08 Mass ProductionBefore you go
Do me a favour
Give me a number
Of a girl almost like you
With legs almost like you
I'm buried deep in mass production
You're not nothing new
I like to drive along the freeways
1969Well it's 1969 ok all across the usa
It's another year for me and you
Another year with nothing to do
Last year I was 21 I didn't have a lot of fun
And now I'm gonna be 22 I say oh my and a boo-hoo
It's 1969 ok all across the usa
It's enother year for me and you
Another year with nothing to do
A Machine For LovingTwo weeks after my arrival Fox died just after sunset
I was stretched out on the bed when he approached
And tried painfully to jump up he wagged his tail nervously
Since the beginning he hadn't touched his bowl once
He had lost a lot of weight
I helped him to settle on my lap
For a few seconds he looked at me
American Caesar - Highway SongI been walkin' down the road
What it means I dunno
I been walkin' down the highway
With the bad food flyin by me
I' m an ordinary man
With a time bomb in my hand
It keeps tickin' an I keep runnin
Tryin to find out where I come from
American Caesar - Social LifeNervous you need a drink
Tired you need a lift
You feel on the brink
Maybe you need new tits
American ValhallaI have no plans
I have no debts
The mind is not the carefree set
I'm looking for American Valhalla
So if it passes by
Give me a holler
AngelStill when I was crying
you were on my side
Angel, you can come and see me here tonight
Angel, of course you`re always more than welcome here
Still I`m needing somebody else… again.
Writings up my place
There is nothing much I want to do about it
Angry HillsHeaven it shines in the dawn's early light
In a movement out in the brush
Far out!
Watering graves of the people who read in the book
Of forbidden content
In a gentle way hear the angry hills
Avenue B
Rapper standing on the corner
Wrappers flying in the wind
Waitress up from Alabama
Can't believe the cold she's in
And me, I'm sitting in my castle
On the verge of a divorce
BabyBaby, don't you cry
Baby, I'll sing you a lullabye
We're walking down the
Street of chance
Where the chance is always
Slim or none
And the intentions unjust
Baby It Can't FallYou have loved me with energy
Backed up with hard work and guts
We inhabit eternity
We fly forever in space
The way we run together
The way we breeze the miles
We put our heads together
Beside YouI've been hungry way down in my heart
Waiting for a reason
I've been hungry like a lot of guys
I want to be beside you
Lonely people pass me in the street
Waiting for a reason
Blah-Blah-BlahPop before the war
lunch before the score
steady as she goes
following my nose
I'm a bull mongrel
that's me
Shimon Peres
Break Into Your HeartI’m gonna break into your heart
I’m gonna crawl under your skin
I’m gonna break into your heart
And follow till I see where you begin
Times so tight, it's closing in Forty more hours to go When the tumblers spin
I’m getting in Gonna be time to grow
I’m gonna break into your heart
I’m gonna crawl under your skin
Brick by BrickPeople are so sad and I know why
With no chance to live before you die
You get pretty sick if you have to
Keep it inside
I wanna build a house where an ad don't scream
I wanna live in peace-quietly
I wanna have a place of love and safety
Butt TownThe cops are well-groomed with muscled physiques
In butt town
Their tan uniforms are tailored in chic
In butt town
Any young black male who walks down the street
Is gonna get stopped by a car full of meat
but the girl with the hair flies by in her underwear
Caesarpeople of america
i bring you a great army
to preserve peace
in our empire
throw them to the lions
darling, let us go to the banouet hall...
there will be a great feast tonight!
who are these christians?
CandyIt's a rainy afternoon
Дождливый день
In 1990
1990 год
The big city geez it's been 20 years-
Большой город колется, уже 20 лет,
Candy-you were so fine
Сладкая моя - ты такая хорошая.
