leonard Cohen - Avalanche, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Well I stepped into an avalanche,
    Я сам шагнул в эту лавину,
    It covered up my soul;
    Она мою душу укрыла и спину.
    When I am not this hunchback that you see,
    Когда я не этот уродец с горбом,
    I sleep beneath the golden hill.
    Я сплю под большим золотым холмом.
    You who wish to conquer pain,
    Вы, те, кто желает боль победить,
    You must learn, learn to serve me well.
    Вам нужно учиться, чтоб мне послужить.

    You strike my side by accident
    Вы меня случайно задели молотом,
    As you go down for your gold.
    Когда вы вниз пробивались к золоту.
    The cripple here that you clothe and feed
    Калека, которого кормите вы и одеваете,
    Is neither starved nor cold;
    Он не голодный и не замерз.
    He does not ask for your company,
    Он не ищет вашей компании, знаете,
    Not at the centre, the centre of the world.
    Он вне центра мира, вдали от звезд.

    When I am on a pedestal,
    Пусть стою я на пьедестале,
    You did not raise me there.
    Не вы меня туда поднимали.
    Your laws do not compel me
    Законы ваши не поставят меня
    To kneel grotesque and bare.
    На колени нелепым и голым глупо,
    I myself am the pedestal
    Я сам как пьедестал для себя
    For this ugly hump at which you stare.
    И горб, на который глазеете тупо.

    You who wish to conquer pain,
    Вы, кто желает боль превозмочь,
    You must learn what makes me kind;
    Вам нужно знать, что таким меня делает.
    The crumbs of love that you offer me,
    Чтобы помочь, вы мне предлагаете крохи любви,
    They're the crumbs I've left behind.
    Все эти крошки оставил я позади.
    Your pain is no credential here,
    Ваша боль здесь не подтверждается,
    It's just the shadow, shadow of my wound.
    Она моих ран только тенью является.

    I have begun to long for you,
    Я начал вновь тебя желать,
    I who have no greed
    Я, тот кому это вовсе не нужно.
    I have begun to ask for you,
    Я начал вновь тебя ждать,
    I who have no need.
    Я, совсем не жадный к тому же.
    You say you've gone away from me,
    Ты сказала, ушла от меня, но слышишь,
    But I can feel you when you breathe.
    Я все еще чувствую, как ты дышишь.
    Well I stepped into an avalanche,
    I myself stepped in this avalanche,
    It covered up my soul;
    She hid my soul and back.
    When I am not this hunchback that you see,
    When I'm not the freak with a hump,
    I sleep beneath the golden hill.
    I sleep under a large hill gold.
    You who wish to conquer pain,
    You, those who wish to conquer pain,
    You must learn, learn to serve me well.
    You need to learn to serve me.

    You strike my side by accident
    You accidentally touched me the hammer,
    As you go down for your gold.
    When you are down their way to gold.
    The cripple here that you clothe and feed
    Cripple, which you feed and clothe,
    Is neither starved nor cold;
    He was not hungry and not frozen.
    He does not ask for your company,
    He is not looking for your company, you know,
    Not at the centre, the centre of the world.
    He is the center of the world, away from the star.

    When I am on a pedestal,
    Suppose I stand on the podium,
    You did not raise me there.
    Do not you have raised me there.
    Your laws do not compel me
    Laws do not put your me
    To kneel grotesque and bare.
    On your knees ridiculous and stupid naked,
    I myself am the pedestal
    I myself as a pedestal for himself
    For this ugly hump at which you stare.
    And hump, which stupidly gaping round.

    You who wish to conquer pain,
    You who wish to overcome the pain,
    You must learn what makes me kind;
    You need to know what this makes me.
    The crumbs of love that you offer me,
    To help, you offer me the crumbs of love,
    They're the crumbs I've left behind.
    All of these crumbs left me behind.
    Your pain is no credential here,
    Your pain is not supported,
    It's just the shadow, shadow of my wound.
    It is only a shadow of my wound is.

    I have begun to long for you,
    I started again you wish,
    I who have no greed
    I'm the one who is not at all necessary.
    I have begun to ask for you,
    I again began to wait for you,
    I who have no need.
    I'm not greedy, too.
    You say you've gone away from me,
    You said you left me, but hear
    But I can feel you when you breathe.
    I still feel like you're breathing.


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