Anko familyIceland: DAAAANNNNNN!
Denway: Huh?
Iceland: Nore! Nore!
Italy: Huh, they’re here!?
Bon OdoriAxis: WA! WA! Wa!!
Italy: (Sooreesore SOLE!)
Allies: WA! WA! Wa!!
Russia: (Sore soRen!)
Dream Journey茜さす遠き夢
Ephemeral FlowersHappiness and joy
Sorrow and sadness
You and I
We shattered together
Shared for a time
But suddenly faltered
Was it all a dream?
Hatafutte ParadeС белым флагом правая рука
А в другой канечно ПАСТААА~
Выше флаги, выше флаги, мы же на параде.
В этом чудесном мире, все за мной!
Просто взяться за руки и дружно в круг встать надо.
Это так вращается наш шар земной!
Marukaite ChikyuuHey hey papa, give me wine!
Hey hey mama, hey hey mama!
I can't forget the taste,
Of the bolognese I ate before!
Draw a circle, there's Earth!
Draw a circle, there's Earth!
Draw a circle, there's Earth!
Marukaite Chikyuu China InstrumentalWei wei baba laojiu dou aru
Wei wei mama wei wei mama
Mukashi ni tabeta chao fan no
Ano aji ga wasurerarenai aru
Marukaite chikyuu
Marukaite chikyuu
Marukaite chikyuu
Marukaite Chikyuu France InstrumentalNe ne Papa vine s'il vous plaît
Ne ne Maman ne ne Maman
Mukashi tabeta Peau-au-feu no ano aji ga wasurerarenain da
Marukaite chikyuu
Marukaite chikyuu
Marukaite chikyuu
Ore Furansu
Marukaite Chikyuu Germany InstrumentalOi Oi Vati BIIRU wo choudai
Oi Oi Mutti Oi Oi Mutti
Mukashi ni kureta WURUSUTO no
Ano aji ga wasurerarenainda
Marukaite chikyuu
Marukaite chikyuu
Marukaite chikyuu
Resting with AmericaUS: Hey! It's you, huh? Asking me to save you...Ha Ha Ha! Even if you're inclined to worry, the Hero is already here so there's no need! Okay! Where are the bad guys? I'll exterminate them for you with a huge KA-POW!
Huh? Am I wrong? About what? Whaaaat? You don't need me to chase them out? And I was really looking forward to it, too. Ah-! You wanna eat a hamburger? ..okay! I'll eat them myself!
Ooh~ I see. You can't get to sleep, so you'd like me to help put you to sleep. Mission accepted! Do you have any sort of request? ..oh, mhm, ahah, okay, hmm, mhm, aaah~ Okay, I get it, mhm, mhm.. Okay! If we just count sheep, that should do the trick, yeah? You're just like England, suggesting such a classic go-to-sleep method, but I'm a Hero, y'know, so I'll definitely grant your request!
Have you finished preparations? Okay, then hurry up and get into bed. I'm gonna start counting!
One SHEEP! Two sheep, three sheep, four sheep, five sheep YAY! SIX SHEEP! Seven sheep, eight sheep! Nine sheep, TE~N SHEEP!
How was that? My counting definitely makes you want to doesn't? Ha Ha Ha! Don't worry about it! We're only at ten sheep, after all. We'll just start where we left off. YOOHOO!
Huh? What is it? Eeeeeh? You don't like the way I count? Well, actually, England said the exact same thing the last time I did that, but..really, you guys! I guess it can't be helped.. Okay! I don't really like slow, deliberate counting, but I'll try!
Eleven sheep. Twelve sheep. Thirteen sheep. Fourteen sheep. Fifteen sheep. Sixteen sheep. Seventeen sheep. Eighteen sheep. Nineteen sheep. Twenty sheep.
Resting with EnglandА? Вы? Тот, кто хочет, чтобы я считал овец, я полагаю. Боже ... Почему я должен делать все эти вещи ... Нет, я понимаю, что ты хочешь, чтобы я считал овец, так как ты не можеш спать, просто, почему ты не в состоянии рассуждать.Это немного проблематично.Эй. Почему ты плачешь? ... / / Я не знал...Эй, используй этот платок ... Что ... Ты в порядке? .... Или ты все еще расстроена,что не можеш заснуть ... Н-да. Вы зевали и это. ..... ты .... Ты издеваешься ... Я думал, ты серьезно ... Черт возьми. Эй, что угодно, простопопробуй заснуть. Я буду рассчитывать на вас, я имею в виду овец. Зевота, как это было ..... интенсивным. Не пойми меня неправильно здесь,,, я не пошел домой еще и ты не могла спать ... Поэтому я делаю это ... вот и все .... Я, не делаю это только для вас или что-нибудь ... Хорошо . Все готово? Хорошо, я буду считать сейчас.