CharacterWell, I'll tell you
one good thing at least about some
of these junkies was
they had some character
they may have driven me nuts
sometimes & screwed up
but at least when they played
the damn guitar they'd play it
China GirlI couldn't escape this feeling
With my China Girl
I'm just a wreck without
My little China Girl
I'd hear hearts beating
Loud as thunder
See the stars crashing
Cold MetalI played tag in the auto graveyard
I looked up at the radio tower
Rag tent by the railroad tracks
Concrete poured over steel bridge
Pondered my fate while they built the interstate
I'm a product of America
From the morgue to the prisons
Cold metal, when I start my band
cry for loveStatus seekers - I never cared
once I found out they never dared
to seize the world and shake it upside down
and every stinking bum should wear a crown
Sayin' I cry for love
till all the plates are broken
cry for love
Death Is CertainDeath is the best
Better than all the rest
On the dutiful lies in the rock paradise
Losses and wear and the texture of age
Adds a truth to the heart
And a light to the face
It's good when you don't give as
Much of a fuck
DirtOoh, I've been dirt
And I don't care
Ooh, I've been dirt
And I don't care
'Cause I'm burning inside
'Cause I'm yearning inside
And I'm the fire of life
Dog Food1980
I'm hanging around that same old scene
My girlfriend Betsy she's just fourteen
There's nothing better for me to do
I'm living on dog food
Dog food is so good for you
It makes you strong and clever too
Down On The StreetOoh! wrawgh! huh!
Down on the street where the faces shine
Floatin' around on a real O-mind
Seein' pretty things
Aint no walls
Seein' pretty things
Aint no walls
Dum Dum BoysThings have been tough
Without the dum dum boys
I can't seem to speak
The language
I remember how they
Used to stare at the ground
They looked as if they
Put the whole world
Easy RiderIn the alley where have I grown
Hot night sweats our clothes
My hell is crackin' fire
That's what you inspire
Cruel highway entrance signs
People driving to their lives
Looks like a giant stream
But it's just a dream
Eat Or Be Eaten
I got nothin to eat in this old house
I gotta go out and catch a mouse
I can't be wrong so I gotta be right
It's eat or be eaten
Something's hungry like a hunter
And it's probing like a fingerrr
As the drumbeat keeps things hurrying
Eggs On A PlateOh lord I got eggs on my plate
I got em damn right
I got four walls I live here
Hey I live here
Now this big jew-man uptown
He told me one day
He said, heh boy
You look at that house on the hill
EspanolSoy un gringo
Del pais brutal y frio
Nada de esa mierda
Es mi culpa
Y un dia yo vi la salida
Ya yo hablo espanol
Ya yo hablo espanol
FacadeA little girl trapped in her knowledge and craft
Came tripping to my room last night
I cooked her a steak and I tried not to fake
And still make everything alright
She had dreads in her hair and problems and cares
She tried hard not to let 'em show
She was decent and sweet and I was sizin' up the meat
But doubts fell in my mind like snow
Fall In Love With MeYou look so good to me
Here in this old saloon
Way back in west berlin
A bottle of white wine
White wine and you
A table made of wood
And how I wish you would
Fall in love with me
Fire GirlI loved you when
It was alright
I'll love you when
It all goes wrong
I love you when
My eyes are open
I'll love you when
My eyes are gone
Five Foot OneYeah, I like it
Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!
I'm only five foot one
I got a pain in my neck
I'm looking up in the city
What the hell what the heck
FootballI'm a football baby,
Rollin' round the field.
I've been passed and fumbled,
Till I don't know what I feel.
Everybody's the same,
They're all footballs too.
Setting up the big play
And trying to score.
Fucking AloneFast young girl wants to go
Body s red mouth is whole
Got the worst in the world
But this won t be hassle-free
Lovers kiss in the heat
Body crush basement suite
Mind my eyes behind my hair
Hide my face and look nowhere
hey baby we like your lips
hey baby we like your pants
all aboard for funtime
Hey, I feel lucky tonight
Gimme Danger, Little StrangerGimme danger, little stranger
And I'll feel you bleed
Gimme danger, little stranger
And I'll heal your disease
There's nothing in my dreams
Just some ugly memories
Kiss me like the ocean breeze
I love girls
There all over this world
Like to look at ya
Well I'm gonna tell you about girls.
They're all over this world
Girls Of N.Y.Girls Of N.Y.
