Arrest Me Or Don'tthe lights are flashin', you yelling at me
put my hands on the wheel like you asked me
got my id, not acting shitty
so why the hell are you starting to harass me?
dancing on one leg, following your pen
walkin' in a straight line, counting backwards from ten
Bullykick me in the shins when i'm playing soccer
stuffin' my lanky ass in a gym locker
punch me in the face when i'm not lookin'
it's my turn to inflict a hurtin'
just wait 'til after class
i've got a knife gonna stab your ass
Buried Aliveif it wasn't for your mother i wouldn't be too old
you could wrap your arms around me but you'd feel i'm just too cold
i've been scratching at the lid of this box right through the mold
like being buried alive oh no
like being buried alive oh no
talking like a pocket preacher all about my soul
Dead To Meyour lotion is poison on this boy's skin
you befriend the demon and let me in
you're dead to me-dead to me-dead to me
a conscience so hollow and full of doubt
reliving years ago when i found out
In The Bathroommeet me in the bathroom
meet me in the bathroom
meet me in the bathroom
meet me in the bathroom
i've got some really good shit
take me to the backroom
take me to the backroom
Keep It Undergroundfalling up
don't give you the right to suck
hold it down
keep it in the underground
bleeding bad
all that pain is just a fad
buy some tits
surround yourself with idiots
Not Good Enoughpulled out of feeling so lonely
got it tough but i won't let it own me
tell me why, can't make it right
not so good at reading your mind
it all seems so very clear to me
throw the memory into the fire
Piss On Mecome on in steal yourself a seat
unload your bad intent on me
bring it on urine for a treat
i get off when you piss on me
get straight to the bottom
of every glass and every bottle
the lewd stream that you feed
Piss You Offhere to piss you off
argue all night long
contradict what you say
& i wont shut up until i get my way
yell & scream until you get real mean and i'm gone
you can bet your ass that i'm gone
Sick Saddlei've got a sickness
can't bear to look you in the eye
send me a witness
so that i know it's not a lie
prying off the handle
scamming up a scandle
flog me with that paddle
Suzy's Eyesthey're as blue as i left them
staring up from her bossom
if they look in your direction
don't welcome the infection
because you can't trust suzy's eyes
oh no you can't trust suzy's eyes
they make a boy try suicide
The Asshole Nowwhy can't you see the way you are when you're without it
whining to me, "a necessity i can't live without it"
the way you perceive yourself to be a victim of it
making others believe she's the anti-christ can't live without it
whose the asshole now?
i remember so clear the night she said we need to talk about it