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  • Текст песни Helloween - Murderer

    Исполнитель: Helloween
    Название песни: Murderer
    Дата добавления: 21.02.2015 | 08:50:15
    Просмотров: 20
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Helloween - Murderer, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    He said get out of here nobody wants you here
    You smashed his head and the man died
    And there's a murmur loud
    From the appearing crowd
    Searching for motives and reasons why
    Now take a look at yourself and you'll see
    What you are in the eyes of the world
    You didn't want it but now he is dead
    And you're on the run from the law


    You're a murderer in every town
    murderer to the whole world
    murderer you're on the run
    murderer you'll have to kill...again

    And like an animal which escaped from the cage
    They're hunting you over their holy land
    Traps waiting everywhere you fall in deep despair
    Darkness and night your only friends

    One day the chase will be over for you
    And you'll find your own peace in the end
    Some day you will find a sanctuary
    Death!...but so long my friend...


    Look for a safe place where noone will find you
    And try to escape from the law
    Wherever you are there's a killer behind you
    Wanting to get you for sure
    To lose the fear that one day he will get you
    Be faster and kill him and run
    Now you don't have to fear him no more
    But in his place another headhunter will come
    ...run away!!!


    Он сказал убирайся отсюда, никто не хочет тебя видеть здесь
    Ты разбил его голову, и этот человек умер
    И громкий ропот
    От появляющейся толпы
    Поиск мотивов и причин, почему
    Теперь посмотри на себя, и ты увидешь
    Что ты находишься на глазах всего мира
    Ты не хотел этого, но теперь он мертв
    И ты в бегах от закона

    Ты - убийца в каждом городе
    Убийца в целом мире
    Убийца в бегах
    Убийца ты должен будешь убить... снова

    И как животное, которое сбежало из клетки
    Они охотятся на тебя по своей Святой земле
    Ловушки, ждущие всюду, ты падаешь в глубоком отчаянии
    Темнота и ночь твои единственные друзья
    Однажды преследование будет закончено для тебя
    И ты найдешь свой собственный мир в конце
    Однажды ты найдешь приют
    Смерть!... но еще так долго мой друг...

    Ты - убийца в каждом городе
    Убийца в целом мире
    Убийца в бегах
    Убийца ты должен будешь убить... снова

    Ищи безопасное место, где никто не найдет тебя
    И пробуй сбежать от закона
    Везде, где ты есть убийца позади тебя
    Желает получить тебя наверняка
    Что бы потерять страх, что однажды он появиться
    Будь быстрее и убей его и беги
    Теперь ты не должны бояться его больше
    Но на его место придет другой охотник за головами
    ... беги прочь !!!
    He said get out of here nobody wants you here
    You smashed his head and the man died
    And there's a murmur loud
    From the appearing crowd
    Searching for motives and reasons why
    Now take a look at yourself and you'll see
    What you are in the eyes of the world
    You did not want it but now he is dead
    And you're on the run from the law


    You're a murderer in every town
    murderer to the whole world
    murderer you're on the run
    murderer you'll have to kill ... again

    And like an animal which escaped from the cage
    They're hunting you over their holy land
    Traps waiting everywhere you fall in deep despair
    Darkness and night your only friends

    One day the chase will be over for you
    And you'll find your own peace in the end
    Some day you will find a sanctuary
    Death! ... But so long my friend ...


    Look for a safe place where noone will find you
    And try to escape from the law
    Wherever you are there's a killer behind you
    Wanting to get you for sure
    To lose the fear that one day he will get you
    Be faster and kill him and run
    Now you do not have to fear him no more
    But in his place another headhunter will come
    ... run away !!!


    He said get out of here , no one wants to see you here
    You broke his head , and the man died
    And a loud murmur
    Emerging from the crowd
    Search the motives and reasons why
    Now look at yourself , and you are here to get
    That you are in front of the whole world
    You do not like it, but now he's dead
    And you're on the run from the law

    You - the killer in every city
    Killer in the whole world
    Killer on the run
    Killer you'll have to kill again ...

    And as an animal that escaped from its cage
    They prey on you in their Holy Land
    Trap waiting everywhere you fall into deep despair
    The darkness of the night and your only friends
    Once the prosecution is finished for you
    And you will find a world of its own at the end of
    Once you find a shelter
    Death ! ... But still so long my friend ...

    You - the killer in every city
    Killer in the whole world
    Killer on the run
    Killer you'll have to kill again ...

    Look for a safe place where no one will find you
    And tries to escape from the law
    Wherever you have a killer behind you
    You probably would like to receive
    What would you lose the fear that one day he appear
    Be faster and kill him and run
    Now you do not have to be afraid of him anymore
    But in its place comes another bounty hunter
    ... Run away !!!


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