A New Days Fire Night, longest night, the eve of our dismay
In silence we rise with dawns cold light
Cherished thoughts of home, an image of hope untold
Inside our spirits ignite the flame to keep us alive
"By lamplight i write to thee
Not words of joy but solemn misery
Our blood has stained this sodden land
A Poisoned SeedThere at the end where the lost ones are gathered
Stripped of refinement and free of all pride
If destiny allows me a place among them
It's there I hope to find her haunting smile once more
This ageing flesh so cold and worn
A fragile shell of a life forlorn
A shadow of the ghosts of old
Gathering Storm Is this storm that gathers deep within our minds merely a breeze on the outside?
Or could it be a calm that eases thoughts inside yet rages over all our kind?
And draw from former days that which once was ours before the taste was soured
And long for better days when all around is calm...and dare to dream once more
In this wretched storms all seeing eye
A thousand pearls of hate reside
For the will of one no longer thrives but lies battered and swathed in shame
Her Haunting SmileSo sad I grieve alone
For from this heart all love has gone
And though these words are laced
The kiss I gave was forever
Withered are the Autumn leaves
The leaves that once filled the trees
In our lonesome Summer meadow
Alas her elegance forsakes her too
Rise...Fallen Skies Through this valley of darknedd I walk alone
Yet there is nothing I fear within the warmth of this eternal bliss
Tears fall from the heavens but they can never wash away the fires that burn inside
Wallow not in sanctum so dear
With joy inside, no fallen tears
Personified my tortured soul
Rapturous in radiance, whole
Silence AwakensMy delusion undying, my whispers entrance
My rage pales in moonlight, where the dark waters dance
Awake in anger to swallow grief
In Hells creation not gods disease
Anointed hatred, a voice redressed
Just silent wander in timeless unrest
The Sirens RefrainThey dug too deep....something was awoken from its slumber beneath the dirt of the Earth. Something was disturbed, something was released. With the shackles of rock and soil removed it tasted once more the sweetness of Autumnal air.
And so with this new-found freedom began the unstoppable chain of events that has led to the long awaited, perhaps forgotten return of the sons of nothing but misery, loss, woe and despair.....yet always just a glimmer of hope.
These Hands Defiled Morning breaks, my finest hour, one step nearer my god
Beside my love rests still, she knows not what lies ahead
Before the end of this day we'll leave this earth... by my hand
See these hands unfold and reach before you
Feel the lines within and hear their story
Touch the flesh so worn, still reaching for you
Take their warmth and know that they are yours