He Wishes for the Cloth of HeavenHe wishes for the Cloth of Heaven
Had I the heavens' embroidered cloths,Enwrought with golden and silver light,The blue and the dim and the dark clothsOf night and light and the half-light,I would spread the cloths under your feet:But I, being poor, have only my dreamsI have spread my dreams under your feetTread softly because you tread on my dreams.
Never Give All The HeartNever give all the Heart
Never give all the heart, for loveWill hardly seem worth thinking ofTo passionate women if it seemCertain, and they never dreamThat it fades out from kiss to kissFor everything that's lovely isBut a brief, dreamy, kind delight.
O never give the heart outright,For they, for all smooth lips can say,Have given their hearts up to the play.And who could play it well enoughIf deaf and dumb and blind with love?He that made this knows all the cost,For he gave all his heart and lost.
The MaskThe Mask
'Put off that mask of burning goldWith emerald eyes.''O no, my dear, you make so boldTo find if hearts be wild and wise,And yet not cold.'
'I would but find what's there to find,Love or deceit.''It was the mask engaged your mind,And after set your heart to beat,Not what's behind.'
'But lest you are my enemy,I must enquire.''O no, my dear, let all that beWhat matter, so there is but fireIn you, in me?'