There are People there
Trying so hard to find a face
There's a little store on 9th street
That does a complete transvestite makeover
There's people who sew
There's people who blow
Gold[Verse 1]
It's okay, it's alright
The promise of the tongue
Leaving them behind tonight
But I guess this time, I'm doubled up
I'm doubled down again
I got no time to turn it around again
Heart Is SavedGamblin on instincts well here's what I found
Voice from my pocket starts pulling me down
Tells me my bucks ain't enough
And life doesn't have to be rough
But a little white cloud
Tells me what I crave
And the way I feel
Hide AwayI need to touch
a live unbeaten earth
so that's where i'm going
I know a town in N.W. Mexico
where the sun is gold and life exists
hideaway hideaway truly
hideaway hideaway truly
HideawayI need to touch
A live unbeaten earth
So thats where Im going
I know a town in n.w. mexico
Highway SongI been walkin' down the road
What it means I dunno
I been walkin' down the highway
With the bad food flyin by me
I' m an ordinary man
With a time bomb in my hand
It keeps tickin' an I keep runnin
Tryin to find out where I come from
Fuck it
I feel like howling
Got nowhere to turn
They'll kill you
For your spirit
I am a PassengerI am the passenger and I ride and I ride
I ride through the city's backsides
I see the stars come out of the sky
Yeah, the bright and hollow sky
You know it looks so good tonight
I am the passenger
I stay under glass
I Felt The LuxuryShe sat on the pavement
As I pulled in the drive
Wearing leopard skin velvet
And shiny black eyes
"She looks like a sleeper"
Said my wife at the time
She had curls like Delilah
I Need MoreI walk around
I flop uround
I need something that will be found
More venom, more dynamite, more disaster
I need more than I ever did before
But everything is going up in price
My life is going all right up 'til now
I Wana Be Your DogПесня была перепета множество раз, в том числе группами Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Дэвидом Боуи, Pere Ubu, The Primitives, Эмили Саймоном,Sex Pistols,Сидом Вишезом,Ричардом Хэллом
I Wanna Be Your Dog So messed up I want you here
In my room I want you here
Now we're gonna be Face-to-face
And I'll lay right down In my favorite place
And now I wanna be your dog
Now I wanna be your dog
Now I wanna be your dog
Well c'mon
I want to go to the beachI wanna go to the beach
I don't care if it's decadent
I don't know where my spirit went
But that's alright
I wanna go to the deep
'Cause there's nowhere I want to be
And nobody I want to see
I Won't Crap OutI'm standin' in a shadow, hating the world
I keep a wall around me, block out the herd
It's a nerve-wreck placeto be, it kills real
You gotta scrape the concrete off your dick
But we're gonna live so happily
In a faraway place, just you and me
If I don't crap out
I Wonna Be Your DogSo messed up, I want you here
In my room, I want you here
Now we're gonna be face to face
And I'll lie right down in my favorite place
Now I wanna be your dog
Now I wanna be your dog
Now I wanna be your dog
I'm BoredI'm the chairman of the bored,
I'm a lengthy monologue
I'm livin' like a dog
I'm bored
I bore myself to sleep at night
I bore myself in broad daylight coz
I'm Going Away SmilingI'm going away smiling, thinking of our life
How we were good for each other, how we knew
When I came to you, I was all black and blue
You just smiled and said, your love was true
We had a great time, didn't we?
Never knew this is how it would be..
Now the boat is slowly leaving, leaving the life I loved
I'm Going Away Smiling - Я ухожу с улыбкой на устахЯ ухожу с улыбкой на устах,
Размышляя о нашей жизни,
О том, как мы подходили друг другу,
Мы знали об этом.
Когда я пришёл к тебе,
Я был полон грусти и отчаянья,
А ты просто улыбнулась и сказала,
Что твоя любовь — настоящая.
Iggy and the Stooges - Gimme Dangergimme danger, little stranger
and I'll give you a piece
gimme danger, little stranger
and I'll feel your disease
there's nothing in my dreams
Just some ugly memories
kiss me like the ocean breeze
In a death car...In The Death Car
A howling wind is whistling in the night
My dog is growling in the dark
Something's pulling me outside
To ride around in circles
I know that you have got the time
Coz anything I want, you do
In the dea th carПеревод: В катафалке
Ветер дует в ночной мгле
Мой пес рычит в темноте,
Но что-то тянет меня наружу,
И я хожу кругами.