После 10 овец: Ты сказала, что не могла спать, так почему бы не торопиться и сделать это. Боже ... Ну это нормально, я думаю. Тем не менее ты не можешь спать ... Я вижу. Я не хочу думать о том, как Америка считал раньше ... но ... это было отчасти долгом слушать его, когда он был ребенком ... Хм? О, я просто задумался ... В любом случае, я буду продолжать теперь.
После 20 овец: [Ну, как в середине, галлюцинации Англии, я имею в виду, друзья, решили нанести ему визит ....] Вы? Вы пришли ко мне в гости сюда? Ну, я помогаю ей считать овец, вы что не видите? Кажется, что вы слушали слишком ~ эту девушку? Совершенно мило, право. У нас есть все эти в моем доме, вы можете увидеть их все ~ Ваши такая милая эльфийка [Он говорил с ним, или вы ... LOL] [Как, что происходит. В принципе, он извиняется перед ним за то, что домой поздно и говорит ему, чтобы быть осторожными на дороге домой ..Затем он говорит с вами как будто ничего не произошло.] Ха. Мне плохо. Итак, вы закрыли глаза все в порядке? Ладно, хорошо. [Затем он уродов о с просьбой, если у вас есть какие-то волшебные существа вокруг вас] Что случилось с этим лицом ... Хорошо, я?Я просто закончу подсчет. Мы около 20 правильно? Хорошо. Здесь идет.
После 30: Хех. Ах, мне плохо. Просто вспомнил что-то из прошлого, вот и все. Я сделал это, когда я не мог спать. В некотором смысле, это вызывает воспоминания, вы знаете ... Да так, ничего .... не беспокойтесь.Я собираюсь закончить эту считалку , так что закрой глаза. Ок. Хорошо.
Resting with FranceHa.. Bon soir!
Aren't you the one who could not sleep? *chuckles* You know, your sleepless night could become so luscious that it will forever echoes in your mind. And Big brother thinks it wouldn't harm at all! Though, it is pretty bold of you, requesting me to put you to sleep. Now now, I understand.. Even though you're kind of nervous, you still wish for a sweet, sweet night present, am I right?
Huh? Why would you want that? Quick, Big brother wants to hear you say it yourself!
Hmm? What's with that tiny voice.. I can't hear you clearly that way. Come, whisper it into my ears..
..I see, so it's sheep you want to..
Wait, sheeps??!
Hey, hey! All you wanted from me was only to count you sheeps so that you can sleep??? Too bad.. why didn't I notice in the first place? *sigh* My, how can I turn away when you're giving me such a look with those sparkling eyes of yours? I guess I just can't leave you like that.
Alright. I will count for you.
Resting With GermanyGermany: Hmm? Are you the one who requested me to count sheep to you because you couldn't fall asleep.
*affirmative pause*
Germany: Good. Then let me hear your reason as to why you can't fall asleep!
*huh pause*
Resting with PrussiaJust how awesome, oh awesome, I am? I am as awesome as awesome me can be!*opens door*
Yo, excuse me! Oh, you must be the poor soul who said you couldn't sleep! You certainly are a smart cookie to ask me to count sheep to you! After all, I am the best sheep counter in the world! Kesesesese~! Now your ears shall listen to counting as cool as a baby chick! You're definitely going to fall into that category! The category of sleeping after I count 10, no wait,
five sheep! Well, just leave everything to me! I plan to follow through with what I just said! I'll make sure you fall asleep,no matter what it takes! Now then, are you ready to sleep? Oh, not yet? I see. That's fine. Mosey on into bed, now! Hey now, cover up with your blanket properly! It's not okay! What are you gonna do if you caught a cold? Listen up! If you give a cold an inch, it'll take a mile! When you don't get enough sleep, your body's, uh, your body's, uh, what was it, uh, your body's thingamabob gets weak and it'll be easier to catch a cold! We can't have your body temparature going down too! In Japan, they say that, uhh, uhh, In Japan,
the cold is the source of the whatchamacallit... Oh yeah, now I remember! The cold is the source of all diseases... or something like that. I got that one from my little brother some time ago. Well, I am just trying to remember this second-hand, but you should listen
to this advice! All right? : Good, you're as snug as a bug! I'm counting now!*Counts 10 sheep.* How was that? Perfect, wasn't it? Oh, I understand just how you feel! You're trying your hardest to stay awake just to
hear my awesome counting! You've certainly done an excellent job to not sleep at 5 sheep! However, you should stop doing that for today and get some sleep! I'm going to count again! All right, I'm putting you to sleep this time!*Counts 20 sheep.* All right, mission complete. Now then, I shall make an awesomely quiet ex-
Wait, how can you still be awake even after hearing my perfect counting? You can't sleep? Did you take too much naps or something? No? Then what is it?
