А я сама, сама, сама. Сама, сама, сама, Сама, сама, сама. А я сама, сама. Vіskі z Lodom p'бо, more nudne life, Seem, rozum є, but he wanted to read bi. Sumuє, kupunov vvet vya.
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Tantsuy, my god, nibi cameras dumb, Bo vіgri - on dvoh, and I myself, myself, Itself, itself.
Right in the heart b'є, vr without natyakіv, Seem, rozum є, but wanted bi lighthouses, Podryapin v_d palts_v, but not v_d sl_v.
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Tantsuy, my god, nibi cameras dumb, Bo vіgri - on dvoh, and I myself, myself, Itself, itself.
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And I myself, myself, myself. Itself, herself, herself, Itself, herself, herself. And I myself, myself.