Я знаю, у тебя есть время,
Всё сделано, как мне хотелось.
In The Death CarA howling wind is whistling in the night
My dog is growling in the dark
Something's pulling me outside
To ride around in circles
I know that you have got the time
Coz anything I want, you do
You'll take a ride through the strangers
Who don't understand how to feel
In the Deathcar
A howling wind is whistling in the night,
My dog is growling in the dark…
Something's pulling me outside…
To ride around in circles…
I know that you have got the time…
Coz anything I want, you do.
Innocent worldI used to live in an innocent world
I had a car and a pretty blond girlfriend
We was too young to know what we were doing
And anyway I was just fooling around
Innocent innocent innocent world
Innocent innocent innocent world
Innocent innocent innocent world
InstinctStanding on the borderline
Between joy and reason
Tending carefully my fire
Waiting for my season
I know who these people are
I know what they stand for
Corruption's built into this plan
Nothing's under the other hand
IsolationNeeded you, you were only using
Needing you just tore me down
And here I stand in isolation
feeling emptiness and doubt
walking down the broken highway
sucking sugar plain and sweet
did your mother ever tell you
that the joyful are free
It's Our LoveI found you looking for the rainbow
You found me waiting for a chance
Now we got something good together
A life where we have joined our hands
And there ain't nobody gonna break that
Our love
And there ain't nobody gonna break it
Our love
James BondShe wants to be your James Bond
She wants to be your James Bond
Well, it's not for a price and it's not to be nice
She wants to be your James Bond
She wants to be your James Bond (James Bond)
She wants to be your James Bond
She might stand in your way, but still she'll save the day
She wants to be your James Bond (James Bond)
Je Sais Que Tu SaisJe sais le tremblement
Je sais ta dépense entière
Je sais l'hésitation à me laisser disparaître
Je sais c'est comme ça
Je sais que puis-je y faire ?
L'amour que tu t'es donné
Tu as choisit cette affaire
JealousyHe's got a great big hit he's in a limousine
when i see his face somethin' starts to freeze
he's got money for miles his girl comes out of vogue
when he acts like an ass he's treated like a rogue
i feel it comin' it's flushin' my face
i feel it comin' jealousy baby
i feel it comin' it's boilin my blood
Keep On BelievingI woke up in the quiet dark
Fed the cat and hit the park
Cutest chicest chocolate queen
Look and smiled right at me
Keep on believing, keep on believing
Keep on believing, keep on believing
She said "hi" without no sound
Kill CityWell I live here in kill city where the debris meets the sea
I live here in kill city where the debris meets the sea
It's a playground to the rich, but it's a loaded gun to me
Well I'm sick of keeping quiet and I am the wild boy
I'm sick of keeping quiet and I am the wild boy
But if I have to die here first I'm gonna make some noise
King of the DogsI got a smelly rear
I got a dirty nose
I don't want no shoes
I don't want no clothes
I'm living like the king of the dogs
I got a piece of meat
In between my teeth
Knocking Em Down In the CityWe're seeking employment
We're ready and strong
Knotkin"em down in the city
We're knockin' 'em down
We don't care where they fall
Knockin' 'em down in the city
And we don't tare what your name is
KnuckleheadFancy Apple lap top cost 5 grand
Fresh girl in a T-shirt silll looks best
Travel to a sunny quiet land
Layin' on the beach I miss my pests
Life's turning up the pressure
It's makin' me aggressive
The music sounds like dead ham
La JavanaiseJ'avoue j'en ai bavé pas vous
Mon amour
Avant d'avoir eu vent de vous
Mon amour
Ne vous déplaise
En dansant la Javanaise
Nous nous aimions
Le temps d'une
Les passantesJe veux dédier ce poème
A toutes les femmes qu'on aime
Pendant quelques instants secrets
A celles qu'on connaît à peine
Qu'un destin différent entraîne
Et qu'on ne retrouve jamais
A celle qu'on voit apparaître
Livin' On the Edge Of the NightYou went off the river
Smoke stacks fade to blind
This town's my own, ridin'free and alone
And I'm looking back
Maybe I know some people
Maybe I break some rules
But this is the street, I've got to compete
Baby, I ain't no fool
LooseNow look out
I took a record of pretty music
I went down and baby you can tell
I took a record of pretty music
Now I'm putting it to you straight from hell
I'll stick it deep inside
I'll stick it deep inside
Cause I'm loose
louie louieAnd now...the news:
Louie louie
Oh baby I gotta go
Louie louie
Oh baby I gotta go
The communist world is fallin apart
The capitalists are just breakin hearts
Money is the reason to be
Louie, Louieand now...the news:
louie louie
oh baby i gotta go now
louie louie
oh baby i really gotta go now
the communist world is fallin apart
the capitalists are just breakin hearts
money is the reason to be
LowdownI don't want to throw away my time
Playing games I don't respect or like
I can't give away my sovereignty
To existence with no song of me
And the hole in my heart
I'm lowdown
There's a hole in my heart
Lust For LifeHere comes Johnny Yen again
With the liquor and drugs
And the flesh machine
He's gonna do another striptease
Hey man where'd you get
That lotion? I been hurting
Since I bought the gimmick
About something called love
Main Street EyesThis whole country is scared of failure.
