Безліч снів, як один, Чорний горн кличе всіх... Bezlich sniv, yak one. Chorny Horn, Cry of All, Spogad tsei - nezdіysneny I.
First whistling the culture rozdili my pokіy nazavzhdi My tin dashing.
All the back, ala Kozhnu nich I feel, I’m ready to fight for the battle, From the sky, it fell into a rampage, and they fell, Namagayuchis from the remaining forces trimati zbroyu.
Middle of the fallen mіst-ruzku on kistka danceтер vіter, I check the completion of the tortie.
My sight became my glance, Let us take on the fiend of saints.
I am the middle of living ... I am the middle of living ...
All the back, ala Kozhnu nich I feel, I’m ready to fight for the battle, From the sky, it fell into a rampage, and they fell, Namagayuchis from the remaining forces trimati zbroyu.