I see. I guess you can be so tired that you end up wide awake. *sighs* Everyone never seems to listen
Resting with RomanoRomano: What the hell? Why am I here?
*reply pause*
Romano: Huh? You can't sleep? Like I care! What the hell do you want me to do?
*answer pause*
Romano: No, but why do I have to count sheep to you anyways?
*stink eye*
Romano: What?
Resting with RussiaYo! The one who can’t sleep is you, right? What’s wrong? You’re in such a warm place, why can’t you sleep? [There should be no problems!!] Ahh…You just can’t sleep, huh? So, that’s why im here, right? To count sheep. Alright. Then– Heh? Why are you looking at me? Could is possibly be, you think there’s no way I’ll do it? Aha, Dont worry, I’ll do it. It’s really interesting [blahblah] No worries~ But, since I’m here to count sheep..If you really can’t sleep…..KOLKOLKOLKOLKOLKOLKOL. You will try hard too, right? ^-^ [etc] Alright, all ready. Lets start~
After 10: Hmm…It looks like 10 isn’t gonna get you asleep, huh..Can I talk to you for a sec? Sheep, you know, when I went over to China’s or England, there’s a lot of sheep. It’s a nice image. But you know, over in my place, it’s not the same. You know that? Over at my place….[he rambles about the sheep and all that jazz. Repeating] It’s kind of interesting. Okay, I’ll get going. Shut your eyes.
After 20 sheep: Heh? Is it possible your already asleep? I had a few more to go. Was my counting that good…[Starts talking about stuff in Russia. Rambling...^^] He says that if you go over to his place, he’d count sheep everyday. Dont be so shy, since EVERYONE WILL BECOME ONE WITH RUSSIA ANYWAY. [GOD, HE SAYS THAT SO HAPPILY.] RIGHT?…….I see…No, huh…Alright, alright, I’ll continue. Just a little more~ [blahblah]
After 30: Ah yeah, if you come over my house to play…It’s definitally cold, but there’s such good borscht and stuff, it’s a good place!…Definitaly come–Hm?…You awake? Heeeeey~…..Aha…it doesnt seem if your fully out…I guess I can count 10 more for you. Alright~
Resting with VenecianoItaly: Huh, what's wrong?
*answer pause*
Italy: Uh-huh. I see. It must be tough to not be able to sleep. I had trouble sleeping not too long ago, too. I was having trouble sleeping during my siesta, but my bro counted sheep...
Italy: *light bulb* That's it! Did you know that if you count sheep when you can't sleep, you'll fall asleep in a few moments? Would you like me to count sheep for you?
*answer pause*
Italy: Hehehe~, you don't need to be shy. I'll count for you, so close your eyes now. Here I go!
*Counts until 1:29. Counts 10 sheep.*
Italy: Sheep are so fluffy and adorable. Not only are they cute, but the cheese made from sheep's milk is delicious.
UNITED NATIONSAtsumae chaeba rengou!
Barabara datte rengou!
America : Yaru toki wa, yaru zo!
Ikioi ni makasete
(Ah!) (Ah!) (Ah!) (Ah!)
france : Efferutou kara Ma Cherie,Bonjour!
China : Kousa ni fuka re te Dajahao !
United Nations StarAll: Atsumae chae ba ☆ rengou! Barabara datte ☆ rengou!
America: "Yaru toki ha, yaru zo!!!"
All: Ikioi ni makasete!
England: Ah
England & France: Ah
England, France & China: Ah
England, France, China & Russia: Ah
America: "Duruffu ~!!!"