My head keeps trying to sell me ambition.
But in my heart, I want self-respect.
There's a conflict.
Boy, I feel so outgunned today
But I'll get up and fight back, anyway
You and I aare not huge mainstream stars
MaskYou're wearing a mask
You're wearing a mask
You're wearing a mask
You look better that way
You're wearing a mask
You're wearing a mask
You're wearing a mask
You look better that way
Mass ProductionBefore you go
Do me a favour
Give me a number
Of a girl almost like you
With legs almost like you
I’m buried deep in mass production
You’re not nothing new
I like to drive along the freeways
Mixin' The ColorsAll across the continents
Everywhere a soul is sent
A new mix of the races is taking
It's what Hitler didn't like
And it makes a pretty sight
Just look at what you see on your MTV
Out on the edges they' re mixin' the colors
Monster MenFive little monsters were riding through space
Their spaceship broke and they fell into this place
They gotta get out but they don't know how
So they're waiting and waiting in a creepy creepy house
The whole human race is already pretty loony
But the ones who move in this house are gonna go boony
Monsters live on tv never in the zoo
Hang around with us and you'll be a monster too
My Idea Of FunAttention thrills
And then it kills
They make you king
then make you ill
till you're alone
Dead on your throne
So, My Idea of Fun - Is Killing Everyone
Nazi GirlfriendI want to fuck her on the floor
Among my books of ancient lore
So I will make a full report
I got a Nazi Girlfriend
It's not the four-inch heels she wears
It's not her baby-fine blond hair
It's more the desert in her stare
Neighborhood ThreatDown where your paint is cracking
Look down your backstairs buddy
Somebodies living there and
He don't really feel the weather
And he don't share your pleasures
No, he don't share your pleasures
Did you see his eyes?
Did you see his crazy eyes?
Neon ForestI'm sliding like a lizard on my belly and back
It's a miracle I haven't fallen through any cracks
The life on display is trouble for sure
The drugs that I took have made me impure
The neon forest is lighting up
The neon forest is lighting up
My brain
Never Met a Girl Like You BeforeI've never known a girl like you before
Now just like in a song from days of yore
Here you come a knockin', knockin' on my door
And I've never met a girl like you before
You give me just a taste so I want more
Now my hands are bleeding and my knees are raw
Cos you've got me crawlin', crawlin' on the floor
New ValuesI'm healthy as a horse
Ahh, but everything is spinnin'
And if I use a gun I'm sure to go to prison
I'm stubborn as a mule
and nobody breaks my rules
Ahh, but nothin' comes my way.
