DeclarationHere it is. Our confrontation
To eradicate the evil. A declaration.
Animals claimed to vivisection every day.
Used and abused, then euthanized.
The earth stripped clean for its prized possessions.
For a brutal society, filled with greed and deception.
By any means necessary we will attack.
We will fight for them, because they can’t fight back.
Declaration Of Warhere it is. our confrontation.
to eradicate the evil. a declaration.
animals claimed to vivisection everyday.
used and abused then euthanized.
the earth stripped clean for its prized possesions.
for a brutal society filled with greed and deception.
by any means neccassary. we will attack.
Disinfect-Disinfection- cleansing the earth- ecotage-a rebirth- a violent reaction is whats in store- to relinquish the evil that i bring- the rapid destruction of our forest for grazing land- against the tools of destruction- is where we will take our stand- depletion of our resources- black death injected into the sky- losing our right to breath- being sentence to die- the earth is choking our sins- complaceny has no place- we must end these thoughts of superiority- that plague the human race- crazed by total destruction- mother earth is not our whore- the indignities forced upon her- we can no longer- no longer ignore- disifection- cleansing of the earth- ecotage- a rebirth- a violent reaction is whats in store- to relinquish the evil that i bring- something must be done- about this intolerable situation- encircled by disaster- heading towards annihilation- our rage is a disinfect- to cleanse the evil that rapes the land- all this global devestation- cleansing the earth- ecotage- a rebirth- a violent is whats in store- to relinquish the evil that i harbor- something must be done- about this untolerable situation- encircled by disaster- heading towards annihilation- our rage is a disinfect- to cleanse this evil that rapes this land- all this global devestation- we must reprimand- attack the mechanical monster that destroy all in their path- make them feel our vengeance- make them feel- the ecorage
Дезинфекция, очищение Земли.
Экотаж, перерождение.
Жестокий протест это единственное, что осталось, чтобы смягчить зло, которое я приношу.
Стремительная вырубка наших лесов ради расчистки территории, орудие разрушения.
Здесь мы встанем в полный рост.
Истощение ресурсов, яд впрыснутый в небеса.
Sea Of BloodDeath cast upon them. their death, your commodity. tortured and enslaved in a world of inhumanity. condemned to a world of darkness. a realm of cruelty and pain. incessant murder of victims. murderers, you wont go unblamed. a sea of blood arises. death becomes their reality. unkowingly bestowed upon them. a demonic destiny. slaves on a factory farm. deprived of their instinct. driven insane. slaughtered in the temple of death. disillusion of pain. a sea of blood arises. death becomes their reality. unkowingly bestowed upon them. a demonic destiny. condemned to a world of darkness. a realm of cruelty and pain. as the temple doors close. too terrified to take the last breath. the final end to their suffering. their death. our insurrection is being established. a battle for the animals that are scorned. no longer can we let this conquered flesh be torn. to inflict this pain. you have no right. in defense of the sentiment. it's a war that we will fight. we will win this war
Смерть отбросила тень на них всех. В их гибели находится твоё удобство.
Замученные и порабощённые бесчеловечным миром,
Они обречены на существование в полной темноте, в королевстве жестокости и боли.
Непрерывное уничтожение жертв... Убийцы, вы не уйдёте безнаказанными.
Море крови наполняется, смерть становится для них реальностью.