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  • Текст песни Heaven Shall Burn - Architect Of The Apocalypse

    Исполнитель: Heaven Shall Burn
    Название песни: Architect Of The Apocalypse
    Дата добавления: 07.06.2020 | 05:46:07
    Просмотров: 9
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    Здесь расположен текст песни Heaven Shall Burn - Architect Of The Apocalypse, перевод и видео.

    Кто круче?

    Greed and addiction drowned their pity
    Washed away their thoughts of compassion and regret
    A world left wounded, slaved and raped
    Your paradise is hell for your descendants

    Cathedrals of justice in a kingdom of hypocrisy
    Castles of self-righteousness built on graves

    Masses kept in forlorn, nations laid to waste
    The dynamo of northern golden age
    Darkened our future, blinded by greed
    Sold your fate to the highest price

    I don't believe in you!
    You are the enemy!
    A rush into our doom, as if your God came down
    And cures all failure

    Жадность и прибавление затопили их жалость
    Вымыли прочь их мысли о сострадании и раскаянии
    Мир остался израненным, порабощённым и изнасилованным
    Ваш рай – ад для ваших потомков

    Соборы правосудия в королевстве лицемерия
    Замки самопровозглашенной добродетельности, построенные на могилах

    Массы сохраняют в заброшенности, нации низведены до отходов
    Динамо северного золотого века
    Омрачило наше будущее, ослеплённое жадностью,
    Продавшее вашу судьбу по высочайшей цене

    Я не верю в вас!
    Вы – враг!
    Бросок в вашу судьбу, как если бы ваш Бог спустился,
    И исцелил всё неудавшееся
    Greed and addiction drowned their pity
    Washed away their thoughts of compassion and regret
    A world left wounded, slaved and raped
    Your paradise is hell for your descendants

    Cathedrals of justice in a kingdom of hypocrisy
    Castles of self-righteousness built on graves

    Masses kept in forlorn, nations laid to waste
    The dynamo of northern golden age
    Darkened our future, blinded by greed
    Sold your fate to the highest price

    I don't believe in you!
    You are the enemy!
    A rush into our doom, as if your God came down
    And cures all failure

    Greed and adding flooded their pity
    Their thoughts of compassion and remorse washed away
    The world has remained wounded, enslaved and raped
    Your paradise is hell for your descendants

    Cathedrals of justice in the kingdom of hypocrisy
    Castles of self-proclaimed virtue built on graves

    Masses are left in deserts, nations are reduced to waste
    Dynamo of the Northern Golden Age
    Clouded our future, blinded by greed,
    Selling your fate at the highest price

    I do not believe in you!
    You are the enemy!
    Throw in your fate, as if your God came down,
    And healed everything that failed


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