I've got a hard-ass pair of shoulders
NightclubbingNightclubbing we're nightclubbing
We're what's happening
Nightclubbing we're nightclubbing
We're an ice machine
We see people brand new people
They're something to see
When we're nightclubbing
Bright-white clubbing
Now I Wanna Be Your DogSo messed up
I want you here
In my room
I want you here
Now we're gonna be
And I'll lay right down
In my favorite place
Ordinary BummerLovely games of yesterday
Have left me with my soul today
Felicity flies out the door
When people lose their warmth
That's a very ordinary bummer
I'll hold out for summer days
Stand and laugh and run
PlatonicStrategic angles indirectly revealed
Uniting human form and manufactured heels
Go buy in a hurry, buying your chance
You give your best by loving a classic
Immoderation seems to suit her best
But then I turn around and she's very delicate
Go buy in a hurry, get all you can
Private HellI have a private hell
Of excellent quality
I've dwelt there for years
Playing with my fears
It's tastefull, luxurious,
And full of sexuality
And though they are tears
Pussy PowerAn evil shadow across my brain
A certain buring that makes me insane
She's on my beam oh no she's in my room
She's al around me now and I'm a tool
Pussy power
Pussy power
Pussy power
Pussy WalkThe other day I was walking down 14th Street
It was a beautiful summer day
The sun was shining
And I found myself surrounded by latin american and dark women
And as I looked at their ankles,
Their knees and their thights,
And the curve of their bodies,
Real Cool TimeCan I come over tonight?
Can I come over tonight?
What do you think I want to do?
That's right!
Can I come over tonight?
I say, we will have a real cool time tonight
I say, we will have a real cool time tonight
Real Wild ChildWell I'm just outa school
Like I'm real real cool
Gotta dance like a fool
Got the message that I gotta be
A wild one
Ooh yeah I'm a wild one
Gotta break it loose
Run Like A VillainBig dick is a thumbs-up guy
He shot a missile in the sky
It functioned just as advertised
Until the fire made him cry
Look into it later when the dust is clearing off the crater
Run like a villain, let the good times roll
Run like a villain to the sugar bowl
Run like a villain, 'cause you can't adjust
Search And DestroyIm a street walking cheetah with a heart full of napalm
Im a runaway son of the nuclear a-bomb
I am a worlds forgotten boy
The one who searches and destroys
Honey gotta help me please
Somebody gotta save my soul
Baby detonate for me
ShadesYou gave me a present
The paper was blue and green
I unwrapped it with pleasure
These are the best shades I've ever seen
You can be my girlfriend
Forever and a day
I never thought I was worth much
Or that anyone would treat me this way
Shakin' All OverWhen you move in right up close to me
That's when I get the shivers all over me
Shivers down my backbone
I get the shakes in the thighbone
Shivers in my knee bone
Shakin' all over
Just the way you say goodnight to me
Shoeshine girlOne day as I was walking
Through an airport corridor
I saw a comely goth girl
With tattos on her form
She gezed up with her pretty white fece
And shone her eyes on me
She shined my shoes and then I knew
That I would spellbound be
Sicknesshey little girl you' re black and blue
hey little girl you 're six foot two
i know a man who loved too hard
he lost his mind it wasn' t hard
over this slckness
over this slckness
over this slckness
this slckness of love
Sister MidnightCalling Sister Midnight
You've got me reaching for the moon
Calling Sister Midnight
You've got me playing the fool
Calling Sister Midnight
Calling Sister Midnight
Can you hear me call
SixteenSweet Sixteen in leather boots
Body and soul I go crazy
Baby, baby I'm hungry Sweet Sixteen
Funky bar all full of faces
Pretty faces, beautiful faces
Body and soul, body and soul, I give to you
Skull RingSkull rings
Fast cars
Hot chicks
Skull rings
Fast cars
Hot chicks
Social LifeNervous you need a drink
tired you need a lift
you feel on the brink
maybe you need new tits
vulnerable as a ship
but you re not on the sea
can you talk to anyone here?
