Crimson1. Redefine my life
Try to make me cry
I’m dead inside
This is none of your business
Is it? Feel it, get it, take it
Left confound by inner faith
Eat it, feel it, get it, take it,
Hatred Cultivation1.
Hate, there's so much hate in me
Demise of sanity
I fell like I am sinking
Hatred that you've been cultivating
Maniac Chase1.
Tonight's the night again
Something is deep inside me
Wants me to run, wants me to hide
Wants me to stay, Wants me to fight
I've never felt this way
Looking for the prey - it is you.
The Curse1.
Dawning horror, no respite from pain
Makes me wonder, have I gone insane?
How long I’ve been deprived of sleep?
Maybe days have passed, maybe weeks.
No one has known this madness
Серые стеныСерые Стены
Серые стены мертвых домов
Склепы наших мечтаний и снов
Горькие мысли о странной судьбе
Это осталось мне и тебе
Я Остался ОдинОстался Один
Лед покрывший душу
И улиц белый снег
Белый мир стал серым
Когда жизни нет
Вьюга острой бритвой