AnthemAgain the same old dream,
I wake up in the night
The sound of my own scream
Make me wonder
Why I have to feel
You're walking over me
Even when I sleep
Beast WithinTwo eyes lurk in the darkness
Can you see, can you see that creature
fallen from the greace
Once joyed that feline too
but lingering and the pain came along you
light left no trace
DeliriumSeeking for my truth
Where's the ending where I'm going to?
Am I on my way?
Should I care?
Do I have to face
I am losing my path and trace
All I know for sure
Ever AfterI'm safe and sound in my own bed
and through the dream I hear
A mother's voice, bedtime stories
with endings so beautiful
But Ever after
turns to disaster and shame
Fade To GrayThere you close the door
I've never lost someone before
As clouds always lead to rain
Tears come with the pain
We don't share the bed
And sorry's the only word unsaid
So how can we know at all
Forgotten BrideThis is for the heavy-hearted
Those who've left their love behind
And who have seen
Those who know how pain can be
Sorrow that can't be unwind
Despair of the whole mankind
This love's killing me
Grail of Sahara(Грааль Сахары)
Это история об этой земле
Дюнах, что хранят секрет в песках
Чашу из античной истории
Покрытую вечной загадкой
И истина находится где-то в таинственной земле
If There's No TomorrowIt has been gone
Just too long
Since the sun fell asleep
Everyone's dying
Seeking and trying
To keep their sanity
Kuolemaa Ei TullutkaanNäin tämän kaiken sulle kertoisin
Tuon yli rajojen
Jäin, mutta palaan kuitenkin
Saa vielä taivas odottaa
Me nähdään myöhemmin
LuominenPyrstötähti kaukaa loistaa
Prometheuksen käsky on
Nyt kuunnelkaa:
Luokaa taivas sekä maa!
Työhön käyköön Poseidon
Siihen teillä valta on
Ei levätä saa
Mist Of DawnWe feel it running in our blood and veins
Life withdrawn
Eternal mist of dawn
Leave. it's time to break the chains
Today we will go all the way
And love's all that remains
Come, my love, embrace the death
MysteryLook into his eyes and see
How humble in love he can be
Any given day he's gone
Just when you thought you were one
Was it all a lie of hearts and blind eyes
Illusion of a timeless dream that dies
Niin Vesi VirtaaVeden tumman ren jn
Ja sua kaipaan niinkuin lapset kaipaavat itin
Virta antaa elmn
Kunnes niitt kylmin kourin elon kylvjn
Niin vesi virtaa
Ja se rakkaintain kantaa
Niili, sun suudelmaas
One Wish AwayOnce upon a time
Little girl, ancient light
Had wings so that she could fly
She wished upon a star
Give me safe and guard
I won’t wake if I go too far
Can’t you see what I see?
Promise Me EverythingFor every fallen tear there is a broken dream
After every wasted day there comes the night
As the truth becomes a lie i loose the last sunbeam
And the second wrong makes me feel i'm right
The more i climb to reach the sky, the more i fall
An i feel like i'm best at ruining my own life
When i'm down and out and standing back against the wall
SaharaPalvelijat pahan maan
Salaisuutta kantaa mukanaan
Malja elon ikuisen
Kätkee arvoitukset sydänten
Mun on vain saatava tuo malja pimeyden
Huutaa taas hiekkamyrsky saa
Scars In My HeartWish I had a soul more free than a butterfly
But I am too weak to try
It's over now
All but the crying part
You make me fall apart
Take me down
Wish I had a heart more hard than the hardest stone
SwearI have tried to find out
who is she
The girl in the crowd
the rest call me
by my own name
She has been lost and then found
and I just pray
The End of the SceneThe candles have burned out
Bu the wind is still strong
There's no hand to hold on
The streets lead to nowhere
Darkness has fallen
There's no one to lead on
Uskoo, että valo vielä voittaa
Uhmaa oraakkelin voimaa
Synkän vastauksen saa
Ja vaikka toivoo, et ois
Suuri murhe pois
Uhrilahja.Jättää hiekkamerta taa
Tuo karavaani niin salainen
Pyhät miehet tiedon saa
Tullut on jo aika uhrien
Kuu ja Jupiter kun kohtaa
Niinkuin ennustettu on
Synnit uuteen aikaan johtaa
Viides kuuNiin taruissa muinoin kerrottiin, uskottiin
Kuu nousee
Sen varjoon
Niin moni kuolee
Vaan kuolkoon
Ja voittaa vain rakkaus sen saa
Niin taivasta turhaan pelättiin, rukoiltiin