Some Weird SinWell, I never got my license to live
They won't give it up
So I stand at the world's edge
I'm trying to break in
Oh, I know it's not for me
And the sight of it all
Makes me sad and ill
SquareheadYou can kick me out of a real good jive
You can use my friendship like a doorknob
You can make me super Styrofoam
You can make me feel all alone
You can stuff hamburger in my head
But I ain't gonna be no squarehead
You can tempt me with a pretty girl
Strong Girl OST Любовники с нового мостаI need a strong girl
Cause war's where I'm going
I need a war girl
Who wants to show 'em
Good people want to be
Really what they are
But if you try, you will fry
SuccessHere comes success, here comes success
Over my hill, over my hill
Here comes success, here comes success
Here comes my car, here comes my car
Here comes my Chinese rug, here comes my Chinese rug
Here comes success, here comes success
In the last ditch, in the last ditch
SundayThis house, is as slick as a senator statement
This job is a masquerade of recreation
Like a wreck, I'm sinking fast
The key to everything
I crawl for Sunday
When I don't have to move
Caught up in dreams untangled one day
Where I don't have to prove
SyracuseJ'aimerais tant voir Syracuse
L'île de Pâques et Kairouan
Et les grands oiseaux qui s'amusent
A glisser l'aile sous le vent.
Voir les jardins de Babylone
Et le palais du grand Lama
Rêver des amants de Vérone
Take Care of MeI've been working a long long time
Now I'm caught in a wicked bind
You offered love but I threw that out
I couldn't hear you I was too busy shouting
Like a laughing hyena run out of breath
I shot my rocks off 'til there's nothing left
It's an old old story I suppose
Talking SnakeLook what you have done,
Ruined every single one.
See what fools they are,
Jealous of a simple star.
Feel the 4 winds blow,
Let the sword hang low (baby)
Life's to take,
The EndlessOh baby, what a place to be
In the service of the bourgeoisie
Where can my believers be
I wanna jump into the endless sea
Oh, oh the endless sea
Oh, oh the endless sea
I wanna jump into the endless sea
The Horse SongI never saw you before
I never sound strained before
Now i'm at your door
And i hope you're unusual
Very unusual
Now i'm at your door
And when you nicely ask me in
The PassengerI am the passenger and I ride and I ride
I ride through the city's backsides
I see the stars come out of the sky
Yeah, the bright and hollow sky
You know it looks so good tonight
I am the passenger
I stay under glass
The VillagersThe villagers are out tonight
Uptight and bored
They're pushing you
On wintry days they stand and gaze
Outlines in black and ignorant
Dark shadows house a sleepy malice
Tiny GirlsWell the day begins
You don't want to live
'Cause you can't believe
In the one you're with
'Cause you know her tricks
And you know her past
When she makes a face
You just have to laugh
To BelongA bird is sitting on the pavement
Someone broke his wing
Now that bird is going nowhere
And he's suffering
Now I understand the setup
I see everything
And the only way to go
Tom TomHey little one
You've got the way
I ain't doing nothin'
That's so important
I'd like to know how you deal
Oh when I worry to darken
If I can't get in your show
Tuff BabyPsst, psst, hey girl
Just come here, come on, come here
I love your hair
Your pearly smile
Your icing scan
Society's vile
Insect cars
Turn BlueSee a black Eldorado
Oh, rolling along down below my window
That black girl in the back looks pretty good
Christ! She's beautiful
You know how soft she is
Just what you feel like
Oh, I'm so far away from her
Uglyyyy !
C'mon ! Yeah ! hey ! all right
You got an ugly ass guy,
He got a problem with his dick.
You got a song with no soul,
Fucking don't mean a thing.
We Are The PeopleWe are the people without land
We are the people without tradition
We are the people
Who do not know how to die peacefully and at ease
We are the thoughts of sorrows
Endings of tomorrows
We are the wisps of rulers
And the jokers of kings
WhateverI'm sittin' like a stone
On a solitary evening
Without my girl
Life has no meaning
She didn't say why
And she didn't say what for
she just said "I've been thinking it over"
And whatever,
Winners And LosersWinners and losers which one am I,
is it the same under the sky?
black motorcycles and the will to survive
losers and winners low and high
in this glass and wire world
surely leeches gain the right
to send their message screaming
one that has no meaning
Порвали парусit was long ago,
seems like a dream.
the day I sucked the air
from a bottle of whipped cream
and i got real high
and things got real slow
and i started talking like this
what's going on?
Про чистую и прекрасную мечтуВ МЕРТВОМ АВТОМОБИЛЕ
(Вольный перевод)
Жуткий ветер свистит в ночи.
На кого там мой пёс рычит?
Что-то тянет меня из дома –
НарезАть круги просто так.
Детка, это тебе знакомо?